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Posts posted by coma

  1. Jayjay0.

    Indeed as you so rightly point out I am, ''academia." I had the delights of serving in a specialised section of the U.K. police force along with lecturing at the Police Staff College, Bramshill.

    Strange as it may seem, in my younger days police officers were somewhat better educated and proud of the job.

    I experienced the delights of policing in a specialised section, training fellow officers and also being involved in outreach schemes to the educationally disadvantaged of which there were many some twenty years back and there are still many in the U.K. mainly of non U.K. origin who need help.

    I resigned early due to a number of factors. The long term plan of retiring to Thailand was brought forward a year or two and I still had my first love education to occupy my time.hence the academic tag.

    Please feel free to comment on my life when you are aware of the full facts.


  2. A good pilot should be emotionally stable and calm, should demonstrate self discipline and be able to manage crisis situations.

    I do not believe the pilot's behaviour in this situation demonstrates those characteristics and I wouldn't want to be a passenger on his plane if there was a catastrophic equipment failure.

    A quick check of the departures from BKK show that TG had no passenger flights scheduled for 02:00. Perhaps he was a freighter pilot. Small solace in that though. Freighter planes can still fall out of the sky when mishandled.

    I hope that TG management sends this man for a psychological evaluation.

    This is a bunch of ladida.

    Pilots are not superhuman beings, they are trained to do their job, in the seats upfront they should practice what they were being thought. For the rest they are just as human as anybody else. And there is no difference between a freighter pilot and one doing the self loading cargo flights by the way.

    I agree. Unless he was a fighter pilot in the RTAF.

  3. Katasyd.

    I can read rather well in fact.

    I did read the article and that was the conclusion I came to.

    I, in the past was involved in the legal process of investigation and law keeping along with training of fellow police officers.

    Human nature is a strange thing, especially when one reflects upon ones past actions and decides that the story needs to be changed.

    The change being either due to not being financially reimbursed for actions, or as a result of the possible consequences of those actions that you entered into without a qualm or a feeling of self disgust for your actions.

    Sackcloth and ashes syndrome comes into play when alcohol departs and what may pass for sanity returns.

    You can?? Well what part of " According to a friend: “She said she went back to the room with a Swede and once inside discovered there were five others there, including three Thais." are you struggling to understand? :blink:

  4. Just as they announce that they are going to cut crime by 20% within the next six months. They go and make more pathetic laws that cannot be possibley be enforced without a major draw on already lacking police manpower.This law in itself will raise criminal acts in Bangkok 10 fold with the ammount of youths out after 10pm. I mean.... Please! :bah:

    Give them a break, they are trying to do something, anything to get youth crime down to a minimum. Many countries around the world have somewhat similar curfews. To do nothing is a crime. Do you know where your children will be after 10:00 PM? If you have any.

    You said it exactly. Responsibility lies with the parents. Not with law enforcement.:blink:

  5. Just as they announce that they are going to cut crime by 20% within the next six months. They go and make more pathetic laws that cannot be possibley be enforced without a major draw on already lacking police manpower.This law in itself will raise criminal acts in Bangkok 10 fold with the ammount of youths out after 10pm. I mean.... Please! :bah:

  6. Normally it can have an effect of making a currency stronger with interest rises.

    At least that's how I see it with the state of the £ against the baht...

    I agree. Interest rate rises definately can have a strengthening effect on a currency if economist and currency traders hadn't already factored in the rate rise prior to the announcement. Will be an interesting day tomorrow watching the baht move against all the major currencies. That being said the Baht is already very strong against a load of majors so the change may be muted. Wait and see.

  7. These IAF guys are pretty good if they can identify a militant at night riding his motorcycle down the road in south Gaza. I guess he has "militant" spray painted in florescent orange on the back of his black leather jacket. I guess it is possible. Technology has come a long ways since the days I was doing this kind of stuff.

    Nice of Gaza emergency services to help in identifying this guy and his motives.

    I think you will find it is more the use of HUMINT [Human Intelligence] i.e people on the ground identifying these indivduals as targets. As would be the case in the majority of drone attacks by US elements in Waziristan, Pakistan. A real 'balls out' job. :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

  8. I thought Israel was pretty free. Well to do what they want anyway.

    However, it seems Israel's abuse of power may be starting to wain on those that matter.

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said: "This disturbing development undermines peace efforts to achieve the two-state solution. In particular, this move contradicts the logic of a reasonable and necessary agreement between the parties on the status of Jerusalem."


    When it comes to Israel and the Middle East Peace process the Us Gov is all piss and wind. They want to bake the cake and eat it too. There is no benefit to them in establishing a Palistinian State. If they were serious about stopping Israel building new settlements on occupied land, then step one would be to stop thier multi bllion dollar funding.

    ' Beware of the smoke and mirrors' :angry:

  9. OW ! อ้าว ! It is used when the listener is surprised by what the speaker has just told them, be it an answer to a question or a statement. It is definatley not the Thai equivilant to Sh.. or <deleted>.. or any other exclemation of that like.

  10. Yes. It does mean 'New Hand' at driving. It has no lawful use. I guess they stick it on there so as get a little more leway whilst making the manditory thai styled 5 minutes to turn a corner. Where I am from you have to stick a big L for learner on both front and back of your vehicle. It goes with a whole host of other lawful restrictions. :rolleyes:

  11. The hots springs you are asking about are slightly East of Sankampaeng at a place called Mae Orn. Great place to visit. Especially during the Chiang Mai winter. Don't forget to take some eggs to boil up when you are there. Enjoy!

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