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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. I think the attacks are getting a little bit strong and the topic is starting to stray away from asylum seekers (going by boat) to Australia.

    Please keep the discussion civil.

    Quite correct Scott there is no need for petty name calling (Alf Garnett)laugh.png and false accusations without a fragment of evidence to back the allegations up , I have no need to adopt this immature stance ,as the proof of my concerns are legion and Irrefutable ,out of curiosity I just Typed in on Google the first thing I thought of ,"is there a Jihad in Europe?" others may want to read the many articles enclosed, In closing I fervently believe my concerns are very real backed up by endless data ,but when I voice them I am shouted down as a racist Islam knocker , all I can say is let them prove me wrong ,its that easy.
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  2. I have lived here in Thailand since Nov 03 and before that came on annual 3 month winter holidays with my late wife starting in Nov 89 so I reckon I have spent all in all about 12 years in time here I am now blissfully happy with my second wife who is Thai and live in a little Village in the "land of buffalo's" Issan I AM NOT A RACIST as Islam is not a race as you yourself pointed out in your own post#72 ,and if the attempts at human life by Islamic radicals had been successful instead of being thwarted by our security forces there would indeed have been "rivers of blood" the actual threat which was very real was "taken out",and now many are where they belong "the slammer" never the less the threat is real not a figment of my wild imagination ,as far as Powell goes he is not "my hero" just cos I bring one sentence to mind!!! , where have I made a racist rant?, please show me, I am totally against violence in the name of a religion of which Islam is Irrefutably guilty of , that is NOT racist , Of course if you do not see Radical Islam as an acute problem in Europe please, with respect by all means say so. personally I could post welters of information written by experts that suggests that the problem is acute in Denmark, France,Holland ,Sweden ,Norway, UK, Belgium,Germany ,Spain,Etc Etc , as stated before, the UK today and if they do not get their Act together Australia tomorrow .


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  3. Lies and/or violence is the way to come to power. What ever it takes. Power equals money and money equals respect. I feel we are about to hear the rage of the forsaken and this will spark a civil war and/or rampant crime. Some say the rampant crime has already started. If I was a red I would feel a little more than cheated. I have moved to Laos as I have no wish to get caught up in this AGAIN. Saw the black balaclava militia in Romklao Road, Romklao, Bangkok armed to the teeth, hijacked airports. No thank-you, not again. There will be no reconciliation until this stops being about leaders - and starts being about the economic welfare of the common people. Ideally the leaders of the PAD and reds should be jailed and some-one decent should be found to run the government.

    Actually they had a honest leader Abhist His problem was no one wanted honesty they just wanted to fill their own pockets. Witness the fact that 40 Thaksin trained supporters saw the writing on the wall so they switched to the Dems to continue on with their Thaksin trained corruption. He just did not have a lot of support.

    But Abhisit was inefficient. He didn't do much in his time. He let people like Suthep stay close to him.

    He did major mistakes, like the Victor Bout case, where he broke national and international law and made Russia very upset.

    Don't understand me wrong, Of course he was 1000 times better than every Thaksin puppet, but still it was very weak.

    There was no real reason why to vote him.

    I can give you in between 300 and 500 reasons why they did not vote for Abhi in many area's in the North East.
  4. Oh please stop it. "Rivers of blood in the UK? Where? Enoch Powell? Haha. Do you live in Thailand? If so, why? Do you find it a "Better" place to live? Have you not noticed that most of the natives have dark skin? I think you have "Racist" issues you should deal with.

    Instead of resorting to ad-hominim attacks perhaps it would be constructive to address facts. First, just for accuracies sake Muslims are not a race. Next to Enoch Powell; We don't as yet have rivers of blood I'll grant you, however using the prison population as a yardstick I do see a problem. Based on UK figures (2010) Muslims account for 3% of the population, yet at 12.6% they are over represented in the prison population. I have not managed to find corresponding numbers for Australia, but if they are similar then there is a problem to be addressed, especially with respect to immigration and border controls.


