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Colin Yai

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Posts posted by Colin Yai

  1. I cannot imagine why anybody would sign a peace treaty when only they can violate that treaty.

    Don't you mean when they know that they will violate that treaty? The Palestinian Arabs have never had any intention to stop fighting.

    Hamas has NEVER signed any peace treaty with Israel ,how could it,according to Hamas's own Charter they want the whole of Israel to be turned into an Islamic state , a totally impossible bargaining tool! , in between Fattah on the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza there is a sort of uneasy peace at present, how long this will last!???
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  2. So ignorant, the fault does not lie with the wage or the cost of things or etc.

    How much is enough really? I totally agree with the other posters on how the locals do not know how to manage their own money and just spend it all. It's so typical of them.

    I have always been against the idea of the 300 baht minimum wage. Are you kidding me? Do you think the locals will win from this? It is such a lame populist strategy by the government to fool people. And guess what? They really are fooled. I laughed disgustingly when the 300 baht wasn't enough and they demand more? 450? 500? 600? It's like a drug that kills them and they cant even see that it's not the solution and still demand more.

    1) Rising wages = rising costs. As soon as those locals receive 300 baht wages, company costs will increase, and we bosses never lose. We make the rules, we gain the benefits, if there are no benefits, we dont do it. We transfer the higher costs to our goods and services. Therefore as a result of rising wages, automatically all the food, transportation, entertainment, etc. All prices increase due to this effect. And trust me the economy is not fair and will never be, the pathetic wage increase is NO MATCH for the price increase. With your 250 baht wage, you could have bought 10 boxes of eggs, now with your 300 baht wage, you can only buy 8 boxes of eggs. Idiots who can only say "More MORE MORE to my wage".

    2) Rising wages = less attractive workers. Yes, nobody wants to hire you anymore, you are less demanding due to the same level of work you produce with a higher cost. Say good bye to job security. Instead of being jai yen yen and mai pen rai all the time. Worried about foreign workers taking over, of course they will. They work hard, they are on task and they are fast and they are cheaper. They are like the top students in the class who are willing to provide the bosses with more. Being lazy wont get you anywhere. It's not always what you want. If things were run by the locals, we would have holidays half of the month, high wages, drink beer all the time, yea right...

    3) Spending...... my workers have better mobile phones than me lololol. When is spending enough? What is enough? Is there a limit? And the debt, they will jump on their feet at every opportunity for a loan or credit. Pathetic. I spend my whole life buying assets that give me even more money. There people spend their life buying liabilities, so they can give people more money. Choice is in each person's hands, what would you choose? There is a line drawn, and a reason which individual stands to be on the rich side or the poor side. I am the one who gets paid 3-15% of each baht I invest in. They are the one paying 3-9% each money they get. It's not the economy, blame themselves.

    Bristling with common sense , but do you think a Thai would agree with you? , highly doubtful, maybe they should read the old fable"The ant and the cricket" eh wink.png
  3. Funny that people blame everything on Thaksin, especially when you know that two of the most active Thaksin opponents were businessmen who couldn't accept they were bankrupt : Sondhi Limthongkul and Prachai Leophairatana.

    Beside that I don't think that Thai are worse than anybody else when it comes to managing money. I'm sure I will be accused of being an american basher when I say the last world economical crisis was mostly caused by american people who borrowed more that they could afford to repay but it is unfortunately true. At least Thai people cause trouble only to themselves

    Guess you wont join my "We hate Thaksin for robbing Thailand" Club?thumbsup.gif

    I did here there was a waiting list as its way over subscribed laugh.png
  4. I am not tying to downplay the threat of muslim terrorism in Europe as it does represent the main security challenge today

    This is the point that other posters are trying to make.

    quite correct UG however unpalatable to the left wing politically correct, it just happens to be the truth ,and as the white fascist Pamela Geller says!!!!!!! .,if it was'nt so serious it would be laughable that people like Robert Spencer ,Geert Wilders, and Geller should be branded for just writing what tens of millions know already is the simple truth.
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  5. Flying I do believe you are cherry picking my words!wink.png do you honestly believe that Mahmoud Abbas is behaving like a Child?, he's a man of vision being held back by the total intransigence of Hamas.

    No I just wanted to highlight how I see it.

    I know folks can show bad things from both sides & it can go round & round.....What is the point in that?

    I see in your case you choose to highlight the bad things of a single side....That is your perogative

    But like those who cannot settle this it will only go round & round.

    Chicken & the egg

    Nothing more to say really


    Maybe we do not think alike ,but I do admire you honesty (as you see it)clap2.gif
  6. , a satisfactory deal between both sides would have been struck long ago if

    Yes this is the chicken & the egg scenario I spoke of earlier.

    There is plenty of blame to go around ....again BOTH sides.

    One thing this OP shows is that........Again if BOTH sides will behave as children

    then an adult should step in or place them both in the corner of sanctions

    We ( The USA ) have done so to many others who have transgressed less.

