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Posts posted by coma

  1. A guy walks into a Sydney brothel and says to the Mamasan "I'm a bit kinky ,how much for total humiliation?" $60, she replies. "What do I get for that ? " he asks. "A baggy green cap and an Australian shirt " she replies.

    *thanks to Sydney Morning Herald

    Gee they sure are quick on the jokes. Like that one. :D

  2. Nothing about Chiang Mai?

    How can black Africans openly deal drugs in the Nana area of Sukhumvit and escape detection? They stick out a mile - so I've heard!

    This is true mikebell. One can only assume tea money is involved :ph34r:

    If one is not so colour blind they will see that there are seedy characters from all walks of life openly dealing drugs in this area. Not just Africans. B)

  3. News Desk

    The Nation (Thailand)

    Publication Date : 24-12-2010

    Bangkok police Thursday (December 23) made multiple arrests and seized a large volume of narcotics in several simultaneous raids, as the government gave one month's time to crack down on drug traffickers.

    Some 696 people were arrested as part of raids in Bangkok's Phra Nakhon and Thon Buri areas, while another 439 people were netted in 58 raids in Pathum Thani. Many of the suspects were blacklisted by both police and anti-narcotics agencies.

    The raids targeted mostly slums and communities inhabited by low-income earners. A large number of handguns, an M-16 assault rifle, machetes and other arms, many stolen motorcycles and other illegal items were also confiscated.

    Among the key suspects arrested were Surachai Tohuapa and Usa Sawang-arom, who were caught in possession of 30,000 amphetamine tablets and 4 kilograms of "ice" flakes, as well as Suthep Bunkrajang and Amor Thanoosa, who were arrested in separate raids. Many of the suspects are also wanted for other crimes ranging from murder and rape to trivial offences.

    The government gave the police one month, starting from Thursday, to crack down on the drug trade in Thailand, under strict orders that extra judicial measures only be used if the suspects resist arrest or are violent.

    The interior ministry has launched an anti-narcotics operation to tackle drug abuse during the festive season, by mobilising more policemen, conducting extra searches and setting up checkpoints at main roads across the country to control the transport of drugs.

    Police and military officers along the border area have also been alerted to watch out for drug smugglers, said Chachoensao provincial governor Suraphol Phongthadsirikul, who is leading the ministry's operation.

    Meanwhile, betting shops in many provinces have been temporarily closed down after Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva vowed to tackle the problem after he received reports that many Internet cafes in Thailand were showing live broadcasts of casinos in Cambodia's Poi Pet to encourage gambling.

    Around 30 shops in Ubon Thani have closed, especially those that have a sticker reading "T-G-TK" - a signal that they have the police in their pay list.

    The stickers have reportedly been removed to cut down the chances of them becoming targets allegedly at the suggestion of local police.

    Many shops in Chaiyaphum have also closed down, while most Internet cafes are being strict with their closing hours.

    A source in Khon Kaen said there were more than 80 Internet cafes still broadcasting live shows of gambling in Cambodian casinos.

    Abhisit said the cyber crime laws would be enforced carefully so it does not violate privacy or civil rights of innocent operators or the general public.

  4. While I have never read of any official rule of allowing lack of thai language ability being a reason for rejection, I do know one person who was rejected for this reason. But I wouldn't count on it as the military intelligence or the foreign relations department could probably use a good english speaker.

    It is best that the OP go speak to the sasadee and see what the go actually is.

    The other alternative is that if the OP has a university education he can volunteer and only have to serve 6 months - but you must volunteer before the lottery date for that to work. Otherwise he needs to risk the lottery and serve the two years if chosen.

    The final option is for the OP to enrol at university and do cadets while studying which will fulfil the service requirements.

    Being a good English speaker in the Thai military is useless if you don't possess the ability to translate it back into Thai. :ph34r:

    and you would know this how exactly?

    re-read Samran's post 8#

    As exactly as the word "exactly" means. But thank you for your concern. :whistling:

  5. And not one suspect seriously injured or killed. How times have changed since the middle of the last decade.

    You do realize that the numbers you refer to included ALL violent crimes at the time, don't you? What you are delighted by is selective reporting. You can be assured that there will be violence as the local gangs will soon jockey for position and settle scores with those that snitched. There is always a latency before the violence is evident. If you think there will not be a settling of accounts as the "crackdown" continues, you are mistaken. Thailand's drug dealer behaviour follows the same pattern as it does in Brixton, Compton, or Mexico City.

    I don't recall "refering" to any "numbers" in my post. Strange one that. ;)

  6. Wow! Even though I'd really like to believe this "crackdown", my feeling is that of all the drugs they confiscated, probably half will make it back to the dealers for cash to the BIB, and as for the cash they say they confiscated, I'd say that's probably only about half of what they really found. And the other half???? Hey, BIB have expensive lifestyles also, and have to maintain them.

