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Posts posted by coma

  1. What is missing from the commentary in this topic is the US has been training Syrian moderates from their bases in Jordan for months in intelligence and war fighting tactics. I would guess those being trained have undergone extensive security vetting. As you know many of the moderates were previously members of the Syrian Armed Forces who defected when Assad escalated detentions / killings of anyone who joined the Arab Spring movement.

    It has been reported that if Congress approves the $500 million in funds, delivery of war fighting material will not reach the moderate forces until early 2015. Playing armature strategist just maybe US is planning for a reduction in extremist capability due to attrition in Iraq, thereby weakening their capability in Syria, thus providing an opportunity for anti-Assad moderate forces.

    And now at least some of these "Syrian moderates" are using this knowledge to great effect in northern Iraq. Double facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

    Other quotes removed to permit a response.

    Other than conjecture, can you provide links to support your claim that Syrian moderates trained by the US (note not using quotation) are joining ISIS/attacking Iraqi forces? Don't truly understand the plan to only provide an additional $500 million, if approved, for arms, you would think it's a drop in the ocean for sustained war fighting capability.

    A few links below that provide a bit of detail of traning provided for FSA moderates.



    No one claims all go over and join Islamic groups. Some undoubtedly do. Its a calculated risk, no matter how many

    security checks one runs.

    500 mil. is a lot, considering a lot of the relevant gear isn't top notch, and the number of relevant warriors.

    For reference, compare this figure to the panic reaction when headlines claimed ISIS got their hands on 400+ mil.

    Not much of an issue providing logistic support, training, arms and funding - question is what's the point? Where is

    this supposed to go from here? I don't think there are any good answers, and that it looks more like improvising.

    Look how many ISAF trained Afghanis took their weapons and training, went on a rampage killing ISAF soldiers then running off with the Taliban. Let's not be naive here please. Anybody who has experience with or is an Arab knows well and good how these things go down. Armchair spectators will have to wait for Wikileaks to provide them with a source cuz the US government will not provide any facts or figures I can assure you that.

    • Like 1
  2. What is missing from the commentary in this topic is the US has been training Syrian moderates from their bases in Jordan for months in intelligence and war fighting tactics. I would guess those being trained have undergone extensive security vetting. As you know many of the moderates were previously members of the Syrian Armed Forces who defected when Assad escalated detentions / killings of anyone who joined the Arab Spring movement.

    It has been reported that if Congress approves the $500 million in funds, delivery of war fighting material will not reach the moderate forces until early 2015. Playing armature strategist just maybe US is planning for a reduction in extremist capability due to attrition in Iraq, thereby weakening their capability in Syria, thus providing an opportunity for anti-Assad moderate forces.

    And now at least some of these "Syrian moderates" are using this knowledge to great effect in northern Iraq. Double facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

    Other quotes removed to permit a response.

    Other than conjecture, can you provide links to support your claim that Syrian moderates trained by the US (note not using quotation) are joining ISIS/attacking Iraqi forces? Don't truly understand the plan to only provide an additional $500 million, if approved, for arms, you would think it's a drop in the ocean for sustained war fighting capability.

    A few links below that provide a bit of detail of traning provided for FSA moderates.



    No I cannot provide a link. It is not public knowledge.

  3. Ohh no ! facepalm.gif The model noble peace laureate.

    The Nobel Peace Laureate would appear to be deluded if he believes that the $500 million dollars would only benefit moderates in Syria. My worry is that i don't think he is deluded, whatever else he is he is not unintelligent. It has been patently obvious for a long time, given the examples of Iraq and Libya, that the so called rebels in Syria are overwhelmingly a mixture of fanatical Islamic jihadists, Al Qaeda etc, and if they succeed in taking control of Syria the same scenario that has been visited upon the people of Iraq and Libya will be visited upon the people of Syria. Yet, knowing this, the Nobel Peace Laureate wishes to aid these Islamic fanatics with material aid, state of the art weaponry etc, to the tune of half a million dollars! Why? Whose interests is he serving? He should be asked this question, and be made to give his reasons.