    But.....as I said in my 1st post on this topic...Nothing shall come of it.

    , a satisfactory deal between both sides would have been struck long ago if

    Yes this is the chicken & the egg scenario I spoke of earlier.

    There is plenty of blame to go around ....again BOTH sides.

    One thing this OP shows is that........Again if BOTH sides will behave as children

    then an adult should step in or place them both in the corner of sanctions

    We ( The USA ) have done so to many others who have transgressed less.

    But.....as I said in my 1st post on this topic...Nothing shall come of it.

    Flying I do believe you are cherry picking my words!wink.png do you honestly believe that Mahmoud Abbas is behaving like a Child?, he's a man of vision being held back by the total intransigence of Hamas.
  7. I would suggest you do not take my word for it, just Google up the Hamas charter or Covenant.

    Really I don't care............Both sides need to work it out...period

    Zealots from BOTH sides will not help anything

    Seems over the years I read more & more about the actual people of BOTH sides wanting peace.

    It is the zealots of both sides that are in control that cause the problems.

    Flying, its somewhat difficult to thrash out a peace deal when the opposing side refuses to recognize your right simply to exist , this is the position Hamas takes against Israel , I take it you have not read their Covenant then? , a satisfactory deal between both sides would have been struck long ago if Mahmoud Abbas on the West Bank was the sole arbitrator unfortunately this is not the case is it?
  8. Yeah Flying there is only so much land the problem here is Hamas to not want to share it ,they want it all ,

    You know I am no expert but when I see things like this map I do not think it is all one sided nor do I think Hamas wants it all.

    I know folks like to go round & round on this subject but it will always be a which came first the chicken or the egg scenario.

    If BOTH sides cannot sort it out then a third party needs to step in or at least support of again BOTH sides needs to be dropped.

    Here is the map I mentioned.....


    I would suggest you do not take my word for it, just Google up the Hamas charter or Covenant.
  9. With the recent protests in Israel demanding more housing I can see this will not end well.

    300,000 were in the streets back in August 2011. That is equal to 12 million Americans turning out in the US when compared by population.

    But at the same time they are also asking for "more attention for the Palestinian question."

    So it is interesting. We will see where it all goes.

    There is only so much land.

    Historic protest in Israel: over 300,000 demand social justice


    Yeah Flying there is only so much land the problem here is Hamas to not want to share it ,they want it all , the message is quite plain in the Hamas Charter or Covenant , there is no doubt in my mind that Fattah on the West bank under Abu Mazan or (Mahmoud Abbas) Could reach a compromise with Israel, he is constant dialog with Netanyahu on this very subject ,for this Hamas label him a traitor!, I see Mazan ( who I admire) as a man of vision who realizes what has happened in the past has been a failure and its way overdue to sit round the table and discuss it rationally , unfortunately and indeed sadly Hamas simply refuses to aknowledge Israels right to exist.
  10. Qaddafi "We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades."

    I remember reading the very same quote ,so I know its correct .
  11. "Commerce Minister Boonsong Teriyapirbom, asked to comment on these highly negative reports, didn't show any sign of concern. He said the government won't change its policy to accept paddy from farmers at Bt15,000 per tonne.

    Why, in the face of all this bad news from the front line, does he refuse to consider a review of the policy?

    "Because it's the government's policy," he says.

    How is he going to tackle the issue?

    The minister repeated what the government's leaders have said from the outset: "We will sell our rice through government-to-government (G-to-G) deals."

    How that can be called a "solution" is anybody's guess."

    MPs the world over offer the same solutions when asked difficult questions: they reiterate and regurgitate. And these are supposed to be intelligent and responsible people, or so they would have us believe.

    I think you blame the wrong person....he isn't in the position to change policy.

    You said it, and we all know who makes the ultimate decisions don't we , you just could not make it up could you, what a bloody fiasco.
  12. There was a world of difference between the Northern Ireland terrorists and Islamic terrorism , for a start I ain't ever heard of an IRA suicide bomber which is all the rage with the Muslims and incredibly hard to either observe or stop ,secondly there were many I informers in Northern Ireland ,many getting "knee capped" and even worse when caught out, not so with Islam as there appears to be a wall of silence ,one could even call it a Muslim "Omerta" making the job of our security services even harder , according to what I have read today it would seem that the suspects are all " British Born" it may turn out that they will be released with charge who knows ,never the less, when innocent lives are at risk ,they have to act in the public interest .

    the IRA did not need to resort to suicide bombers, they were far too professional and their members wern't that dumb. They were also, sadly, pretty efficient terrorists compared to the modern day muslim extremists.

    Islamic jihadists/extremists, have murdered just under 300 people in Europe over 30 years since 1982. The main incidents were the El Descano bombing, Spain,1985 (18 dead); 1995 Paris Metro bombings (8); 2004 Madrid train bombings (191); 2005 London bombings (52); and Merah's brutal spree, 2012 (7).