    Yeah, call me a cynic, but I've been here too long to really believe this crap. Besides, I've got a cop (Senior Sergeant) in the family, so I know what goes on.

    OK. Your a cynic. :ph34r:

  7. Well Australia just recieved yet another humiliating defeat at the hands of thier arch enemy. England. What will they do from here? How will they recovery from the defeat in time to seriously attempt to win the World Cup in Sri Lanka next month. Losing the likes of Warne, Hayden, Magrath and Gilchrist ,to name a few, in quick succession has left the team some what wanting. Or is it just that the English team has finally scored up and are ready to be the next dominant force in World Cricket? Thoughts and opinions please. :jap:

  8. coma and thaiwx

    well you two obviously know what your talking about : )

    re ... Hope you didn't take it from your bedroom window

    nahhh ... hang dong road ... this is the view i wake up to every morning


    That is a great view to be waking up to every morning Dave 2. I was just a little worried you were living at the und of the runway :D . Have a good weekend.

  9. While I have never read of any official rule of allowing lack of thai language ability being a reason for rejection, I do know one person who was rejected for this reason. But I wouldn't count on it as the military intelligence or the foreign relations department could probably use a good english speaker.

    It is best that the OP go speak to the sasadee and see what the go actually is.

    The other alternative is that if the OP has a university education he can volunteer and only have to serve 6 months - but you must volunteer before the lottery date for that to work. Otherwise he needs to risk the lottery and serve the two years if chosen.

    The final option is for the OP to enrol at university and do cadets while studying which will fulfil the service requirements.

    Being a good English speaker in the Thai military is useless if you don't possess the ability to translate it back into Thai. :ph34r:

  10. coma.

    re ... F16A/B's

    is this one ? ... thats what was flying round here yesterday


    L-39 Albatros trainers.. Those buzz around here just about every day. Wing 41 exercises. Not nearly as noisy as the F-16's when they come around.

    Yes. Thiawx is spot on ;) . This is a Czech designed L-39 Albatros trainer thats is also used in the light ground attack role. It is indeed a Wing 41 aircraft that is permanantly stationed here in Chiang Mai . They fly around here every other day. Mostly they fly off and do training mission elsewhere. However when they are doing touch and go manouvre's it involves endless curcuits of the city hence the large amount of air traffic activity and associated noise :( . Great photo. Hope you didn't take it from your bedroom window. LOL. :D

  11. Here's a few snakes that I (or my dogs) found in my garden in San Sai in the last few weeks. A Burmese Python, Striped Keelback and a water snake of some sort, as far as I could tell from looking at pics on the internet.

    Wow, that Striped Keelback is one I've yet to see around here even though they're supposed to be common. Thanks for the pic. What did you do with the Python?

    I prefer to observe from a distance, take a few pics and gently place over the fence into the field but the friendly neighbors caught this one while cleaning the klong and took it home for a New Years Day dinner

    Here's the Striped Keelback being brought to friendlier environs

    Thought you might like to see a few more of my pics of snakes for fun. The first two are also Burmese Pythons with me, both in temples in Burma. The cobra was caught in my pool in Hua Hin (the red is the net) and I let free away from the house. The Bushmaster, a deadlier snake one won't find (which I found out later), was in a tree trunk taken from a small boat I was traveling in in Costa Rica. The guide said it was harmless and brought me to a dangerous distance. And finally this lovely Anaconda I came across while hiking in the savanah of Venezuela, and have since found that it is better to not pick them up and let them be.

    You snatched that Anaconda by yourself. Good work. A little crazy, but good work. Love the pics and thanks for sharing them. ;)

  12. Colour and dimensions would suggest that it possibley a Monocled Cobra [ Ngu Haw Mo, งูเห่าหม้อ] This type of snake dwells mainly in grassy open lands and rice fields, near water where it can feed on frogs and small rats. It also can be found in built up areas. It is indeed a excellent swimmer and can also climb.. However without seeing it myself I cannot be 100% certain.

    It, like all snakes in not agressive by nature towards humans. If startled it will rare up, showing it's fearsome looking hood. However if you can hold your nerve and not panick, it will most certainly take flight towards it's nesting hole.[Just pray you aren't between the snake and its hole or you will be in for some nerve racking, however brief, close contact]. LOL :lol:

    IMO snake are beautiful and amazing creatures and it sounds like you had a special moment there, watching this predator hunt in its natural enviroment. Enjoy and remember, snakes keep the filthy rat population down. :jap:

  13. I already explained why it is offensive (not to mention darkly absurd) to suggest a Jewish state be created in Germany after 1945. All I can do now is suggest a visit to a major holocaust museum.

