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Posts posted by coma

  1. 6 years and 12000 baht, bit on the light side financially, should have cleaned out his bank account but at least he was given jail. Lets hope this continues to all the other scammers that the ptp allowed to get away.

    I'd like to go and visit in him jail. Which one is it again?

    No need to look for his jail, apparently he is out on bail . Thai justice is a bit confusing to

    me. In the real world, if you are charged with a crime, you post bail and fight the charges.

    When you are found guilty, you go straight from the courthouse in your orange jumpsuit

    to jail. Maybe even Prayuth cannot break the system here where the elites never really

    go to jail..... No wonder they have no fear of breaking the law.

    Even in the land of harsh justice the US you can be out on bail during appeal

    Provided one is not a flight risk. With the amount of money he has and the fact his old mate has flown the coup, I would put this guy in the flight risk category. And I just want to see at least one picture of him in the monkey house.

    • Like 1
  2. On Monday, the EU decided to suspend mutual official visits after the military's power seizure in May, and said the exemptions would continue until Thailand has a democratically elected government in place.

    Blackmail in it's purest form. Why doesn't the EU and the rest of the West make the same play until China has a democratically elected government ?

    ​Countries enforcing their democratic agenda onto others make me sick.

    • Like 2
  3. I'm not at all sure what you're saying. I just made the points that Israel isn't afraid to bomb anyone, and that unlike the US which recently declined to bomb Syria after much political wrangling, Israel strikes before talking about it to the whole world or waiting for public opinion.

    Israel got zero interest to make things worse, the attack was a response and a message that a line was crossed.

    Not the right message to send I am afraid. It is just telling lunatic militants that attacking Israeli targets in the region is a good thing. By way of attracting an Israeli response which is attacking Assad's forces. Playing into the hands of these militant thugs. Essentially have Israel do the militants dirty work for them. Do you see ?

  4. If Israel doesn't know the source of the alleged attack then what the hell were IDF attacking in response ? Most probably totally unrelated targets. As usual. Israel flying off the deep end with no facts and in a totally disproportionate manner. bah.gif

    Israel targeted Syrian Army camps. If the Syrian regime claims to be sovereign, then it is responsible.

    So far, the Syrian Army made an effort to keep control of the areas near the border, I think the Israeli response

    has more to do with keeping that effort going.

    I would find it very hard to believe the Syrian Army had anything to do with it. They are too busy fighting Jihadists and terrorists. The last thing Assad wants right now is a fight with Israel. My bet is that it was some rogue Muslim extremist group or just some Muslim street thugs that got hold of some weapons [not hard ATM]. Attacking Syrian forces is just ridiculous on Israel's part. Like it or not Assad's' regime is Israel's friend right now. Fighting perhaps Israel's most dangerous enemy right now. If ISIS/ISIL does succeed in creating an Islamic State that borders Israel then they will have BIG problems.

    One thing the arab spring has not been about is Israel. This is Muslim against Muslim, ISIS and hezbolah could have easily oprened up a front along the israeli border with Lebanon. But hezbolah are to busy fighting Assads war. Even ISIS have prefered to try their luck in Iraq. rather than try anything against Israel.

    To say Assad is a friend to Israel is just nonesense. If he tried to involve Israel, It would be the quickest way to him losing control of Syria, They would destroy his army and the civil war would be over with him hanging from a lamppost.

    Israels reprisal in the Golan sends a message to Assad control your border or we will! Chances are it was the Syria army that fired first. No chance that Assad would let insurgents attack Israel from the Golan. It would be the end of his regime.

    You need not have posted. You preach with If he tried to involve Israel, It would be the quickest way to him losing control of Syria, after I stated "The last thing Assad wants right now is a fight with Israel."

    Just looking for an argument for the sake of an argument. And by looking at the time of your post you may well have been one too many alcoholic beverages into your night. In the end your post is a lot of hot air,rhetoric and nonsense. Your mission is a failure. whistling.gif

  5. I find it facilitating that the "Supreme Leader" and his cronies even give two $hits about what 'seemingly' insignificant comments come out of the Australian Foreign Minister's mouth.

    I am however interested in how he plans to punish her. That backwards society couldn't do a thing to hurt Australia or it's politicians.

    Maybe he should stick to punishing the hideous individual that cuts his hair. w00t.gif

    Let's just hope the next idiot on a hiking tour in NK , and get too close to the truth, is not an Aussie.


    Generally US "hikers" get nabbed in NK.

