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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. I live in Lak-si, and have seen and experienced this Porsche asshol_e up by backside many a time, as I also know the reg plate, which is incidentally 911. He drives, drove now - past tense, like a maniac and I did say to my wife only 2 weeks ago he'll kill or get killed. Seems he's achieved both. I have no sympathy at all for the rich arrogant fecker, and am I glad I nearly ran him off the road last week when he tried to cut me up, but I also accelerated like hell in sports mode after he was flashing and flashing, I was also speeding at 140 in heavy traffic, and he ended up with nowhere to go when he tried to cut off to the third lane. He came back up my ass, flashing again, and I slammed my brakes on - ready to hit the bastar... d.

    If you can't drive with respect, no matter whether you have a Porsche, a Ferrari or a Lada, then up yours. He got what he deserved! Death!

    My words were correct, and he got, in sincerity, what he deserved, as he could and probably has killed before, but got off scott free for a small buy out!

    I AM saddened that he took others with him...... that is not deserved. Putting a Thai into a Porsche is like putting a 4 year old into the cockpit to land a 747!


    Incredible Mel that you have seen the guy before eh!, by all accounts he was an accident waiting to happen , but as you rightly say its a shame about the innocents involved .
  2. I notice the "accident" occurred in the Right hand lane , Thai's are notorious "road hogs" and so how wide the road is ,many insist on driving in the outside lane and no matter how much you flash your headlight or sound your horn they just WILL NOT move to the left so the car at the rear can safely and legally overtake , I have truly lost count of observing them driving in the outside lane then swing to their left to make a left hand turn without even indicating their intentions !!. the "rule of the road" is quite simple ,keep to the left unless overtaking or turning right , this bit of common sense it Totally unknown to the vast majority of Thai drivers.

    If you drive in Thailand please learn the highway code first - it is legal to overtake a vehicle driving in the outside lane by using an inner lane!

    only if said vehicle is turning right.

    Thank you for stating the obvious ,which appears to elude some people!!!
  3. I notice the "accident" occurred in the Right hand lane , Thai's are notorious "road hogs" and so how wide the road is ,many insist on driving in the outside lane and no matter how much you flash your headlight or sound your horn they just WILL NOT move to the left so the car at the rear can safely and legally overtake , I have truly lost count of observing them driving in the outside lane then swing to their left to make a left hand turn without even indicating their intentions !!. the "rule of the road" is quite simple ,keep to the left unless overtaking or turning right , this bit of common sense it Totally unknown to the vast majority of Thai drivers.

    If you drive in Thailand please learn the highway code first - it is legal to overtake a vehicle driving in the outside lane by using an inner lane!

    Oh really !So its not illegal to drive in the outside lane at 50KPH when the inside lane is perfectly clear then?, please read your highway code ,how do you think the term "road hog" came about???
  4. I notice the "accident" occurred in the Right hand lane , Thai's are notorious "road hogs" and so how wide the road is ,many insist on driving in the outside lane and no matter how much you flash your headlight or sound your horn they just WILL NOT move to the left so the car at the rear can safely and legally overtake , I have truly lost count of observing them driving in the outside lane then swing to their left to make a left hand turn without even indicating their intentions !!. the "rule of the road" is quite simple ,keep to the left unless overtaking or turning right , this bit of common sense it Totally unknown to the vast majority of Thai drivers.

    If you drive in Thailand please learn the highway code first - it is legal to overtake a vehicle driving in the outside lane by using an inner lane!

    only if he is signalling he is turning right !!.
  5. I notice the "accident" occurred in the Right hand lane , Thai's are notorious "road hogs" and so how wide the road is ,many insist on driving in the outside lane and no matter how much you flash your headlight or sound your horn they just WILL NOT move to the left so the car at the rear can safely and legally overtake , I have truly lost count of observing them driving in the outside lane then swing to their left to make a left hand turn without even indicating their intentions !!. the "rule of the road" is quite simple ,keep to the left unless overtaking or turning right , this bit of common sense it Totally unknown to the vast majority of Thai drivers.

    If you drive in Thailand please learn the highway code first - it is legal to overtake a vehicle driving in the outside lane by using an inner lane!

    BS!! if the driver is plainly signaling he intends to turn right when in the right hand lane then its perfectly legal to pass on the inside!!.
  6. On that basis why was Israel not able to come to a settlement with the secular, military regime of Syria, or the secular PLO?

    It would appear that you and Colin are of the view that israel seeks peace but such an approach is not reciprocated by the palestinian organizations. IMHO it would appear that the sad status quo, presently seen, suits elements of both sides as a way of avoiding tough decisions and there is no real genuine desire for a settlement.