    I don't find it offensive at all. And I am not a Zionist if the thought was popping into ones mind. And I certainly don't need a field trip to a Holocaust [major or minor] museum to know what happened to all those poor souls at the hands of a horrible Regime.

    However, In 1933, approximately 9.5 million Jews lived in Europe, comprising 1.7% of the total European population. This number represented more than 60 percent of the world's Jewish population at that time, estimated at 15.3 million. Why stack,pack and rack em' on Arab land ?

    Until the Israeli Government stops building settlements on occupied land this bitter stalemate will be forever. How many more Palistinian must ultamately suffer the same fate as the victims of the holocaust did before we realize that we need change for peace in the Middle East. And we need it NOW. This is not just about Palistine and Israel. It is this that is fueling the rage within all Jihadist right across our planet. :(

    Acid test question for you -- do you think NOW that Israel has the right to ANY borders in their current region and that they deserve to determine for themselves whether they wish to continue to be a Jewish state, or not? We get it that you think that the UN making Israel a (the only) Jewish state in 1948 was a big mistake. So be it, but what about NOW that there are millions of Jews who call that country home, and what about the over 50 Islamic states in the world, are they also illegitimate to you?

    Note that it's a given if there is ever going to be a Palestinian state with peace that Israel will need to give up many settlements and make all kind of other land compromises. However, the question implied in the acid test question is that it is clear that the Palestinian majority doesn't accept a Jewish state of Israel in their region with ANY borders.

    My point has been made very clear from the outset. It is the continued building of Jewish settlements on Arab land that was captured during the 1967 war. I personally believe outside of this, they have all the right in the world to exist as all other nations do. And a right to self determination. But so do the Palistinians.

    However they have been continually denied this by Israel for decades. What it comes down to is " What is good for the Goose is good for the Ganda" The sooner Israel, infact all of us, realise this the closer we will become to a more peaceful Middle East and entire world which every nation has a responsbility to maintain.

  14. I already explained why it is offensive (not to mention darkly absurd) to suggest a Jewish state be created in Germany after 1945. All I can do now is suggest a visit to a major holocaust museum.

    I don't find it offensive at all. And I am not a Zionist if the thought was popping into ones mind. And I certainly don't need a field trip to a Holocaust [major or minor] museum to know what happened to all those poor souls at the hands of a horrible Regime.

    However, In 1933, approximately 9.5 million Jews lived in Europe, comprising 1.7% of the total European population. This number represented more than 60 percent of the world's Jewish population at that time, estimated at 15.3 million. Why stack,pack and rack em' on Arab land ?

    Until the Israeli Government stops building settlements on occupied land this bitter stalemate will be forever. How many more Palistinian must ultamately suffer the same fate as the victims of the holocaust did before we realize that we need change for peace in the Middle East. And we need it NOW. This is not just about Palistine and Israel. It is this that is fueling the rage within all Jihadist right across our planet. :(

  15. Question. And a little deep I guess but.... Why did the allies not establish the state of Israel for the Jews in occupied Germany? I mean, Germany started and lost the War. Instead they established it in the Middle East. Big Boo Boo.

    As for the current {50 years} situation. Stop building settlements on Arab land captured in the 1967 war. Problem solved.

    That's an offensive question, and you would know that if you understood history. There was already a Zionist movement in Israel for decades before WW2 and there were Jews all over the world, not only Germany, and there used to be Jews all over the Middle East until they were mostly booted out by their respective governments (which is something the anti-Zionists will never mention as it goes against their script). The world's Jews would not have wanted a Jewish state in Germany immediately after the most horrific genocide of their people in world history (and most of the German ones were already mass murdered). As far as the founding of Israel, yes it was the UN, and it wouldn't have happened without the support of US President Truman, and it also true the Arabs resisted it with violence from day one. BTW, the Arab resistance was understandable but so was the impulse of the Jews towards realizing Zionism immediately after the holocaust. Thus, this horrific long standing conflict.

    I am very interested to know how you find the question "Offensive".

    Yes. Jews were all over the world without a home state as you stated. Then that became a problem that the world leaders of that time dumped on the Palistinians.

  16. H

    Thailand is second only to Columbia, South America, for murder rates IN THE WORLD. That should tell you something!

    It tells me you need to find a new source of reference.

    Yes. Do you have a solid reference to that statement?