    Sure, lets address facts. For accuracies sake i didn't say Muslims were a race, don't know where that came from. There are a few on this forum who clearly have an unhealthy, paranoid obsession with Muslims, but certainly not me. I was responding to a poster who stated as a FACT that The UK now has "rivers of blood". This is clearly scaremongering racist nonsense. As for Enoch Powell, it is interesting that as Minister of Health in the early 1960s, he was responsible for the recruitment of people from the Commonwealth to work in The UK public services. Indeed he appeared in advertisements in cinemas all over the Commonwealth imploring our "coloured cousins' to come to the UK, which they then did in their thousands. A fact that he conveniently never mentioned during his subsequent rants about immigration. I remember him being tackled on the subject by the late Sir Robin Day on a BBC Panorama programme, he squirmed and prevaricated, and got very flustered. He was a hypocrite and a racist, albeit a very clever and erudite one. A fact that was even recognised by his own Conservative Party, who withdrew the whip. He was of course a very powerful and mesmerising orator. But then again so was Adolph Hitler.

    Are you aware that since 9/11 over 3,000 muslims have been arrested In the UK for terrorist related charges, and 92% of convicted terrorist,s are Muslim too!!.
  5. Today, the Muslim birth rate in Europe is three times higher than the non-Muslim one. If current trends continue, the Muslim population of Europe will nearly double by 2015, while the non-Muslim population will shrink by 3.5 percent.

    from: Brookings http://www.brookings...t_taspinar.aspx

    (my editing menu isn't working in T.Visa)

    The article also mentions how many Muslims first came to Europe as 'guest workers' after WWII - needed to do menial jobs and such. Similar to Mexicans coming to SW USA. After the 'guest workers' were no longer needed, they simply stayed on - particularly as they could get citizenship or at least get support benefits.

    Similar to the Universe expanding at a greater pace, immigrants from N.Africa and Middle East are increasing at a steady clip. They don't immigrate to fellow Muslim countries, not even to relatively rich ones like Kuwait, Saudi Arabia or the Emirates. Instead they want to get to more tolerant countries like Australia, USA, Canada, NZ, UK, and other parts of Europe. Countries which their hot-head brethren condemn as 'heathen' and riven by infidels. No worries mate (for them), with enough patience, they'll take over, and force Sharia law on everyone.

    Maybe thats what some posters want, world wide Sharia law, one might think so by some remarks one reads on this forum, the best term I could think of is "sleepwalking"!
  6. Populist promises have almost always been the springboard for dictatorships. Part of the problem is the PTP policies are only window-dressing & nobody actually knows what their long-term agenda and policies are.

    They are the living emodiment of the English "jam tomorrow" folk-saying ; "well kids, you know its just dry bread today but there'll be jam tomorrow". This is also the type of 'faith in the future' message has been used by many dictators through the centuries. Stick with us, even though your lives are going down the drain, we promise the future will be great. everything will be okay when Thaksin gets back, or maybe in the time of his son's rule, or his grandson, great-grandson.

    PTP run the country on a skeleton-crew basis, ticking only the mandatory boxes and avoiding everything else. IMO their energies are devoted behind the scenes to installing a permanent familial oligarchy.

    I would guess the next step will be to give all poor people a free colour TV, & by coincidence people will be watching red-government propaganda on the free TVs along with brain-meltingly bad soap operas and game shows. That wouldn't be so bad if the Govt actually made people's lives better (as promised).

    The mistakes made pre-flood & post-flood which were shockingly inept, were brushed aside by the regime as unimportant, but the flood exposed the government-level complete lack of robust quick-thinking which are the trademarks of competent leadership. It also raised the question of what they consider important. Even the request to have a state of emergency during the worst floods for over 50 years, was rebuffed by Yingluck along partisan and control-freak lines.