    All good armchair stuff, but tragically the current impasse not only produces local victims but has a seriously detrimental global impact also.

    What is your solution to the problem?

    PLO, Now that's complicated, as you would say. Part of the problem any 'Palestinian' negotiator has is being a pawn in a larger game, namely doing the bidding of the Arab nations as a whole. As for Syria; firstly Assad is from a minority sect and would have faced revolt far earlier had he come to an agreement with Israel. Then there is the Golan, which is in a crucial strategic position and unlike Gaza Israel would not have therefore risked handing it back to Assad only for him to be overthrown.

    The problem has no solution until some factor forces Islam to modernize and adopt a stance which departs from it's current attitude to Israel and the Jews in general. I won't be holding my breath, but in a post-oil age waning influence may become a modernizing factor.

    Yeah Dan this just about spells it out, the Muslims just have to have accept that the Jews

    have a right to exist which hitherto is sadly not forthcoming ,they hate the Jews with all the fibre of their souls and yet are clearly unable to vanquish them ,which is all to prevalent from the past wars, they just will not accept that when it comes to conflict they always finish worse off ,time to get round the table and talk peace , unfortunately if this happens the untold millions of anti Israeli money flooding in to fight Israel by proxy by various Islamic Country's and Strangely enough Norway may well cease .

    • Like 2
  7. Dr. Ahmed Yousef an adviser to Ismail Haniyeh has questioned the use of the charter by Israel and its supporters to brand Hamas as a fundamentalist, terrorist, racist, anti-Semitic organization and claims that they have taken parts of the charter out of context for propaganda purposes. He claims that they dwell on the charter and ignore that Hamas has changed its views with time

    Why would you quote such deceiptful nonsense as being factual? Here are a few recent quotes from Hamas.

    "Whoever is killed by a Jew receives the reward of two martyrs, because the very thing that the Jews did to the prophets was done to him".

    "The Jews are the most despicable and contemptible nation to crawl upon the face of the Earth, because they have displayed hostility to Allah".

    "Allah will kill the Jews in the hell of the world to come, just like they killed the believers in the hell of this world".

    "The Jews kill anyone who believes in Allah. They do not want to see any peace whatsoever on Earth."

    - Ismail Haniyeh, (head of the Hamas administration in the Gaza Strip) May 2, 2011

    All unpleasant, unhelpful stuff but in the longrun irrelevant.

    The bottom line is that if you want to see a settlement in the Middle East that allows all parties to gain suffiiciently that such a settlement becomes permanent, all sides have to hold their noses, make concessions and deal with people they have up until then demonized.

    Martin McGuinness is more than likely a terrorist murderer (or at the very least an accomplice to murder) who is now the deputy first minister of Northern Ireland. Gerry Adams likewise, but to make a deal the British government had to deal with these charming people.

    Similarly many of the early leaders of Israel were ex-"terrorists" (at least to the British) from their time in Lehi (the Stern gang) or Irgun, some of whose activities certainly rank as terrorism of the most base kind.

    The expediency required of politics is also part of early Israeli history when Lehi sought assistance from Nazi Germany to establish a Jewish homeland in exchange for support in removing the British from Palestine. Yitzhak Shamir and Menachem Begin were also members of Betar, an organization that was a great supporter of Mussolini to an extent that they adopted his black shirts as part of their uniform.

    If Israel wants to live in peace it will have to sit round a table with Hamas. If Hamas wants peace it will have to drop its rhetoric and do a deal. At the moment both sides appear intransigent so the senseless violence continues. Neither side can "win", but plenty of people will lose out until the day that the politicians grasp this basic fact.

    Israel has consistently laid it on the line as part of the preconditions to sitting round the table for peace talks, Hamas has to renounce violence and recognize Israels right to exist plus stopping other Islamic sections to use Gaza as a launching pad for their rocket attacks into Southern Israel , of course if you can produce an independent link to verify this simple fact then its a whole different ball game , but unfortunately you can't can you? and with respect in closing can we stick to the present and not go back to the history books
  8. The whole point is if they had the means they would do so without a seconds hesitation and drive the Israeli's into the sea ,do you disagree?, cos if you do you are arguing against Hamas's own Charter.

    And pigs might fly if they had wings, but they don't and unless there is some bizarre evolutionary leap, never will.

    Similarly Hamas does not and probably never will have the means to conquer Israel. Likewise, Israel can never militarily crush its opposition. All the military can do, as in all COIN ops, is hold the ring, minimize losses and wait for the politicians to actually sit down and work out a deal.

