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Posts posted by coma

  1. Why doesn't Santipharb Phengduang man up and finger the four ? And provide corroborating evidence so these grubs go down big time.

    Maybe he fears he'll end up like Akeyuth.

    Not surprising given the ruthless way the Thaksin regime dealt with those who spoke up.

    I am sure he is fearing just that. But he needs to man up and take his chances. I am sure if he provides the smoking gun he will be cut loose. And there would be people [anti Thaksin ] around, including the military, that would be prepared to provide the security he needs in return.

  2. Arhh ! The US is about to bed with Iran. Textbook US foreign policy.

    If you mean to acknowledge that they have a right to govern themselves and let them take action in a conflict that's right on their border, I call that good policy.

    This is a Middle East problem. They're going to have to work it out themselves or it will morph and mutate and keep popping it's head up in different Whack-a-Mole holes forever.

    In the meantime, I never seem to read about bombings and terror and towns attacked in Iran. Maybe they know something we don't?

    I never seem to read about bombings and terror and towns attacked in Iran. Maybe they know something we don't?

    They probably know how to support terrorism, which they have been doing from day 1. The only terror in Iran is from the government. Many of the people are very nice.

    Someday, maybe someone can explain to me how the crap they're sponsoring is terrorism, and the crap that we in the west have been sponsoring for the last 100+ years is anything but the same.

    So far, I don't see it.

    One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Only six months ago in Syria ASIS / ASIL were put in the freedom fighter category. As they had a common enemy with the West in the Assad 'regime'. Even when informed people knew otherwise.

    Now here we are, the same organisations being named as terrorists as they aren't aligned with US interests in the region any longer. Quite hypocritical actually. But there is nothing new there. blink.png

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  3. Arhh ! The US is about to bed with Iran. Textbook US foreign policy.

    If you mean to acknowledge that they have a right to govern themselves and let them take action in a conflict that's right on their border, I call that good policy.

    This is a Middle East problem. They're going to have to work it out themselves or it will morph and mutate and keep popping it's head up in different Whack-a-Mole holes forever.

    In the meantime, I never seem to read about bombings and terror and towns attacked in Iran. Maybe they know something we don't?

    I agree. I am a staunch believer in localization of any conflict. And I am totally against external intervention. What is happening in the middle East right now is simply shaping tomorrow. The West should not get involved by trying to 'genetically modify' the outcome. If the end result is the birth of an ' Islamic Super State' then that is Middle Eastern Diplomacy's wish. Allow them that wish. We don't need to like it.

    And I know all the do gooders will say that such a State is extremely hazardous for global security. And I say that we should leave them to it.Give them NO excuses to be used as a catalyst for aggression towards the West. If after that ,they step onto our patch and strike us via said State, then we reserve the right to use ' stand off ' tactical weapons [nuclear] to totally destroy them.

  4. Seems like a case of denial. violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif

    Anyway, we here in TV have discussed it in yesterday's thread on the subject. And it seemed to get overwhelming support. So knee cap the free flying. passifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.gi

    "Anyway, we here in TV have discussed it in yesterday's thread on the subject. And it seemed to get overwhelming support. "

    Case closed. What better way to make decisions when governing a country of 67 million people ... see what garners support from a handful of cranky foreigners on a forum noted for its endemic Thai bashing.


  5. No doubting Obama made the right decision in not arming ISIL. Seems like they have made a successful play at neighbouring Northern Iraq. Not looking good for the region at all.

    Half a million people are estimated to have fled Iraq's second city of Mosul, as Islamist militants tighten their grip after overrunning it and a swathe of other territory.
    Read more at http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2014/06/11/02/00/jihadists-seize-iraq-s-second-city#JGGDshP5Va8rGqvL.99
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