    By comparison during the same 30 year period 1227 people were murdered during the conflict in Northern Ireland, even though it officially ended with the Good Friday Agreement in 1998 (1220 died 1982-1998).

    Therefore over 4x as many people were murdered by socialist/catholic/"loyalist"/protestant extremists in 16 years just in a corner of the UK, compared to the number of people murdered by muslim extremists across the whole of Europe in 30 years.

    So in your opinion just cos our security forces were smarter than the Islamic radicals to stop the untold slaughter that they planned against the infidel, that automatically absolves them of blame,intent, or guilt eh , thanks for the laugh laugh.png And anyway its not just about lives lost by Islamic terrorism ,but how they want to Impose Sharia law on the West ,which slowly by degrees is what is happening right now in the UK .
  13. There was a world of difference between the Northern Ireland terrorists and Islamic terrorism , for a start I ain't ever heard of an IRA suicide bomber which is all the rage with the Muslims and incredibly hard to either observe or stop ,secondly there were many I informers in Northern Ireland ,many getting "knee capped" and even worse when caught out, not so with Islam as there appears to be a wall of silence ,one could even call it a Muslim "Omerta" making the job of our security services even harder , according to what I have read today it would seem that the suspects are all " British Born" it may turn out that they will be released with charge who knows ,never the less, when innocent lives are at risk ,they have to act in the public interest .

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  14. Has it never occurred to you that there is a real threat in the UK from British born Muslims holding British Passports ? ,

    I'd laugh if it turns out to be five Eskimos who are all ******off about their igloos melting. What would you say then ?

    Nice bit of humour Yunla , but I know the Racial Identity of 3 of them And I can assure you they ain't Eskimo'slaugh.png
  15. Has never occurred to you that there is a real threat in the UK from British born Muslims holding British Passports ? ,why not just Google up "British born Muslims involved in terrorism" a whole welter of info enclosed .


    Rather like the one faced by the UK in the 1970's and 1980's from UK/Irish nationalists/loyalists.

    Terrorism is sadly a fact of life and threat in most countries to varying degrees. But winning the fight against any terrorism is not helped by demonizing an entire section of society. As with NI ultimate success requires a mix of social, economic and political moves within a security environment, but military/police action can never combat terrorism alone. Also as again can be seen in NI a hardcore element is often left after a settlement has been achieved and represent an ongoing threat.

    Bottom line, no easy answers and a lot of hard graft.

    I was,nt Aware that the IRA called it a "Holy war" (Jihad) against the non believer (infidel) ,hard graft?, what do you suggest ?, cave in to Sharia law?
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  16. Me Debate with you? , never heard of the irresistible force trying to move an immovable object ?, whats the point?laugh.png

    While a classic paradox, when irresistible force meets immovable object, the classic answer is that the former is consumed by the latter, with an enormous release of heat. Sounds like a typical TV debate.

    This doesn't have to be the case in this situation and I am far from immovable, just sceptical and demanding of a well-argued and supported case to prove your point.

    Immigration brings positives and negatives (like us here in Thailand as immigrants [international immigrant = person who enters another country for a least 1 year]), and some sections of the host society benefit more than others. Nothing new here, so what makes the spectre of muslim immigration so different and what evidence is there that they are capable of taking over non-muslim countries (last achieved in the 1700's)?

    Has it never occurred to you that there is a real threat in the UK from British born Muslims holding British Passports ? ,why not just Google up "British born Muslims involved in terrorism" a whole welter of info enclosed .,I suggest you read all of them and then contend that they are Not trying to destroy our way of life !.
  17. Ok, all of you man up.

    Who tears up watching these ANZAC vids......every dam_n year.


    It's proabaly fair to say it is "the" sacred day for Aussies and Kiwis and we work hard to keep it that way.

    But to be fair and balanced, they way Anzac Veterans and Aussies generally get treated at certain places in Europe, Particualrly the little out of the way farmer towns is equally impressive.

    Quite true the UK is justly proud of our Aussie Allies on their "special day" ,.the debt owed to the fallen by all the Allied forces will never be repaid but will always be remembered .
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  18. Memorial to what?? A long past war of British aggression against Turkey. Australian and New Zealanders fighting for a foreign power in a foreign country far from their home. As a New Zealander I am ashamed by what we did

    ANZAC day is for the fallen, of all conflicts ANZAC troops have fought and died in. It should also be noted that Turks are welcome in the march.

    And as Dawn is breaking.



    What a beautiful and heart moving picture ,even for a POM like me .
  19. Memorial to what?? A long past war of British aggression against Turkey. Australian and New Zealanders fighting for a foreign power in a foreign country far from their home. As a New Zealander I am ashamed by what we did

    It's also remembrance for those killed in Australia and Asia. Are you ashamed of those defending Australia from the Japanese?

    Lest we forget , and what about all the Aussie Service men who died an horrible and lingering death as POW's in Japanese prison camps , and the "railway of death" !
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