    Sure the Arabs missed a fantastic opportunity in 1947 and they know that only to well with hindsight. The clock cannot be rewound and the problem needs to be addressed today, taking on board today's realities. The ridiculous thing is that 65 years on the 2 state solution

    remains the only plausible outcome.

    In the meantime people will die needlessly and one of the most festering sores on the planet today will remain unresolved, to the benefit of few people.

    As per usual you are avoiding a simple question .

    As already stated Hamas has no means to execute any existential threat toward Israel, so the fact that it is in their Charter is somewhat redundant. They might as well wish to make the Red Sea part again. Is it therefore unhelpful (to put it mildly) and an obstacle to any peace settlement? Of course but it is likely to be used as a bargaining chip in any settlement as everyone recognizes it is a pointless provocation, unachievable and a gift to those who want to avoid a settlement.

    Interesting quotes below:

    Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal indicated to Robert Pastor, senior adviser to the Carter Center, that the Charter is "a piece of history and no longer relevant, but cannot be changed for internal reasons." Hamas do not use the Charter on their website and prefer to use their election manifesto to put forth their agenda. Pastor states that those who quote the charter rather than more recent Hamas statements may be using the Charter as an excuse to ignore Hamas.

    British diplomat and former British ambassador to the UN Sir Jeremy Greenstock stated in early 2009 that the Hamas charter was "drawn up by a Hamas-linked imam some [twenty] years ago and has never been adopted since Hamas was elected as the Palestinian government in 2006". Mohammed Nimer of American University comments on the Charter, “It’s a tract meant to mobilize support and it should be amended... It projects anger, not vision.” Dr. Ahmed Yousef an adviser to Ismail Haniyeh has questioned the use of the charter by Israel and its supporters to brand Hamas as a fundamentalist, terrorist, racist, anti-Semitic organization and claims that they have taken parts of the charter out of context for propaganda purposes. He claims that they dwell on the charter and ignore that Hamas has changed its views with time

    If that,s the case why does Hamas consistently refuse to renounce and condemn violence towards Israel?, this is the major sticking point to any peace negotiations, they cannot invoke their Charter simply because they haven't the military strength to do so ,however the intent is still there.
  9. The whole point is if they had the means they would do so without a seconds hesitation and drive the Israeli's into the sea ,do you disagree?, cos if you do you are arguing against Hamas's own Charter.

    And pigs might fly if they had wings, but they don't and unless there is some bizarre evolutionary leap, never will.

    Similarly Hamas does not and probably never will have the means to conquer Israel. Likewise, Israel can never militarily crush its opposition. All the military can do, as in all COIN ops, is hold the ring, minimize losses and wait for the politicians to actually sit down and work out a deal.

    Sure the Arabs missed a fantastic opportunity in 1947 and they know that only to well with hindsight. The clock cannot be rewound and the problem needs to be addressed today, taking on board today's realities. The ridiculous thing is that 65 years on the 2 state solution

    remains the only plausible outcome.

    In the meantime people will die needlessly and one of the most festering sores on the planet today will remain unresolved, to the benefit of few people.

    As per usual you are avoiding a simple question .
  10. Just a thought ,If Israel is a land hungry aggressor who takes no notice of anyone who many like to portray it as, why with it's vastly superior firepower does it not just go in and take whatever takes its fancy ?.

    It sort of did.

    There's this "minor" issue of having to deal with the local population, though.

    A big difference between what one can do and what's good for you.

    Morch Do you think that there would be a "local population" of Jews if Hamas got there way?

    And quite how would Hamas take over Israel? There's a big difference between wishful thinking and reality.

    That is not the question , please stop playing around with words , The whole point is if they had the means they would do so without a seconds hesitation and drive the Israeli's into the sea ,do you disagree?, cos if you do you are arguing against Hamas's own Charter.
  11. Just a thought ,If Israel is a land hungry aggressor who takes no notice of anyone who many like to portray it as, why with it's vastly superior firepower does it not just go in and take whatever takes its fancy ?.

    As Israel found out in its second invasion of Lebanon in 2006 "vastly superior firepower" has little value against asymmetric warfare waged by a determined, well-equipped enemy fighting on its home turf (ie shades of Iraq and Afghanistan), particularly when there are no clear political objectives. Israel's withdrawl from Gaza and partial withdrawl from the West Bank underline that they have little to gain by military incursions into hostile territory.

    As all sides to the Middle East conflict know there is no military solution. The existentential threat from neighbouring countries has been ruled out by Israel's possession of nuclear weapons, and Hamas, Hizbollah etc can do little more than be a nuisance in strategic terms. Whatever Hamas' charter may claim they have little chance of raising their flag in Tel Aviv.

