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Posts posted by coma


    Do you understand yet ?

    Nope. You are trying to justify the atrocities of Hamas - a terrorist group that purposely targets civilians. Sounds like spin.



    They have killed 2 civilians out of over 50. Where as Israel has inflicted a civilian body count of over a thousand. The facts were put right in front of you but you refuse to see. Instead you cut those figures out of the post to try and sure up your own false agenda. Your blindness is hilarious dude. Really a bait up I am sure. laugh.png




    You read the part about Hamas the aggressors stockpiling weapons in childrens schools right ?




    Is that why this sort of barbaric act seems to be the flavour of Idf's day ? 


    An Israeli shelling of a UN school in Gaza has killed 20 people, as Palestinian factions were to head to Cairo to discuss a temporary humanitarian ceasefire.
    Read more at http://www.9news.com.au/world/2014/07/30/01/23/gaza-rages-as-palestinians-offer-truce#BOcT1RFdT9cYraFk.99



    Hamas seem to be the gentlemen in this fight.

    Do "gentlemen" kidnap and murder children, fire thousands of rockets at civilians, use their own people as human shields? 

    Yes, we understand the instinctive sympathy that many have for underdogs. We understand the visceral reaction that people have to video of bloodshed in a seemingly lopsided conflict.

    But there’s not a government on Earth that wouldn’t have responded in similar fashion to 2,000 missiles being rained on its territory. For these reasons and many more, we hope Israel gets the “sustainable quiet” it seeks — and that Hamas’ decision to incite warfare badly backfires on the terror group.


    3 teens were not kidnapped by Hamas.


    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand



    Yes you're absolutely right, those 3 teen where kidnapped by a peace loving, benevolent members 

    of the Palestinians scouts in a jamboree meeting, and they were shot almost immediately just to

    show them what love is right?

    you're entitle to believe in what propaganda you want, but the truth is well known...




     Could you please enlighten us with your well informed version of the truth ?


    Hamas seem to be the gentlemen in this fight.

    Do "gentlemen" kidnap and murder children, fire thousands of rockets at civilians, use their own people as human shields? 

    Yes, we understand the instinctive sympathy that many have for underdogs. We understand the visceral reaction that people have to video of bloodshed in a seemingly lopsided conflict.

    But there’s not a government on Earth that wouldn’t have responded in similar fashion to 2,000 missiles being rained on its territory. For these reasons and many more, we hope Israel gets the “sustainable quiet” it seeks — and that Hamas’ decision to incite warfare badly backfires on the terror group.



    Why cut the part of my post out that shows that it is Israel that is "killing children". Not Hamas. Only three Israeli casualties WERE NOT Israeli Defence personnel. And one of those three "civilians" was resupplying IDF troops with rations, so he waives his right to civilian status in a war zone. Do you understand yet ?

    • Like 1
  5. Interesting figures these are..... One can see from these who actually is the 'dirty dog of war' here. Hamas seem to be the gentlemen in this fight. Not looking good for Israel's image. But I presume Netanyahu doesn't really care that much. rolleyes.gif



    The Israeli offensive, which began on July 8, has killed more than 1190 Palestinians, mostly civilians according to the United Nations, and injured over 7000.

    Fifty-six lives have been lost on the Israeli side, all but three of them soldiers.

    Read more at http://www.9news.com.au/world/2014/07/30/01/55/israel-asks-for-us-help-on-gaza-truce#Ws5Tqqcaz8JBUtBW.99


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  6. I think it is "humorous" that they have the audacity to declare such a state at this stage when their strategic position is anything but secure.

    I do however understand that you would have some personal concerns if such a state were to be created because of whatever affiliation you have with Israel .

    No affiliations beyond thinking that they are the good guys in the area and our only true allies.

    My concerns with an Islamic Caliphate are more as a staging ground for International terrorism and the way that they will treat the unfortunate people who live in the area that they control.

    The fact of the matter is that if they weren't mistakenly put there in the first place you wouldn't need allies in the region.

