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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. Folium Please try and concentrate more as you are in danger of getting your wires crossed, It was myself that produced the link about "jihad watch" not Dan,Check it out smile.png and in closing maybe you would like to discount the 27 remarks given about Spencers article !!

    Thanks for the concern.

    It's quite hard not to see you two as a bit of a "twofer" deal.

    Back on topic the murder of Khalil Dale by Taliban extremists is a true tragedy but the responses you point out are hardly helpful or conducive to any form of tolerable future. Demonization and calling for the destruction of the faith held by a quarter of humanity and indulging in a "clash of civilizations" merely means the extremists on both sides triumph.

    It's easy to be a an armchair chickenhawk, but sadly many people will suffer from such an approach and many more will have to pick up the pieces.

    Yeah But how can any one "suffer" if what other people write is the irrefutable truth ,?,or are you saying that Everything Spencer writes is a figment of his fertile anti Islamic Imagination?.
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  2. Nothing new really and there will be many more attacks on Christians and those who seek to protect them in Nigeria and similar Country,s ,in essence there is no need for any one to discredit Islam as they do such a magnificent job of it themselves don't they, never the less I will continue to write what I and millions of others know is the undoubted truth.

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  3. why does religion attract all the head cases?

    Because this "pastor" is a classic chickenhawk provocateur, only too happy to cause trouble as he knows that he will not have to face the consequences (in this life at least if you believe in that kind of thing, and in his case I truly hope there is some form of final reckoning).

    Maybe he's a bit pissed off about all the attacks and persecution of Christians and desecration of their places of Worship in quite a few Country's and nobody seems to give a dam_n about it , burn their holy book and they are up in arms ,fire bomb a Christian Church and slaughter its inhabitants and the silence is deafening !.
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  4. Personally, I don't find Jihad watch a credible source of information. You can post it if you want and you can attempt to speel anti-Islam rhetoric. The fact that other people don't buy it is up to them.

    Stay on the topic of the OP and not your sources of information.

    The information about the 8 Christian Aid workers is spot on ,I remembered the tragic incident quite well, so I googled up "8 Christain aid workers killed in Afghanistan" a whole raft of links were enclosed from different sources and News agency's corroborating it , the truth is the truth and just cos Robert Spencer writes about it does not make it any different as I could have produced one from "The New York Times" saying the same thing , I thought that I was bang on topic by saying this is not the first time this has happened and produced a link to substantiate my views on the matter,
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  5. http://www.jihadwatc...d-them-all.html this is not the first time aid workers have been murdered by the Taliban , beyond belief!. And in closing it does seem rather odd to me that the Guy who writes "Jihad watch" is labeled by some as an "extremist"!!

    I'd like to also point out that this didn't happen in Afghanistan where Taliban "freedom fighters" were defending their home from "invaders". It will be interesting to ever find out why they killed a convert to Islam. I would think they would approve of people converting. Maybe Dale was suspected of something?

    How about the others in the link I produced were they "suspected" of something too?, and since when did "suspicion" warrant decapitating some one ???, sorry Koheest with respect you'll have go back to the "drawing board", and just what are the Taliban seeking "freedom" from?,its already ruled by an Afghan Muslim government ain't it.. maybe this is what is wrong, the Islamics see appeasers and excuse makers for their abominable practices as a sign of weakness!, and closing, no doubt you are well aware that the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is as porous as a sieve ,so really it makes no difference as to were this unfortunate man met his grisly end.

    I don't need to go back to the drawing board. I agree with you. I put "freedom fighters" in quotes because that's what the apologists call them.

    Sorry bout the misunderstanding on my behalf Khoheesti .
  6. http://www.jihadwatc...d-them-all.html this is not the first time aid workers have been murdered by the Taliban , beyond belief!. And in closing it does seem rather odd to me that the Guy who writes "Jihad watch" is labeled by some as an "extremist"!!

    I'd like to also point out that this didn't happen in Afghanistan where Taliban "freedom fighters" were defending their home from "invaders". It will be interesting to ever find out why they killed a convert to Islam. I would think they would approve of people converting. Maybe Dale was suspected of something?

