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Posts posted by thai_narak

  1. Anyone know where I can buy an Underwater housing for a Canon IXUS 860IS, product code WP-DC17.

    I know that there used to be a shop in Pantip Plaza Bangkok that sold a lot of underwater housings, does anyone have contact details for them at all?

    just order it from the shop. when i bought my 850is i ordered the underwater case from the same shop and got after 3 weeks.

  2. what about the mileage of biodiesel? just how many kilo of coconut you need to make 50 liters of oil (full tank)? what about when mixing 10% diesel, i think you need some kind of processor (blender) to do this. you need a very big one when mixing 45-5 biodiesel-diesel in one time.

  3. I am a coconut geek. So i did use coconut oil. Is already a few years ago but it is extremely simple.

    For a sample go to a market and ask the coconut to be pressed without adding water. You will get a whitish milk.

    Put it in a pan and let it sit on a small fire for a while. The oil and 'milk' will seperate. Another way is to just wait until it ferments.

    The oil you can pour straight into you diesel tank. Happy driving. (just be sure your tubing can stand the oil, same for other biodiesels).

    The oil is quit healthy to eat to. Use it instead of palm oil or other cooking oils.

    just like that? aren't you mixing petrol (diesel) or kerosene? wow, your engine is tough...

  4. After many years in SE Asia "dating" 100's of the best looking women in the world, I know I would find it almost impossible to settle down in a relationship with just one woman for the rest of my life.

    I've had truly wonderful gf's, almost perfect, well educated, good looking etc etc, but after a year or less I'm out there looking again. (in between this, there are also many, many one nighters, most paid, some not)

    Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

    I don't mean normal in the western world sense, like grovelling after overweight, solemn women at discos, but as in sticking with one women and building a solid relationship.

    try a normal woman...

  5. my friend bought an evo IV back in '98 and no it is not "put together" as they've told you. the body of the ordinary lancer is actually different from the evo, the evo seems to have a wider fender to accomodate much bigger wheels. you can buy evo from some of the import car dealers in bangkok, there is one in petchburi road, i think it's called wattana motor or something like that. last time i saw an evo VII parked in their showroom but i think it's sold now.

  6. i can't believe this thread is still running. i have 2 kids (and wife of course) and i'm very happy with my life they are God's gift and you cannot compare the feeling of having kids than having a cat or dog, now call me irresponsible! :o

    some people just cannot have them and they've tried everything to have one, i pity them... now, rainman, you should ask your parents what they've felt having you...

  7. Regarding foriengers buying land in Thailand....

    Personally I would like to see this happen with perhaps a controlled maximum of 1 rai which would be better then the work-arounds that happen all the time with thais buying it then handing over control to a farang by way of long-term lease. After all its not who owns the land that matters its what happens to land.

    What however makes more sense to me is:

    If Thailand considers it inappropriate for non-thais to own land in Thailand then it should also consider it inappropriate for Thais to own land outside Thailand and create laws forbidding them to do so with the penalty being loss of citizenship. The law as it stands is two-faced: "Do as we say; not as we do".

    there will be chaos if all farangs are able to own 1 rai of land. imagine 1 million farangs buying 1 rai each... so i don't agree on this. BUT, i would like to see that the land ownership be relaxed for the farangs who are LEGALLY MARRIED to thais (be it male or female) that they should be able to own a land (residential) as in 50/50 share/ownership with their local wives/husband and their name be included in the resident certicate or tabien ban. if this is the case, now, it makes sense that when something happens like divorce, the property can then be shared equally to both the foreign spouse and local wife. furthermore, the couples should only be allowed with limited land ownership not for business, etc.

  8. A few years ago I was walking to McDonalds next to democracy monument when I became aware of a motorcycle driving slowly behind me (on the pavement). I turned round to see two BIB signaling me to stop while they dismounted their bike. One asked me where I was going and why. I replied "to McD's for a cheeseburger." They then asked me if I had any heroin or ganja which I replied no. They then searched all through my pockets, smiled and went on their way.

    I was dressed in jeans and a shirt, have no tattoos or weird hairstyle etc, so in that area I wondered why they chose to single me out ?

    Not the first time I have been searched in that area but it almost seemed like more than a random search.

    are you acting strange? don't drink too much coffee...

  9. in 2003 when i was working in brasil i had too much stress and anxiety due to too much workload and beating deadlines. got advise from the doc to relax so after the contract finished i went back to thailand and did not work for the next 3 months and just went to the beach doing nothing. spent most of the time with family (travelling).

    so my advise is don't take medicine, just relax, go out, travel, spend time with wife and kids (if you have), go to the south thailand and enjoy the beaches, snorkel, dive, etc...

  10. same thing happened in chantaburi about 6 months ago (as i heard so). one HIV infected girl deliberately spread the virus by inviting the male students, teachers, and janitors to have sex with her without condom in group session (not less than 10 per session). based from the investigation, about 70 percent of the male population in that school had sex with her.

    the girl, when asked by the police, told that she was infected with the virus thru her boyfriend who allegedly gang raped her with his friends. the girl said she did it for revenge.

  11. rip. she may have panicked upon seeing the sharks that i would have enjoyed taking photos with if i was there.

    i remember my spanish colleague that he is so stubborn, doesn't listen to anyone, do anything he wants, touch anything he can underwater, push you away when taking photos, throw his equipment at sea and wear it there, doesn't do buddy check, ascent when air is only 20 bar, never follow the RDP table, forget to do safety stop, forget about his buddy as he swims alone in the front without looking back, etc... i will never buddy with this freaking guy for the reast of my life. he is an accident waiting to happen.

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