    As for the "unfortunate people " you mentioned. Now is the time for them to ensure they don't live in an Waziristan styled region. Before it become to difficult and too late.

  7. giggle.gif

    What is humorous about an "Islamic Caliphate"? blink.png

    Personally I think its a great idea, all those demanding Sharia law in Britain and elsewhere now have what they have always dreamed of.

    Wonder how many will be flocking over to take advantage of welfare benefits, free housing, schooling and health care.

    Perhaps the RAF could offer free one way flights, could even make a swift detour via Mecca for the faithful to perform their religious obligations.

    Bring it on, the Saudis must be shitting themselves.

    Yes. The only ones that would flood back to such a place have already done so to fight for it. And that aint' that many when compared to the number of blood suckers living in western countries enforcing their beliefs upon the natives and making them eat halal. bah.gif

  8. The ISIL jihadists whose sweeping Sunni militant offensive has captured swathes of Iraq have declared an "Islamic caliphate" in their territory as Iraqi forces battle to retake Saddam Hussein's hometown Tikrit giggle.gif

    Doubt if the Caliph, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, will have a long life or indeed a Caliphate that will last for very long

    Let's hope he is captured, AGAIN. Or better still. Killed. Unfortunately there are just too many madmen that would line up to take his place.

  9. giggle.gif

    What is humorous about an "Islamic Caliphate"? blink.png

    I think it is "humorous" that they have the audacity to declare such a state at this stage when their strategic position is anything but secure.

    I do however understand that you would have some personal concerns if such a state were to be created because of whatever affiliation you have with Israel . Maybe you should tell that to your elected government every time they try changing the status quo in the Middle East. This situation is a direct result of the US's actions in ousting Saddam Hussein and their support of rebels trying to oust Assad. When will the US learn ??? They are always looking only one step ahead and never see the consequences of their actions. For every action there is a reaction. And that is what we are seeing now with the uprising of ASIS/ISIS in Syria and Iraq. It is the reaction from US action. wink.png

    • Like 1
  10. They should put them on some god forsaken place inhabited by sharks somewhere like Alcatraz or Devil's Island.

    What about Koh Samui?

    Actually Koh Tao was used as a prison 80 odd years ago. Mainly used to house political opponents of the pro-democracy movement. They were sent there for "re-education". They pretty much were allowed to roam around the island. What a great place to do time hey ?

  11. Whilst I have been/ am a big fan of NCPO to date. When are they going to do something about the problems is the south ? I understand it is a very complicated situation but they don't even seem to have a policy on it. Why don't they move their successful weapons seizure operations down there where it is so desperately needed ? I am sure the caches they could seize down there would dwarf that of what they have done throughout the rest of the country.

  12. Truth be known is that this amount of weapons is chicken feed. If these weapons were seized in one seizure that would support the case that there is the existence of an armed group capable of destabilizing the country. However these weapons were mostly seized in dribs and drabs. Lots of countries around the world would have individuals in the population that posses these sorts of weapons illegally.

    It is still a good result however. But I think there are a hell of a lot more larger caches out there yet to be seized. We all know of 2 big armoury busts in the past where hundreds of assault rifles were relived from the army and police force. Where are they at ??

    Would one of those "big armoury busts" be the one at Phattalung? The one where Thai Visa News reported 6000 guns and explosives stolen?


    The big armoury bust that actually turned out to be 3000 rounds of ammunition and 20 grenades that were stolen by soldiers over a long period of time?


    What was the other "big armoury bust" that "we all know about"?

    Red shirts stole these in 2010



    Unknown subjects stole these in 2011


    There is another one which I cannot provide links to as they have apparently been blocked by NCPO. And other links are from Thai language sources.You can search for them yourself.

  13. Truth be known is that this amount of weapons is chicken feed. If these weapons were seized in one seizure that would support the case that there is the existence of an armed group capable of destabilizing the country. However these weapons were mostly seized in dribs and drabs. Lots of countries around the world would have individuals in the population that posses these sorts of weapons illegally.