    How about the others in the link I produced were they "suspected" of something too?, and since when did "suspicion" warrant decapitating some one ???, sorry Koheest with respect you'll have go back to the "drawing board", and just what are the Taliban seeking "freedom" from?,its already ruled by an Afghan Muslim government ain't it.. maybe this is what is wrong, the Islamics see appeasers and excuse makers for their abominable practices as a sign of weakness!, and closing, no doubt you are well aware that the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is as porous as a sieve ,so really it makes no difference as to were this unfortunate man met his grisly end.
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  7. ] Wikipedia: Future Shock[/b] is a book written by the futurist Alvin Toffler in 1970. In the book, Toffler defines the term "future shock" as a certain psychological state of individuals and entire societies. His shortest definition for the term is a personal perception of "too much change in too short a period of time".

    Too many toys being placed within reach of the children.

    No discipline.

    No conscientiousness

    No cognizance

    No sympathy

    No remorse

    No foresight

    No logic

    No reasoning

    No responsibility

    Too much greed

    Too much selfishness

    Too much me me me

    Too much apathy



    Severe personality disorders

    One can go on and on

    This is going to happen continuously!

    This is similar to the Peter Principle: The observation that in an hierarchy people tend to rise to "their level of incompetence." Thus, as people are promoted, they become progressively less-effective because good performance in one job does not guarantee similar performance in another.

    Since nationalism, xenophobia, corruption and lack of proper development and familial upbringing (among others) encourage the promotion of a false sense of grandiose self-worth and pride, is it any wonder that combining this mentality with new technology and removing discipline and punishment as a governor, that people's untempered minds will accelerate into corruption and stagnation, and many will be the ones who perish daily in the most absurd ways?

    There simply seems to be a lot of that here; more than most other places, and without having to responsibly answer for it.

    quite correct in every sense of the word .
  8. Thai governments, particularly the current one, should look to the history of the EU [ECC] CAP and its disastrous agricultural mountain policy: milk, butter, etc; all produced in extreme surplus, then either dumped or destroyed. And that doesn't take account of the cost incurred in administering the policy, which often proves much greater than the amount being paid.

    Not forgetting the Wine lakes Johnwink.png !!
  9. I wonder why he picked the US embassy instead of the Aussie or Brit embassy or well you know another country like Cuba or Iran?

    It's good timing with the US Presidential Election coming up. If Obama can be seen to give in to the Chinese over this issue you can expect him to get hammered over it by the Republicans. However it is a time-sensitive situation because as Obama told Russian President Medvedev, "After my election I have more flexibility" which in this case would mean returning Mr. Chen to the Chinese.

    Mr. Chen is far from being safe, with the unpredictability of the current White House resident and his ever pressing need to be reelected. I expect he will delay and obfuscate the issue until such time as his handlers feel it is time for him to take some sort of action.

    It will be interesting to see how this plays out with both the President and Secretary of State looking at the White house for residency at some point in time.

    Yeah Chuck, I am far from optimistic concerning the outcome!.
  10. Can someone answer a question for me about the rice situation in Thailand?

    Did these same issues exist during the previous Democrat Government?

    These issues are purely the result of an election pledge by the current government to pay prices to farmers that are massively over the market norm. They tried to buck the world markets using their position as leading rice exporter and failed.

    The winners out of this are other rice exporters such as India and Vietnam. Cambodia may have been shrewd in permitting foreign investors to participate in rice production provided that machinery is purchased to increase competitiveness.

    Domestically the winners are the rice warehouse businesses - the article above insinuates that these are owned by Thai politicians. The losers are the tax payers who are paying money into a black hole.

    The situation is that the Thai government is essentially buying and storing millions of tonnes of rice that it can only sell at a loss. Once the wareshouses are full it will force their hand one way or another. They either stop buying, build yet more warehouses or sell at a loss. Given the disintegration of the vast majority of other election promises, PTP will be very reluctant to hold up the white flag by either ceasing to purchase rice or selling at a loss.

    Thailand - the hun of rice storage?

    Yep, pretty accurate no nonsense description of the Clanger this present administration has dropped, no need for me to add anything as its all been saidwink.png
  11. What makes you say I think the Thai government sets the international market price for rice? what I said is that the gross subsidy kills the Thai exporters because they can't sell at the market price. At least not without a loss, as I expect this Government to Government deals will be.

    Which is a patently obvious, so I don't know why you go on tangents about bugs in Vietnam and Iran's oil. I mean, besides deflecting the discussion away from what the Thai government actually does and how it affects it's exports.

    In any case you should be telling those things to the government, they have the plan to increase the market price for rice to have a chance at exporting anything.