    All the meaningful pre-election promises by PTP have failed to appear even in start-up phase, except for a few stragglers that emerged blinking into the light & feeling all alone.

    People in the opposition are very concerned that the country they love is being hijacked, and in the worst case scenario the groundwork for a dynastic oligarchy is being laid-out. The feeling among many international observers is that the worst is yet to come & Thai peoples future is one of being industrially-fleeced & exploited & deceived.

    Good thoughtful non BS post ,like it ,like it.!!
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  7. But for the tireless work of our superb security forces who have nipped many acts of would be Islamic terrorist bombers in the bud ,there would indeed be "rivers of blood" , most are now were they belong. "the slammer" but IMHO and also the security forces there are many cells of "brainwashed"Islamic extremist's just waiting for their chance to strike against the Infidel in the UK, decades ago a great man once said "you never judge a person by the colour of his skin but by the content of his character " I believed it then as I still do to this day, and in closeing why not Google up "the threat from Islamic radicals in the UK" ,This not a figment of my Imagination but hard facts .

  8. Getting refugee status in Australia is not an easy affair. They hardly have an open door policy.

    The point is to provide protection for genuine refugees, who are fleeing for reasons mentioned under the Geneva convention protocols. Those who are economic migrants can be returned to their country of origin once they are determined not to be genuine refugees.

    Many so called"asylum seekers" travel through two or more Country's before risking life and limb to get to the "gravy train" of the UK social security system , Australia according to my many Aussie mates here tell me its just the same there , if they are so persecuted in their own Countrys why not claim asylum at their first port of entry? .

    Obviously because they believe that the ultimate destination will be a "better" place to live. The way to prevent more from travelling to the UK or Australia would therefore be to make them an even more unwelcoming destination than the intermediate countries. eg, why do illegals want to get from France to the UK? I can only surmise that it is because France is doing something right!

    Yeah 110% correct but try to tell that to the bleeding heart left wing politically correct brigade!bah.gif and now as Enoch Powell predicted we in the UK have"rivers of blood" , today the UK, tomorrow Australia?
  9. Jingthing are you saying for a micro second that Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan are not Black extremists too? ,with respect I suggest you listen to some of their speeches ,cos they are right in the thick of this total fiasco.

    Thanks for the heads up Colin, Al Sharpton, now who does he have known connections to?


    Thanks for the link Dan an interesting read ,however I have been very well aware of Sharptons racist activity's for well nigh two decades , that,s why very early on in the thread post#13 I forecast that the "race card" would be played ,and of course he's forecasting a riot should the verdict not go "his way" pretty par the course for him , by now they will have heard about this case in Outer Mongolia so if it ever gets to trial the Jury selection is going to be almost as controversial as the case ,I just hope justice is served either way guilty or innocent but how Zimmerman can receive a fair trial with all the extreme pressure being brought to bear for a conviction is to be quite candid highly dubious .
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  10. Now, he is DEAD and it is comforting that the man who shot him DEAD with a GUN is facing the justice system. Guilty or Not Guilty is acceptable. Walking home without consequences ... not acceptable.

    Jingthing I asked you a quite legimate question in my post #149 , you appear to suggest that Zimmerman was NOT arrested ,which IMHO according to the video is plainly not the case ,so with respect is there any chance of a straight answer to a straight question, was Zimmerman Arrested yes or no??smile.png

    Following is the legal definition of "arrest":

    "An arrest may occur (1) by the touching or putting hands on the arrestee; (2) by any act that indicates an intention to take the arrestee into custody and that subjects the arrestee to the actual control and will of the person making the arrest; or (3) by the consent of the person to be arrested. There is no arrest where there is no restraint, and the restraint must be under real or pretended legal authority. However, the detention of a person need not be accompanied by formal words of arrest or a station house booking to constitute an arrest."


    The use of handcuffs would seem to qualify this incident as an arrest of Zimmerman.