    The last thing this mixture of Al Qaeda, ISIS fanatics et al need in Syria is to be given more arms by the West, under the wholly false premise that they are 'moderates'. The truism that The Nobel Peace Laureate needs to be made to understand, is that these fanatics only become 'moderates' when they run out of ammunition!

    Not all of the Syrian rebels are affiliated with AQ/ISIS or subscribe to their ideology. This is evident from the in-fighting

    among rebel groups. Quite a few groups roaming around, a lot of splits and mergers, names can get a bit confusing at

    times (even for Syrians).

    While the USA certainly does not mean to arm groups connected with AQ/ISIS, as is made explicit in the article linked,

    there is no good indication as to why this is deemed to be an especially good move at this time, nor any clear strategy

    as to how this would bring about a positive change in the situation.

    Here's a list of anti-Syrian-regime outfits, getting into the thick of who split from which group, who betrayed whom etc.

    is a bit like Game of Thrones on steroids:


    What is missing from the commentary in this topic is the US has been training Syrian moderates from their bases in Jordan for months in intelligence and war fighting tactics. I would guess those being trained have undergone extensive security vetting. As you know many of the moderates were previously members of the Syrian Armed Forces who defected when Assad escalated detentions / killings of anyone who joined the Arab Spring movement.

    It has been reported that if Congress approves the $500 million in funds, delivery of war fighting material will not reach the moderate forces until early 2015. Playing armature strategist just maybe US is planning for a reduction in extremist capability due to attrition in Iraq, thereby weakening their capability in Syria, thus providing an opportunity for anti-Assad moderate forces.

    And now at least some of these "Syrian moderates" are using this knowledge to great effect in northern Iraq. Double facepalm.giffacepalm.gif

    • Like 2
  4. The passengers and crew of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 most likely died of suffocation and plummeted on autopilot into the ocean, according to Australian officials searching for the wreckage.

    Read more at http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/2014/06/27/17/50/mh370-passengers-and-crew-suffocated-before-flying-autopilot-into-ocean#8sZPepIWlaIydmdS.99

    Pure conjecture! I've seen better suggestions on this forum.

    Yes. They're using that crystal ball again. rolleyes.gif

  5. Ohh no ! facepalm.gif The model noble peace laureate.

    The Nobel Peace Laureate would appear to be deluded if he believes that the $500 million dollars would only benefit moderates in Syria. My worry is that i don't think he is deluded, whatever else he is he is not unintelligent. It has been patently obvious for a long time, given the examples of Iraq and Libya, that the so called rebels in Syria are overwhelmingly a mixture of fanatical Islamic jihadists, Al Qaeda etc, and if they succeed in taking control of Syria the same scenario that has been visited upon the people of Iraq and Libya will be visited upon the people of Syria. Yet, knowing this, the Nobel Peace Laureate wishes to aid these Islamic fanatics with material aid, state of the art weaponry etc, to the tune of half a million dollars! Why? Whose interests is he serving? He should be asked this question, and be made to give his reasons.

    The last thing this mixture of Al Qaeda, ISIS fanatics et al need in Syria is to be given more arms by the West, under the wholly false premise that they are 'moderates'. The truism that The Nobel Peace Laureate needs to be made to understand, is that these fanatics only become 'moderates' when they run out of ammunition!

    Maybe it is his solution to the Israeli problem.

  6. A pi$$y $4.7 million in military assistance. Who cares. The only time Thailand needs military assistance from the US is when it fights US led wars like Vietnam. And truth be known the US needed Thailand a hell of a lot more in that war than Thailand needed the US. I am loving this. The US is cutting it's own head off. Stupid. blink.png

    Which country would you prefer to see as the world's dominant military power? Economic power?

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Palau. wai2.gif

    • Like 1
  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Thailand is already on the verge of being a Chinese satellite with the massive influx of all those quality Chinese tourists that seem to be literally everywhere these days.

