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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. Piss taking apart Dan deep down we all know who the suspects are don,t we ,cos you just cannot argue with statistics can you ,personally I truly feel sorry for those who dismiss the truth as some sort of racially hate filled agenda against those who seek to destroy our way of life in the name of their prophet who may have never existed in the first place, maybe members should look at the latest news as to just where the suspects originated fromwink.png




    Our way of life?

    Come out of Dan's shadow and have a real debate...

    Me Debate with you? , never heard of the irresistible force trying to move an immovable object ?, whats the point?laugh.png
  2. Here is what a brilliant black man has to say on the subject:

    "Whatever the ultimate outcome of the case against George Zimmerman for his shooting of Trayvon Martin, what has happened already is enough to turn the stomach of anyone who believes in either truth or justice.

    An amazing proportion of the media has given us a painful demonstration of the thinking — and lack of thinking — that prevailed back in the days of the old Jim Crow South, where complexion counted more than facts in determining how people were treated."

    Trayvon Case Reveals a Racist Media

    Thanks for the very informative link in your post #27 UG ,which could well be totally ignored by those who's minds are already made up ,and whatever evidence is brought to bear which contrasts starkly with their line of thought on the tragic case will of course be dismissed out of hand.
  3. Piss taking apart Dan deep down we all know who the suspects are don,t we ,cos you just cannot argue with statistics can you ,personally I truly feel sorry for those who dismiss the truth as some sort of racially hate filled agenda against those who seek to destroy our way of life in the name of their prophet who may have never existed in the first place, maybe members should look at the latest news as to just where the suspects originated fromwink.png

  4. And let me guess they came in seeking asylum as refugees just like those in Australian prisons for the same thing.

    At a guess George I would say they are British born but have been brainwashed in a place of worship here ,or have gone to another Country for "suitable indoctrination" ,any way its early days as yet and they are only suspects , we will know more about it in the coming weeks as the news is released to the media.
  5. In decadent Europe, freedom of speech is dying. Loudly trumpeted as a ‘human right’ for any attacks on America, Israel, Christians or on the core values of the west, it is swiftly transformed into ‘hate speech’ and the shutters are slammed down on the speaker whenever Islam is in the frame.

    Populist comics with dubious heritage and now the International Free Press Society (featuring a veritable who's who of anti-immigration lights, such as Geert Wilders, Robert Spencer, Bruce Bawer, Daniel Pipes et al)

    Mr Hedegaard's actual comment that got him into trouble went as follows:

    On 22 December 2009 Lars Hedegaard, gave an interview in which he declared that Muslims "rape their own children. It is heard of all the time. Girls in Muslim families are raped by their uncles, their cousins or their fathers." He also stated that "Whenever it is prudent for a Muslim to hide his true intentions by lying or making a false oath in his own or in Islam’s service, then it is ok to do it."

    Even one of his supporters, Soren Krarup , MP with the anti-immigrant DPP, stated that while such views were "justifiable", they should have been more "carefully stated". The tightrope between free speech and hate speech indeed.

    The fact that Hedegaard has been recently acquitted as the Court saw " no basis for convicting him of intentionally disseminating his remarks to a wider audience", hardly suggests a desire to extinguish free speech in Denmark.

    Anyway getting back on topic, Brievik remains an acute embarrassment to the anti-immigration lobby, and all the obfuscation and issue-dodging cannot get over the fact that he is a spawn of the toxic environment promoted by many of the glitterati of the Free Press Society.

    Care to discuss the demographics of Eurabia or the takeover of the non-muslim world by islamists as feared by Brievik?

    I was hoping for a straight answer to my question in my post#123 .

  6. Yunla I am all for discussing any subject in a "logical way " problem is here as soon as I discuss my concerns about the inexorable rise of Radical Islam in Europe I am shouted down as a rabid racist fascist without any further discussion on the subject !!. and am quoted names like Pamela Geller ,Robert Spencer and Gert Wilders as some sort of right wing loonies who have wrote books on their fears of Muslim domination , maybe you could quote me a book written by a Westerner who says its exaggerated out of all proportion and European Country's have Nothing to fear .

    Not wishing to "discount" your opinions, I would love to see the evidence you have for the forthcoming Eurabia and muslim takeover of Europe. if you wish to convert people to your views it would be really handy if you could produce a compelling case that supports your views.

    If Brievik really is just the spear tip of a European movement affiliated with organizations such as the EDL it makes discussing the issue even more pressing.

    I was hoping for a Comment about About Steely Dans Excellent link in his post #116, do you agree or totally refute it?
  7. IMO internet and other media are the forum to discuss these subjects in a logical way, its healthy to discuss social issues. However I don't think Breiviks actions are related to the actual phenomena of immigration or islam despite what he says, his actions are related to him being a psychopath. I think he should be in leg-chains, and digging holes somewhere right now. And if he tries to tell the guards what he thinks about foreigners they should say "<deleted> & keep digging."