    It is still a good result however. But I think there are a hell of a lot more larger caches out there yet to be seized. We all know of 2 big armoury busts in the past where hundreds of assault rifles were relived from the army and police force. Where are they at ??

    • Like 2
  14. Sigh, sometimes I feel I come from a country of lunatics..... So let's recap here briefly.

    Borrow 500 million dollars from China ( with America 17 trillion dollars in debt) ,

    buy arms with it, and send the arms over to support rebels in another <deleted> up sand

    country. When will we ever learn... :-(

    No time soon by the looks of things.

  15. Only Morch is not usually into bigotry and racism, so guess it will be a one sided conversation.

    If you'd care to qualify your broad statement or share your own personal experience in these matters, might be a

    different thing.

    Umm. No and no. But thanks for the reply. I have learnt something.

  16. Look how many ISAF trained Afghanis took their weapons and training, went on a rampage killing ISAF soldiers then running off with the Taliban. Let's not be naive here please. Anybody who has experience with or is an Arab knows well and good how these things go down. Armchair spectators will have to wait for Wikileaks to provide them with a source cuz the US government will not provide any facts or figures I can assure you that.

    Considering the USA been involved in Afghanistan for a while now, should actually be some figures (official or otherwise)

    on desertion rates, or at least a total count from media sources of known cases where locals turned on friendly troops.

    Wonder how much that amounts to out of the total trainees by ISAF. Could be a real issue, could be more a media coverage

    issue. Really couldn't say - but sure that some do, and that the longer things drag on and clear cut success isn't in the cards,

    things get worse. Even a few cases could severely damage trust and morale.

    The ratio of deserters in Syria can be expected to be far greater than in The Afghan. For what it is worth Afghan soldiers were part of a real government sponsored military organisation. With reasonable vetting processes and accountability. These thugs in Syria are not and are accountable to nobody. And they accept all comers to join their rank regardless of religion, race or gender. Easy to be 'infiltrated'.

    No matter how one looks at it. It stinks to high heaven. Arabs are turn coats. And will turn on you or each other in the blink of an eye. DO NOT arm Arab under ANY circumstances. Never never ever. wai.gif

    Based upon what assumptions have you based your claim "the ratio of deserters in Syria can be expected to be far greater than in Afghanistan". You claim to have inside knowledge, so what are the approximate desertion rates from the FSA and affiliated non Islamic extremist groups. What are the desertion rates from the Syrian government Armed Forces and militia, they would definitely come under the heading of "thugs".

    I deliberately cut your quotes out of the conversation I am having with Morch. And leave assuming and assumptions to your like.

  17. Look how many ISAF trained Afghanis took their weapons and training, went on a rampage killing ISAF soldiers then running off with the Taliban. Let's not be naive here please. Anybody who has experience with or is an Arab knows well and good how these things go down. Armchair spectators will have to wait for Wikileaks to provide them with a source cuz the US government will not provide any facts or figures I can assure you that.

    Considering the USA been involved in Afghanistan for a while now, should actually be some figures (official or otherwise)

    on desertion rates, or at least a total count from media sources of known cases where locals turned on friendly troops.

    Wonder how much that amounts to out of the total trainees by ISAF. Could be a real issue, could be more a media coverage

    issue. Really couldn't say - but sure that some do, and that the longer things drag on and clear cut success isn't in the cards,

    things get worse. Even a few cases could severely damage trust and morale.

    The ratio of deserters in Syria can be expected to be far greater than in The Afghan. For what it is worth Afghan soldiers were part of a real government sponsored military organisation.With reasonable vetting processes and accountability. These thugs in Syria are not and are accountable to nobody. And they accept all comers to join their rank regardless of religion, race or gender. Easy to be 'infiltrated'.

    No matter how one looks at it. It stinks to high heaven. Arabs are turn coats. And will turn on you or each other in the blink of an eye. DO NOT arm Arab under ANY circumstances. Never never ever. wai.gif

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