    Chinese influence in neighbouring countries has being growing rapidly, so Thailand makes a great prize for them.

    Be careful Hawk, speaking the truth isn't always popular here on thaivisa biggrin.png You are 100% correct though, Thailand could easily fall into the Chinese trap and wind up becoming a vassel of the Chinese state wai2.gif

    Sure beats the current status quo of it being an American puppet state. wink.png

  8. A pi$$y $4.7 million in military assistance. Who cares. The only time Thailand needs military assistance from the US is when it fights US led wars like Vietnam. And truth be known the US needed Thailand a hell of a lot more in that war than Thailand needed the US. I am loving this. The US is cutting it's own head off. Stupid. blink.png

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Then why ever morning at the American Embassy their are long lines of people who want to come to this country. Answer that. We must be doing something right.

    Why then, whenever I go out to a tourist area I run into Americans ?? Answer that. jerk.gif.pagespeed.ce.TMGfqs4Lzz.gif

    I don't consider the places you go like

    soi cowboy or Nana tourist places. You see a hell of a lot more drunk brits and aussie than you will Americans. That's for damn sure. You Brits and Aussies need to come down off your high horse.


    What do you know ? Who said I am a "Brit" or an "Aussie "? Or that I go to Soi Cowboy or Nana. Well done you jerk.gif.pagespeed.ce.TMGfqs4Lzz.gif


  10. I'm not at all sure what you're saying. I just made the points that Israel isn't afraid to bomb anyone, and that unlike the US which recently declined to bomb Syria after much political wrangling, Israel strikes before talking about it to the whole world or waiting for public opinion.

    Israel got zero interest to make things worse, the attack was a response and a message that a line was crossed.

    Not the right message to send I am afraid. It is just telling lunatic militants that attacking Israeli targets in the region is a good thing. By way of attracting an Israeli response which is attacking Assad's forces. Playing into the hands of these militant thugs. Essentially have Israel do the militants dirty work for them. Do you see ?

    The Syrian crisis been ongoing for about three years now. Considering the relative violence reported around most of the country, the border with Israel has been generally quiet, with very few incidents. This can be attributed mainly to Syria's regime's reluctance to open another front (vs. Israel), and an effort to keep a lead on things near the border area.

    The IDF seems to be positive that the attack (a rather advanced version of an anti-tank missile) originated from a Syrian army post, and was carried out by Syrian soldiers. Now, that doesn't mean that they were under orders to carry out the attack, just an indication that Assad's grip on the army is not perfect.

    I do understand your point, and there is some merit to it. But if Israel's claims that the attacks did come from the Syrian army, well...there's no other address, really. The current situation in Syria being what it is, doubt that going thorough the usual indirect diplomatic channels alone would have sufficed.

    Your post has merit. But I, along with many others around the world, would just like to see some solid evidence that it was Syrian soldiers. In a precarious situation like this, solid evidence keeps all informed, in check and gives them a mandate. Israel has one of, if not the best intelligence networks in the world, yet they still cannot confirm who,what,where,when,why and how ???? Therefore their response was nothing short of a knee jerk reaction and way out of proportion. As usual. They take the use of lethal force way too likely. Almost a " kill one of us we will kill 10 of them ' attitude. Shows lack of restraint, civility and breeds Israeli hatred in the region. I really think they can do better than that. The thing is that they clearly don't want to.

  11. Maybe Thailand should ban the EU trash from this wonderful country

    Personally I expect severe restrictions on back to back tourist visas coming soon.

    Let's hope so. I would love to see all those drug smoking hippies [ mostly cheap ar$e Europeans] being shown the door. And it wouldn't impact the Thai economy cuz as I said. They are cheap ar$es that live here for years on 5000 baht a month. 1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif

  12. How on earth did he think he'd get away with this? Dumber than a sack of rocks.

    Easy. In typical Thai style, he cannot see two feet days in front of his face. Thinking he would be under the protection of PTP for the rest of his living days. Yes, dumber than a sack of rocks.

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