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Posts posted by coma

  1. I am a US Air Force Intelligence Veteran of the War in Afghanistan and, I support Wikileaks.

    January 4, 2010


    During my service I held a Top Secret security clearance and worked as an Afghan-Pashto linguist; my duties included consuming and producing a large number of intelligence reports. After reading many of the Iraq/Afghan/Cablegate logs I am compelled to inform my fellow citizens that I saw nothing in these logs that could endanger our troops or public servants.


    For too long, bastards (using Julian Assange's definition) have been able to use America's good reputation as a cover for their misdeeds. These days, it seems that powerful interests wield more influence in Washington than the whole of the American electorate. These interests see the American people as nothing more than sheep to be fleeced and so they use their influence to make it easier for us to be held down. I support Wikileaks because I want to see these insidious influences exposed. My hope is that the 21st Century will be one of liberty and transparency, not of greater secrecy and slavish submission to authority.

    Complete article from:



    If you were who you say you were than you are a nobber for even mentioning it in a public forum. :ph34r: And I also support wikileaks. B)

  2. * some Russian people treat as inferior to Thai people

    talk impolite to them as i see many times around Thailand at shoping or in restaurants;

    Russians dont know thai peoples mentality ; Thai people seem small and harmless

    so Russians mistake.

    * Thai people are very very sensitive if you insulting or shouting them

    because they know us the farangs as gentleman ))

    they get a very big shock when they hear the opposite treating from farangs

    and they ( some ) attack in the end ..

    * we better speak with them politely..

    they are really few Thai people do like that beat farangs that bad;

    probably the Russian guy scold the Thai guy about some reason

    which we dont know.. nobody beat like that for no reason

    hope he gets soon well too..

    I agree. There also are alot of unsavoury Russian, Mafia like, gangs and individual getting up to all sorts of criminal activity in Pattaya. Would be interesting to know ALL the facts of this incident before labeling the Thai's in such ways as has been post here. Did anybody give thougfht that maybe it wasn't a Thai at all that did this?

    That being said I sure do wish this man a speedy recovery and the true culprits bought to justice ASAP. :jap:

  3. Why can't we name and shame this grub for what she is ? So as other members of Thaivisa.com won't fall into the same trap. I thought this website was designed to help other members.

    Personally I go straight to the Thai Airways office and buy my tickets there to avoid people like "Miss L". Trust me when I say she is not the only shark out there lurking in the muddy waters.

  4. That puts it in a nutshell. The word "accident" does not absolve people from all responsibility for their actions.


    I hate these sort of references when talking about stuff here in Thailand, however heres a bit of trivia for you.

    In a number of countries &/or states of various countries a number of years ago Police Departments in those states set about changing the names of their 'specialist units' that investigated motor vehicle collisions. In alot of these places their investigation units were called things like, "Accident Investigation Unit, Accident Investigation Squad" & stuff like that. The trend became to rename to things such as, "Collision investigation, Crash Investigation Squad" etc.

    Apparently one of the motivating reasons for doing so had something to do with what people perceived with the word, 'Accident'. The term, Accident seems to imply that the incident was nobodies fault. That can sometimes be the case BUT ITS VERY VERY RARE.

    Correct me if I am wrong. I percieve the word 'Accident ' as being an incident that occured unitentionally. Therefore if a driver/operator of a plane, train or automobile does not delibrately crashed their vehicle, it would therefore be defined as an accident.

    Collisions involving cars, don't just happen, theres normally a reason for it.

  5. Well there's oil.

    And then there's oil.

    Oh, don't forget oil.

    Yes. Well they can take a number and get in line to trade for commodties they need just like every other country does in the world. :jap:

    That seems a sub-optimal line when one contemplates the below...


    I'm no fancy analyst but I'm pretty certain that one does not spend that much on one's military if one is planning to queue up for resources.

    Good table that. And it supports my chain of thought exactly. They are [uS Gov ] just like the school yard bully stealing your lunch.B)

  6. I mean really.What has the USA got to do with the Middle East ?It is on the otherside of the world for goodness sake. They would do good to learn that we are all equal and they are NOT the be all and end all of this planet. In my opinion, take the US out of the middle east then problem solved.:ph34r:

    You're kidding, right?

    Well there's oil.

    And then there's oil.

    Oh, don't forget oil.