    You don't understand what dumping is do you? There is not much anyone can do when there is short term dumping. Typically, the victim of such a practice would apply tariffs and penalties which is exactly what the USA and the EU have done in the past. However, such a strategy would not work for Thailand as there is not much to retaliate against. Instead, Thailand will wait it out and support its key export markets. The export of commodities is cyclical and it is only a matter of time before world rice markets swing back to "famine" from "feast". There may be a declared price for Thai rice, but a large client is going to be able to negotiate a discount. Unlike Vietnam and India, Thailand is sitting on a nice big fat foreign currency reserves and has low inflation.

    This may come as a bit of a shock to you, but rice and other produce rots and Thailand doesn't have low inflation.

    I'm not quite sure what the "real" inflation rate is ,but from my personal experience shopping in Makro in Buriram its far from low ,just one item alone, 1 kilo of Bacon was 205 baht in Jan that same Kilo is now 290 baht!!.
  12. Yes, and I've lived there for 3 years... Fujian area. Your rebuttal is not really valid here as I am not talking about China. The Chinese in Thailand -- generally relatively far wealthier than your typical mainland Chinese -- are quite a world different. They are Thailand's elite. If you want a better comparison, you'd compare to Hong Kong Chinese or Singapore Chinese. All elite. No culture is perfect, but the Chinese are a great civilization of people known all over the world for their work ethic and ambition. They've shaped Thailand into a 'somewhat' modern (although still rather superficially so) modern country and continue to take it in a good direction.

    More to the topic, for example, in China, let's say a similar accident happened. Let's say the a guy in a Porsche ran down another car by carelessly doing almost double the speed limit.. And, let's say that the guy in the Porsche happened to live. In China, no matter how wealthy the guy in the Porsche is, he'd be arrested and some punishment would be handed out. I'm not saying that this would occur 100% of the time. Again, no place is perfect. But, in Thailand, you NEVER hear about anyone with wealth or power EVER being given serious punishment for their crimes.

    Native Thai culture is lazy. The Chinese had the Great Leap Forward and look at them today. In just a couple decades they are moving forward at incredible speed. Shanghai is as modern a city as most any in Europe or the US. The growth in wealth is extraordinary. They actually apply rule of law -- quite seriously in fact. People are sacked for crimes -- even powerful people. Hell, people are even executed for heinous crimes. Thailand? No way. 'mai pen rai'. There's no 'mai pen rai' in China.

    The accident is another clear example of the cultural failure of the Thais to be responsible.

    Er that reads like Thailand's elite don't get punished.

    Chinese Thais are Thailand's elite

    Chinese Thais made this country what it is

    Sent from Android please excuse errors in type or judgement

    Can you please name me any Thai Chinese Elite or their "connections" ,Starting with Multi billionaire Thaksin and finishing up with the spoiled brat "Mercedes driver" who have finished up in the Slammer for their "misdirection's"laugh.pnglaugh.png
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  13. What it boils down to is quickness of thought or "reaction time" I live on a main road and I make sure my little girl shouts me after school so I can safely escort her across the road ,of course I always look to my left and right for on coming traffic , I have truly lost count of the times were there has been a Thai on a motorcycle waiting to cross the road just the same as me , were upon I have observed at least 300 metres away a slow moving car approaching from my right, on this I cross the road take hold of my little girls hand and cross back in complete safety ,whilst the Thai is still waiting there for the car to pass even though his journey is only one way (across the road) ,Although I could be wrong it would appear that Quickness of thought is just not in their make up!.

  14. ... we read daily about this simply incredibile stupidity ... at some point, does it make sense to ask: "Are Thais capable of learning?"

    ... what is it? ... something in the DNA? ... how they are educated? ... their socialization? ... what?

    ... I just don't get it.

    Of course you make a good point ,however there may be something else to add to the equation ,whatever the circumstances Thai's without an exception will never ever admit they could be wrong (loss of face) ,in laymans lingo its always the other party at fault never theirs when having a "pileup" with another vehicle , So in this they will never ever learn from their mistakes cos in their minds they never made a mistake in the first instance,and although I could be wrong this may well be born out by the Porsche drivers loved ones who will not think FOR A SECOND that the reason for his sad demise was that he was driving at a speed that could only be described as "SUICIDAL"sad.png Maybe Member Mel would like to add further to my post.
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