    Yunla I am all for discussing any subject in a "logical way " problem is here as soon as I discuss my concerns about the inexorable rise of Radical Islam in Europe I am shouted down as a rabid racist fascist without any further discussion on the subject !!. and am quoted names like Pamela Geller ,Robert Spencer and Gert Wilders as some sort of right wing loonies who have wrote books on their fears of Muslim domination , maybe you could quote me a book written by a Westerner who says its exaggerated out of all proportion and European Country's have Nothing to fear .
  8. IMO internet and other media are the forum to discuss these subjects in a logical way, its healthy to discuss social issues. However I don't think Breiviks actions are related to the actual phenomena of immigration or islam despite what he says, his actions are related to him being a psychopath. I think he should be in leg-chains, and digging holes somewhere right now. And if he tries to tell the guards what he thinks about foreigners they should say "<deleted> & keep digging."

    So in essence Yunla whatever Brevik says about Islam in his trial (or any one else world wide ) for that matter it should be completely disregarded out of hand as ultra right wing fascism .
  9. [Of course less resources are needed for a smaller population. What should we do - mass sterilization? Promote nuclear war? That would knock out a billion here or there. Unfortunately, it would mostly kill productive people on fertile land and we can't have that. Anyway, it all starts to sound too much like the plot of Moonraker.

    I mentioned earlier in the post you replied to, that global mass-education would be the only way. And that it is massive difficult project to undertake. I never said sterilization. I said education and even then it is not a guarantee.

    I think you can extrapolate forwards on the population increase curve, it is an inevitability of disaster.

    I like this website as a interesting site : http://www.breathingearth.net/

    but it doesn't offer any solution beyond the simple obvious one that we need to slow down. IMO racists including Breivik are probably frightened of being overwhelmed, but my point is it is not just european-immigration fear that people have, there is a species-fear of the human race becoming so big that there becomes only animalistic & territorial conflicts, with wars over basic farming and drinking rights.

    Europe's multicultural "problem" doesn't include other Europeans (Poles, Estonians) moving around Europe

    You should read the UK tabloids for the last 15 years, its all about Poles coming over to steal UK plumbing & building jobs & how they undercut local workers rates. The irony now is that many East Europeans are moving back home because the Uk market is flatlining.

    Yeah Yunla in some ways you are right,but there is not a virtual army of people employed by our Security services to keep tabs on the Poles are there? ,and unless one has been living on the planet Zog for the last decade we should all know as to just who and why !.
  10. There is one real reason for mass immigration, it is the same reason as mass-unemployment. The answer is 'global overpopulation', which is the problem, there are simply too many people on Earth to provide stable jobs / food / water / land for everyone. Scientists have long said the tipping-point was 6 Billion, and that the "Boom Years" were when there was 3-4 billion. Now it is 7 billion and rising exponentially.

    If you could stand up each man, woman, and child on the planet - shoulder to shoulder - they would fit on Singapore (true, do the math). So over-population is not a reason for mass immigration. The people emigrating are moving from countries that don't provide the same benefits (health, education, work, freedom, - even democracy!) as the countries they are leaving. So what is the real solution?

    De rail the Western "gravy train" ?
  11. If somebody waved a gun at me , i would probably break his nose if i had half a chance, why would'nt he be pummelling Zimmerman. I would'nt mind guessing that Martin was also fearing for his life especially when he saw the gun.

    If Martin saw the Gun and was fearing for his life why did he not vacate the scene Rapido instead of having physical contact ,and if Zimmerman wanted to gun him down why did'nt he immediately do so instead of fighting with him, it just does not add up!!.
  12. Posts containing references to Israel and Palestine have been deleted. You will have to find other examples to use. It just doesn't happen that Israel and Palestine can be used as an example without derailing the entire thread.

    The discussion of others is interesting, however, please note that the thread is about Brevik and tangential discussions need to remain just that.

    Added: Another off-topic post has been deleted. The population in China and Africa is not appropriate.

    Scott I was merely Answering Yunla's excellent post who mentioned world over population , and the answer is to globally stop world over breeding ,which is a good idea but totally impossible to implement.
  13. I wonder how many of you guys in here on being followed (stalked) at night by a guy with a gun, would have just stood there and said shoot me ! Most would have been scared for their life and fought like <deleted>.

    Any unarmed person who involves himself with physical contact with a guy with a gun, is a fool , the correct course of action to take is to "run like <deleted>" certainly not fight like it!.
  14. Colin, the public outcry took so long because a racist decision was made i.e. the Black was killed and not the white guy so police were not interested until they were made to be .

    So you think that the Intense pressure applied by the Likes of Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan and Co was the reason he was charged then?,otherwise due to racism within the Police force no charge would have been forthcoming !!. if that was the case, a scenario like this would happen everytime a white committed a serious felony against a black which is hardly the case is it.
  15. As can be seen by his testimony so far and the long term planning involved in these attacks (he appears to have started in 2006), this is not the work of a "nutter". While his actions and beliefs certainly would appear insane to any rational person capable of thought and reason, what we have is the "logical" endgame (at least to such people as Brievik) of extreme islamophobic, anti-immigration ideology.

