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Everything posted by pattayasan

  1. The right just love the sloganeering. It's football fan kind of juvenile I think.
  2. That doesn't mean they think Trump can fix it. They thought the same when Trump was president. I've never seen a poll which said it was heading in the right direction.
  3. If the $ goes up further it's because bond yields are rising. Inflation is not going away.
  4. Trump has exposed his abject incivility and repulsive character for so long now that ordinary people can't stomach him any longer. It's no longer possible for any objective publication to give him a pass.
  5. Allowing Russia to take all of Ukraine is a guarantee that ww3 will happen. There is no way Europe will tolerate that. Stopping militaristic imperialism is the only way to peace. Notice there was prolonged peace after Germany and Japan were stopped at the point of a gun.
  6. Seriously? Are you disputing that Trump is documented as telling over 30,000 lies just when he was president, let alone since? The NYT famously kept a tally of them, are you not aware of that?
  7. They are legacy media.
  8. Do you think the majority of political interviews are simply cut and broadcasted as is? honestly?
  9. Nobody on the left will be paying any attention to this let alone embracing them. "There are fine people on both sides" is still ringing in peoples ears.
  10. There has been a large drain running the length of beach road for 3 or 4 years now. It doesn't drain into the ocean. It is instead pumped into the ocean by large pumps situated near walking street and soi 6. The sea water doesn't drain back into the drains because there's a sea wall between the ocean and the drains.
  11. It'd be more credible if he criticized Trump and left it at that. None of that disillusionment translates into support for Harris. This screams ulterior motive. If if was just one extremist nazi suddenly endorsing Harris it might pass under the radar but two within hours stretches credulity.
  12. I don't believe the multiple nazis leaving Trump trump at the 11th hour is real at all. I think it's a last ditch attempt by Trump to wash off the nazi stink before the election. The desperation is palpable.
  13. Well, this is unusual. In one day we have not one but two far right white supremacists suddenly disavow Trump and come out supporting Harris based on some bull<deleted> made up excuse. First we have Richard Spencer and now Nick Fuentes. I have to say this is highly creative. https://www.rawstory.com/nick-fuentes-2669567900/
  14. I'm quite sure they did edit them. The vast majority of them.
  15. The absolute highlight of those years was the day he stood before the nation and declared "It'll be gone by Easter".
  16. The power of marketing. Dark pool money well spent.
  17. Oh, wait. How far back into medieval history do you want to reach? Even before the republicans bought the franchise on racism? I think modern American history really starts with the Civil Rights Act. Before that, society could not really be compared to what it is now in a meaningful sense.
  18. Are you gonna stand there and tell me a leopard can change his spots?
  19. I agree it's the dem's dream. And why not? Imagine being able to have the education you want based purely on academic prowess and not just for those born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Imagine the boost in the productivity and purchasing power through world leadership in technology and medicine. Imagine the jump in the standard of living for all. Imagine being like most other developed countries. It doesn't have to be totally free but it doesn't have to be a usurer's dream either.
  20. I'm not buying that bull<deleted>. Obvious false flag.
  21. If anyone involved here believed a word of their claims about enforcing impartial news coverage, they’d be supporting a legal standard that would wipe their favorite conservative TV networks off the map. https://www.theverge.com/2024/11/1/24285305/trump-lawsuit-cbs-harris-interview-fcc-broadcast-censorship
  22. Democrats aren't trying to kill the vote every chance they get.
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