    In the meantime innocent civilians will continue to be killed on both sides with the occasional flare-up claiming more lives. All utterly pointless and tragic, and until all parties are prepared to sit down, make some compromises and actually want a peace deal more than the existing status quo (which will require facing down domestic opposition on both sides), nothing will change.

    This is possibly the crux of the matter Hamas will not denounce violence towards Israel ,and even refuses their right to exist hardly a platform for talks!!! ,making it totally impossible to negotiate ,maybe that's why Hamas regard Fattah's Mahmoud Abbas as a traitor for entering in dialogue with Israel .
  12. If he really was doing 280 kph then reckless stupidly on his part was involved.

    280km/h is equivalent to 78 metres in a single second!

    Could it have been suicide?

    Since I first came here in 89 and have lived here full time since Nov 03 I have truly lost count on how many "Thai driving practices" I have personally witnessed that could only be described as "suicidal".
  13. Just a thought ,If Israel is a land hungry aggressor who takes no notice of anyone who many like to portray it as, why with it's vastly superior firepower does it not just go in and take whatever takes its fancy ?.

    It sort of did.

    There's this "minor" issue of having to deal with the local population, though.

    A big difference between what one can do and what's good for you.

    Morch Do you think that there would be a "local population" of Jews if Hamas got there way?
  14. I notice the "accident" occurred in the Right hand lane , Thai's are notorious "road hogs" and so how wide the road is ,many insist on driving in the outside lane and no matter how much you flash your headlight or sound your horn they just WILL NOT move to the left so the car at the rear can safely and legally overtake , I have truly lost count of observing them driving in the outside lane then swing to their left to make a left hand turn without even indicating their intentions !!. the "rule of the road" is quite simple ,keep to the left unless overtaking or turning right , this bit of common sense it Totally unknown to the vast majority of Thai drivers.

    There was a 3rd vehicle involved. Possibly, the Fortuner was, indeed, in the coveted right lane to pass this vehicle.

    280 KPH equates to over 250 feet per second. Doesn't leave many options when closing in on much slower traffic.

    Then again, at impact, the accelerator may have locked, causing the spike in the speedo.

    Of course there are loads of "possibiltys" as to why this happened ,but that does not alter the simple fact that most Thai's are not fit the push a baby carriage never mind a high powered car, and lets be honest about this ,the so called"driving test" is a joke, this coupled with bone idle police who do not do the job they are paid for, upholding the law , is a recipe for disaster, it brought a smile to my face when I read about the 7 "dangerous days" over Songkran ,of course I apologize for being brutally truthful but the "dangerous days" on Thailand,s roads are 365 days to the year!.
    • Like 2
  15. Don't think many understand the importance of working tail lights as well.

    Glad you brought that up, this is a major problem with Motor cycles ,cos when driving your car at night especially when its raining and a driver coming from the opposite direction has undipped headlights on blinding you its next to impossible to see the motorcyclist until you are right on top of him, I said to a guy at our local not long ago ,that life is cheap here ,he remarked yeah its 30 baht ,why I Inquired , he just said that,s the cost of a new rear light bulb on a motorbike.
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  16. This is what I have found out in Thailand. If you do not want to be rear-ended stay in the left lane if you are not going above 200km/hr. I have nearly (thankfully I always scan the mirrors and made some quick escapes from fast approaching vehicles that were oblivious to to the fact I was on the road) been rear ended so many times previously as 140km/hr is just too slow to stay in the right lane in Thailand.

    I have lost count of the Hundreds of Sugar cane wagons and trailers many in "convoy" sauntering along in the right hand lane doing a breathtaking 60KPH totally oblivious of the cars backed up behind who want to get past them.
  17. 280 KPH ??? That is 173 MPH , on a Thai toll way......This is clearly a case of Darwin's law at work. Perhaps in order to help ensure the survival of the hisos and their idiot off spring, these high powered sports cars should be speed limited...That would also have the double benefit of helping to stop the killing of other innocent people such as the other driver here who was killed.

    Maybe not so innocent, if he had been driving in the inside lane he would not have been "rear ended" would he., they spend hundreds of millions on road widening schemes here ,many times its a waste of money cos they still only use one lane ,the right hand one!!
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  18. Just a thought ,If Israel is a land hungry aggressor who takes no notice of anyone who many like to portray it as, why with it's vastly superior firepower does it not just go in and take whatever takes its fancy ?.

    ummm doesn't the map in post #28 pretty much suggest just that?

    also this superior firepower does come at a cost to their benefactors

    who seem to be going broke themselves. wink.png

    If they so wished they could take it all ,just like Hamas wants to do with the whole state of Israel .
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