    You can either accept Breiviks sanity or not, it's for the Courts and appointed experts to decide. However should you conclude rational premeditation in order to conflate his actions inaccurately with those who do not espouse violence then you are opening a Pandora's box when the misdeeds of their opponents get an airing too. As for the word Islamophobia, it is merely a cynical manipulative device to stifle free speech.


    Abdur-Rahman Muhammad, a former member of the IIIT who has renounced the group in disgust, was an eyewitness to the creation of the word. "This loathsome term," he writes,is nothing more than a thought-terminating cliche conceived in the bowels of Muslim think tanks for the purpose of beating down critics.

    And perhaps in an environment less stifled by PC dogma Breivik might not have used violence the way he did.

    P.S Just for perspective Jews are 8 times more likely to suffer racist attacks than Muslims, and 70% of those attacks are indeed by Muslims, and it's not Islamophobic to state this.

    Indeed Dan, For sure its highly doubtful he would have carried out this heinous crime if he was Dutch and lived in his own Country!!.
  16. I would just like to wish a Happy St George's day to all*

    *except the far-right who have misused our flag and the far-left who think we should all now be ashamed of it

    Could you please be more explicit in explaining how the "far right" have misused our national flag? , there would be no problem in the first place if various left wing councils did not order our flag to be taken down just in case the ethnic minorities are some how "offended" by it, thus inflaming the local indigenous white Christian population by this insane politically correct ruling ,BTW happy St Georges day biggrin.png
  17. not a word, not a sausage about it on BBC news. Politically incorrect? Or maybe health and safety, some untrained personnel might get their fingers trapped.

    The Bolshevik Broadcasting Corp never has been patriotic and it never will.
  18. I believe it is local councils that have the authority to regulate the display of flags and some can be spoilsports. Let nobody be deterred by this from having an extra dose of fun today.

    Wow, as an American my mind boggles at the idea of a government having the power to prevent the display of whatever flag you like, unless it's truly offensive "hate-speech" that would possibly incite violence like swastika, KKK, jihad. But the equivalent of a state flag?? Are there English that would like to secede from the UK, or are they afraid of a reaction by natives of the other components like Wales and Scotland?

    IMO very bizarre. . .

    it's essentially the Loony left wing local governments - they are worried that the English flag ( which is also misused by the right wing National front ) will upset

    non-English residents and incite nationalism by racists alike.

    Political correctness I think they try to call it.

    ps by Non-English they are referring to Muslims IMO

    Never a truer word written , 10 years ago in England in the Lancashire town of Oldham which has a large Muslim population the local labour Council sent 3 workmen to a little Cul de sac were a St George's day party was being held ,they explained they had been instructed to remove 3 large flags of St George without giving any reason , the workman was given very short shrift indeed and told to F off and to send the guy round who had given the order, needless to say they beat a hasty retreat and were not seen again.
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  19. Yeah Scott I understand, more by the way of an explanation ,Immigration is by now quite a controversial subject as every one is well aware ,but IMHO any host Country who is good enough to give shelter and sustenance to "asylum seekers" then those receiving it should at least try and assimilate into its Culture , which hitherto would appear to be not the case ,much to the Chagrin of many of the indigenous population. who's Country it concerns .

  20. In general, immigration to a country is a privilege, not a right. It needs to be up to each country to determine the number of people it wants to allow to resettle and the qualities of those people. Part of that test may very well be the ability of the person to adjust to the existing culture.

    Cultures can and do change over time, but rapid change is generally viewed as negative and hard for everyone to adjust to.

    I found the quiet of a Sunday morning as easily disturbed by the ringing of Church bells as I do for the call to prayer.

    IMHO unless there is momentous change in Attitude of Government thinking both Central and local of the "host Country" it will only get worse , 15 years ago there was no Halal meat served up at school meals often without the white indigenous parents knowledge , they still had Nativity Plays in Schools at Christmas now in many schools they have been "discontinued" , they still had Nursery Rhymes like 3 little pigs and Baa baa black sheep ,we could fly the flag of St George on "our day" Without some left wing Council ordering us to take them down, we could wear a Crucifix round our necks with being suspended from work , Christmas trimmings outside ones house were not frowned upon by certain left wing councils I could go on and on writing the truth but guess I stop as the truth causes so much offence these days don't it

    Hope you are wearing your red rose today.

    I could reply but it may be deemed offensive and off topic,, and instead of coming out with wisecracks why not try and discount the content of my previous post!?laugh.png
  21. Forget "buying" land. You can't own land as a foreigner in Thailand. OK you can buy a Condo, but what for? Rent somewhere nice and live from your UK investments and pension

    Sound advice JG you obviously "know the score" wink.png
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