    He means Gun murders, which looks something like this:

    # 1 South Africa:74.5748 # 2 Colombia:51.7683 # 3 Thailand:33.0016 # 4 Guatemala:18.5 # 5 Paraguay:7.3508 # 6 Zimbabwe:4.746 # 7 Mexico:3.6622 # 8 United States:3.6 # 9 Belarus:3.31 # 10 Barbados:2.9963 # 11 Uruguay:2.5172 # 12 Lithuania:2.2463 # 13 Slovakia:2.1659 # 14 Côte d'Ivoire:2.068 # 15 Estoni

    Ummm! Sorry. But I didn't see the word GUN in that post. My mistake obviously. ;)

  17. Crime Statistics > Murders (per capita) (most recent) by country

    VIEW DATA: Totals Per capita Definition Source printable.gifPrintable version Bar Graph Map function selectDate(e) { var d = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value; var url = window.location.toString(); url = url.replace(/&date=\d\d\d\d(-\d\d-\d\d)?/, ''); if(d) { url += '&date=' + d; } else { url = url.replace('/red/', '/'); } window.location = url; }

    Showing latest available data. .td70 { width: 70px; text-align: right; white-space:nowrap; } .td40 { width: 40px; text-align: right; } .td150 { width: 150px; } .td180 { width: 180px; text-align: right; } .td225 { width: 225px; vertical-align: middle; }Rank Countries opacity.gifAmount down.gif # 1 Colombia:0.617847 per 1,000 people # 2 South Africa:0.496008 per 1,000 people # 3 Jamaica:0.324196 per 1,000 people # 4 Venezuela:0.316138 per 1,000 people # 5 Russia:0.201534 per 1,000 people # 6 Mexico:0.130213 per 1,000 people # 7 Estonia:0.107277 per 1,000 people # 8 Latvia:0.10393 per 1,000 people # 9 Lithuania:0.102863 per 1,000 people # 10 Belarus:0.0983495 per 1,000 people # 11 Ukraine:0.094006 per 1,000 people # 12 Papua New Guinea:0.0838593 per 1,000 people # 13 Kyrgyzstan:0.0802565 per 1,000 people # 14 Thailand:0.0800798 per 1,000 people # 15 Moldova:0.0781145 per 1,000 people # 16 Zimbabwe:0.0749938 per 1,000 people # 17 Seychelles:0.0739025 per 1,000 people # 18 Zambia:0.070769 per 1,000 people # 19 Costa Rica:0.061006 per 1,000 people # 20 Poland:0.0562789 per 1,000 people # 21 Georgia:0.0511011 per 1,000 people # 22 Uruguay:0.045082 per 1,000 people # 23 Bulgaria:0.0445638 per 1,000 people # 24 United States:0.042802 per 1,000 people # 25 Armenia:0.0425746 per 1,000 people # 26 India:0.0344083 per 1,000 people # 27 Yemen:0.0336276 per 1,000 people # 28 Dominica:0.0289733 per 1,000 people # 29 Azerbaijan:0.0285642 per 1,000 people # 30 Finland:0.0283362 per 1,000 people # 31 Slovakia:0.0263303 per 1,000 people # 32 Romania:0.0250784 per 1,000 people # 33 Portugal:0.0233769 per 1,000 people # 34 Malaysia:0.0230034 per 1,000 people # 35 Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of:0.0229829 per 1,000 people # 36 Mauritius:0.021121 per 1,000 people # 37 Hungary:0.0204857 per 1,000 people # 38 Korea, South:0.0196336 per 1,000 people # 39 Slovenia:0.0179015 per 1,000 people # 40 France:0.0173272 per 1,000 people # 41 Czech Republic:0.0169905 per 1,000 people # 42 Iceland:0.0168499 per 1,000 people # 43 Australia:0.0150324 per 1,000 people # 44 Canada:0.0149063 per 1,000 people # 45 Chile:0.014705 per 1,000 people # 46 United Kingdom:0.0140633 per 1,000 people # 47 Italy:0.0128393 per 1,000 people # 48 Spain:0.0122456 per 1,000 people # 49 Germany:0.0116461 per 1,000 people # 50 Tunisia:0.0112159 per 1,000 people # 51 Netherlands:0.0111538 per 1,000 people # 52 New Zealand:0.0111524 per 1,000 people # 53 Denmark:0.0106775 per 1,000 people # 54 Norway:0.0106684 per 1,000 people # 55 Ireland:0.00946215 per 1,000 people # 56 Switzerland:0.00921351 per 1,000 people # 57 Indonesia:0.00910842 per 1,000 people # 58 Greece:0.0075928 per 1,000 people # 59 Hong Kong:0.00550804 per 1,000 people # 60 Japan:0.00499933 per 1,000 people # 61 Saudi Arabia:0.00397456 per 1,000 people # 62 Qatar:0.00115868 per 1,000 people

    This I got from a quick google to wikipedia. It shows the previous statement as being not quite correct going on per capita. Not hard really. To do a little research before posting now is it?

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