    Thanks for the legal definition of Arrest Chuck ,your post leaves me quite satisfied that an Arrest did actually take place .
  11. Now, he is DEAD and it is comforting that the man who shot him DEAD with a GUN is facing the justice system. Guilty or Not Guilty is acceptable. Walking home without consequences ... not acceptable.

    Jingthing I asked you a quite legimate question in my post #149 , you appear to suggest that Zimmerman was NOT arrested ,which IMHO according to the video is plainly not the case ,so with respect is there any chance of a straight answer to a straight question, was Zimmerman Arrested yes or no??smile.png
  12. It is illegal for mere mortals to own, or wear bullet proof vests, you may only wear one in police custody, and yet the messiah gets one express sent so feed the paranoia of his accolytes.

    Whenever you need ratings, pretend to blow yourself up, or that their is impending assasination atempt. thumbsup.gif

    If Thaksins life is in Danger should he return , a veritable Martyr for the poor , which would appear he likes to portray to the "faithful" as a distinct possibility , all though IMHO he's just "playing to the gallery" ,he may well be far nearer to the truth than he imagine's
  13. but surely this kind of " dialogue " doesn't help them or any quest for meaningful peace and harmonyblink.png

    No, of course not, that is extremist garbage. However, President Obama's comments WERE helpful.

    Jingthing are you saying for a micro second that Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan are not Black extremists too? ,with respect I suggest you listen to some of their speeches ,cos they are right in the thick of this total fiasco.
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  14. Erik Holder Chuck? excuse my Ignorance, but could please elaborate as I'm English .

    Erik Holder is Obama's Attorney General, head of the Department of Justice. The DOJ sent down a task force immediately to determine if Zimmerman might have committed any federal offenses.

    Thanks for your speedy reply Chuck , the "muddy waters" have now cleared somewhatwink.png
  15. I do find the sh1tstorm surrounding this case complete with allegations of racism flying about so easily as somewhat bizarre. If you juxtoposition one death, regrettable though it was, with the deaths of 200 Nigerian Christians blown up on Christmas eve, yet scarcely anyone cared to pass comment. Is a Hispanic redneck with a kosher sounding surname so much more odious than the Islamic terrorists of Boko Haram? I say this as the victims seem to share the same colour.

    No - you're saying it to drag Islam into another thread that has nothing to do with Islam at all. Your post is completely off topic

    Thats not up to you to judge but the Mods ,Dan was just writing an example as to why one persons life should be adjudged by all the ballyhoo to be more Important than the 200 who lost their lives simply because of their religious beliefs, which is not just a one off,but a day in day out happening,which would appear of no Importance to not one single poster on this forum,all Dan is doing is pointing out the Comparisons which IMHO is not off topic, however that rests with the Mods certainly not you or myself but Hey Dan ,thanks for drawing this fact to my attention .
  16. It's a fact that Zimmerman is half Peruvian but more to the point why is this very local case presented by the media as something of international significance? Why not the same hysteria every time a black kills a non-black? The vast majority of interracial murders in the US are black on white.

    Do you really have to ask?

    Because when a black person kills a white person in the U.S. ... THEY GET ARRESTED!

    Maybe non-Americans don't understand or right wing Americans deny, but the truth is that still in the U.S. today things are not so easy for young black men. They are seen as walking threats by a large portion of society just for what they are, having nothing to do with their own individual character. If they want to be seen as non-threatening, they must make conscious efforts to do so, that non-black people wouldn't even think about. If they don't make these efforts or just run out of luck ... some of them can end up dead (as happened here).

    Jingthing lets just get this quite straight are you saying that when Zimmerman was put in a police car in handcuffs and escorted by armed policemen from the scene of the incident and taken to the Police station pending further inquiries as to what took place that he was NOT under arrest , And with respect I would like an Answer to my simple question and give me YOUR version of the Events what actually took place,was Zimmerman under arrest ?,a plain yes or no will suffice smile.png
  17. Yes this one death has received a very unusual amount of publicity. We would have never heard of it if it wasn't for Martin's loving family not accepting the way it was handled OR Zimmerman had been properly charged at least with manslaughter in a timely manner. Now its one of those cases that has the potential to cause national riots. Go figure.