    Yes. Well they can take a number and get in line to trade for commodties they need just like every other country does in the world. :jap:

  7. The country's GDP (Purchasing power parity) in 2006 reached $195 billion according to the International Monetary Fund or $179 billion according to the World Bank (see List of countries by GDP (PPP)). GDP per capita has been $31,767 according to the International Monetary Fund in 2007 or $26,200 in 2006 according to the CIA World Factbook. The economy grew by 8% in the last quarter of 2006, faster than any of its Western counterparts.[9]

    American billionaires and business tycoons including Bill Gates, Cole Roberts, Warren Buffett, and Donald Trump have each praised Israel's economic environment,[10


    Think again. ;)

    If this information is true then why ?

    It is true and the reason is politics. Israel is the only country that America can depend on in the region and it is worth it to the US to subsidize their military in return for intelligence and other favors. A strong ally in the Middle East is very important to the USA.

    This is my whole point. I mean really.What has the USA got to do with the Middle East ?It is on the otherside of the world for goodness sake. They would do good to learn that we are all equal and they are NOT the be all and end all of this planet. In my opinion, take the US out of the middle east then problem solved.:ph34r:

  8. The country's GDP (Purchasing power parity) in 2006 reached $195 billion according to the International Monetary Fund or $179 billion according to the World Bank (see List of countries by GDP (PPP)). GDP per capita has been $31,767 according to the International Monetary Fund in 2007 or $26,200 in 2006 according to the CIA World Factbook. The economy grew by 8% in the last quarter of 2006, faster than any of its Western counterparts.[9]

    American billionaires and business tycoons including Bill Gates, Cole Roberts, Warren Buffett, and Donald Trump have each praised Israel's economic environment,[10


    Think again. ;)

    If this information is true then why ?


    US aid tied to purchase of arms

    <DIV class="push-0 span-11 last">


    January 2, 2010 <DIV class=articleBody>WASHINGTON: Just before Christmas, the US President, Barack Obama, signed into law one of his country's biggest aid pledges of the year. It was bound not for Africa or any of the many struggling countries on the World Bank's list.

    It was a deal for $US2.77 billion ($3 billion) to go to Israel in 2010 and a total of $US30 billion over the next decade.

    Israel is bound by the agreement to use 75 per cent of the aid to buy military hardware made in the US: in the crisis-racked US economy, those military factories are critical to many towns.

    A little more food for thought wouldn't you think??

  9. Iran is pretty strong now. The Iraq war made them stronger and Israel is looking weaker than ever as they couldn't even manage a forest fire.

    So a country's military capabilities are directly related to how well that country can put out a forest fire? Ya learn something new every day on ol' Thaivisa.

    No. But it shows thier logistics are left a lttle wanting. Take away Uncle Sams blank check book and they would have bigger problems than just forest fires.:lol:

  10. IMO the U.S Government should butt out of other countries affairs for once. Twice or more would be great. :whistling:

    Iranian people are a lovely people and have just as much right to the use of nuclear power as the next country. Nuclear energy will inevitabley be the preferred source of power for all in the future.

    Furthermore.When? If ever have the Iranian people been an aggressor toward any other nation? :ph34r:

  11. I am speaking to you from the Cabinet Room at Bangkok.

    This morning the Thai Ambassador in Cambodia handed the Cambodian Government a final note stating that, unless we hear from them by 11 o'clock that they were prepared at once to extradite Thaksin Shinawatra to Thailand, a state of war would exist between us.

    I have to tell you that no such undertaking has been received, and that consequently this country is now at war with Cambodia.

    LOL :whistling:

  12. 102 or 103 Fighter Squadron [ F16A/B's] from Korat Airforce Base are here doing manouvres.

    They move around the country often for terrain and airfield familiarisation training. Quiet a normal practice for any airforce really. :ph34r:

  13. here are some pictures of the accident, only look if you are not easily upset, especially at the poor guy hanging from the bridge


    judging by how those van drivers act on a daily basis the assumption that he has some blame for the accident would not surprise me, every day when I drive to work, and on my return journey, I run the gauntlet of these morons.

    It seems the blog owner has now pixelated the body hanging from the footbridge


    Good and bad depending on what you want the picture for, good in respect of the family, but it loses its shock value to hopefully deter others. But i do see your point, a lot of the time here it appears these pictures are taken for titillation or news, as opposed to as a deterrent.

    Yes I see your point Random and agree with it. Deterant is a good thing if used correctly. Just thinking of the family and friends of the those lost souls. Thanks.

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