    Not forgetting of the illustrious line up on post#19 who made it a race thing right from the off !! and maybe the Evidence presented at the time suggested it was self defence .
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  18. Is there anyone in this thread who thinks that killing another human being ought to be dismissed without judicial examination? Because that's what happened before all those 'political' folks stuck their necks in. I really cannot believe that there are people who post on TV who believe that the loss of a life doesn't bear examination.

    How do you know there was no "judicial examination" the night of the incident?

    You don't know, I don't know and those "political" folks didn't know...and probably wouldn't have cared anyway.

    Zimmerman was taken to the police station in handcuffs after the EMTs cleaned up his head and face wounds. I would imagine he was interrogated as to the happenings that night, witnesses (if any) were interviewed and statements was taken from all concerned. The police, possibly in consultation with the local District Attorney, decided he was not a threat to the community nor a flight risk so they released him with further investigations to follow.

    Every loss of life bears examination and I don't know anybody on this forum that has claimed otherwise. However, jumping the gun on the investigative process does little to urge it along.

    Don't worry. Erik Holder's Justice Department is on the scene and I am certain Zimmerman will be found guilty of something.

    In handcuffs? Was he arrested on that night?

    Judicial examination/review means a review of all available evidence before a judge.

    Was the District Attorney consulted? If so there will be a record of the District Attorney making the recommendation that no charges be laid and that Mr. Zimmerman be released. Did the police say that the DA recommended this? It will all come out in a Judicial Review/Examination as will the witness statements that were not collected on the night of the incident.

    I reckon that under the 'Stand your Ground' law Mr. Zimmerman will be found not guilty of all charges.

    edit: whether the EMT did clean up his face and head wounds is material to the man's defense. Has this statement been made by the EMT? Dunno, but it will be interesting to find out.

    Yep In Handcuffs when he was led into the police station the same night ,also the enlightened video Camera plainly shows what appear two vertical cuts on the back of his head !
  19. Is there anyone in this thread who thinks that killing another human being ought to be dismissed without judicial examination? Because that's what happened before all those 'political' folks stuck their necks in. I really cannot believe that there are people who post on TV who believe that the loss of a life doesn't bear examination.

    How do you know there was no "judicial examination" the night of the incident?

    You don't know, I don't know and those "political" folks didn't know...and probably wouldn't have cared anyway.

    Zimmerman was taken to the police station in handcuffs after the EMTs cleaned up his head and face wounds. I would imagine he was interrogated as to the happenings that night, witnesses (if any) were interviewed and statements was taken from all concerned. The police, possibly in consultation with the local District Attorney, decided he was not a threat to the community nor a flight risk so they released him with further investigations to follow.

    Every loss of life bears examination and I don't know anybody on this forum that has claimed otherwise. However, jumping the gun on the investigative process does little to urge it along.

    Don't worry. Erik Holder's Justice Department is on the scene and I am certain Zimmerman will be found guilty of something.

    Erik Holder Chuck? excuse my Ignorance, but could please elaborate as I'm English .
  20. cheesy.gif and you are Snow White in that aspect of course.

    Last time i looked I had guy parts, so no chance of me being snow white.

    I love you all the same and shall forgive your transgressions. And this is an illustration of the differences between cultures, some of which are more advanced than others. Some would want to put to death anyone that disagrees, However, my culture says that peaceful discourse and understanding of those that express doubts is a better option.

    Well put GK, unfortunately the radical Islamic Culture which is undoubtedly on the Increase especially in EUROPE want no part of your much appreciated (by this poster) outlook on life smile.png
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