  6. This has got nothing to do with the Shinawatra's. The guy won a contract. Cheated. Got caught by an international organisation. And will pay the penalty. Good. Are we all guilty because we breath the same air.

    lets see, a thaksin aide, helped set up the rice scam,m ptp gave him the job, got caught out not doing what he was paid for TWICE and the govt(ptp) had to pay for it, he was charged with embezzlement but again under the ptp was granted bail but now the general is chasing his sorry arse. Seems that all the ptp/thaksin supporters that were ignored by yl and her minions are now getting caught out, most definitely has a lot to do with the shins but if you are a one eyed thaksin/ptp/red supporter you just totally ignore the truth because its not what you want, you are in good company with the other shin lovers. There is a difference between being able to see and know the truth to being totally ignorant because of your bias.

    I don't just 'like' it. I love it. thumbsup.gif

  7. Israel was on its knees until the US resupplied them with weapons and munitions. Fact.

    Wrong again. The USA did not help Israel until the 1973 sneak attack in which the USSR trained and supplied the Arabs, told them how to fight the war and supplied them with intelligence. If the Arabs had not lied to each other about all the mistakes they were making and ignored instructions from the USSR, they might have had a chance that time.


    • Like 1
  8. "Remember the Israelis are Jews who will be reluctant to waste weapons unless it is required."


    Stereotype much?

    Israel spends a ton on military and is a world military power. It has to do that because it is surrounded by people in nearby countries who have vowed to destroy it.

    Israel has air superiority over all of those backwards terrorist countries as evidenced by it's ability to strike without retaliation. Israel won't deny or acknowledge that it is actually the sixth country on the world's exclusive list of nuclear powers. To be on that list they have to have ICBMs on land, ICMBs in submarines, and conventional nukes that can be dropped as bombs from an aircraft. No one else in the ME or N. Africa can come close.

    Pakistan may be the only ME Muslim country that has nukes, and they are more worried about their eternal foe, India. India has them too.

    If you don't know, google and read about the Six Day War to see how hard Israel is willing to fight. After WWII Israel was homeless and was given back the land it occupies by international decree. In 1967 a bunch of countries which hate Israel decided it would be a good idea to knock out Israel and rid themselves of the nuisance They struck.

    In just six days, Israel knocked out the militaries of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. Religious people could find no answer other than it was a miracle. Whatever, it will go down in world history as perhaps the greatest military victory of all time.

    NOW DURING THE SIX DAY WAR Israel captured the Old City of Jerusalem, The Wall, and The Temple Mount. This is the first time Israel had its holiest site back for more than 2,000 years. Unfortunately in the interim, Muslims had built what to them was a very important temple on the site, which is believed by many to be the site where the temple was that is mentioned as a Jewish temple at the time of Christ.

    Wanna fight? Muslims would give anything to get back in there and recapture that temple and temple site. Jews would give anything to keep it. So far all the Muslims can do is commit acts of terrorism against Israel, and quite regularly Israel gets tired of it and uses air strikes.

    You have a strange interpretation of history. The Arab forces did not attack Israel, the Six Way War was a surprise attack by Israel. Israel did not knock out the armed forces of Pakistan, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia, only relatively small elements of their armed forces who tried to assist the resistance against the Israeli armed forces.

    I am somewhat confused by some of your statements, the State of Israel did not come into being until 1948 and the vast majority of land in today's Israel was actually owned by Muslims, Jewish land ownership was very minimal


    You say Israel started the war. I say Israel attacked Egypt when Egypt mobilized along the Israel border, ready to attack. Same link.

    All of the armies I mentioned were involved in that war and none of them could take out Israel, even though they tried. SIX DAYS

    "The first appearance of the name "Israel" in the historic record is the Merneptah Stele (circa 1200 BCE) which mentions an ethnic group located in the northern part of the central highlands between the Mediterranean and the Jordan valley and south of Mount Carmel."

    "Upon the defeat of the Babylonian Empire by the Achaemenid Empire under Cyrus the Great, the Jewish elite returned to Jerusalem and the Second Temple was built. (Babylon defeated around 500 BC. Temple is the one I mentioned.)
    In 165 BCE, the independent Hasmonean Kingdom was established. It lasted 99 years and was destroyed after the Romans captured Jerusalem in 66 BCE.
    Since then, the Jewish people have maintained both physical and religious ties with the land of Israel." LINK
    So The Jews were there in 1200 BC, returned around 500 BC and built the temple I mentioned.
    About 500 years later they were run off by the Romans, and got the land back after WWII. The nation of Israel has a long history, right there.

    Israel was on its knees until the US resupplied them with weapons and munitions. Fact. wink.png

  9. If Israel doesn't know the source of the alleged attack then what the hell were IDF attacking in response ? Most probably totally unrelated targets. As usual. Israel flying off the deep end with no facts and in a totally disproportionate manner. bah.gif

    Would you prefer Israel to respond by firing into Syria without aiming or targeting?

    DO you also think it should be rocket for rocket?

    Oh please. facepalm.gif

  10. I find it facilitating that the "Supreme Leader" and his cronies even give two $hits about what 'seemingly' insignificant comments come out of the Australian Foreign Minister's mouth.

    I am however interested in how he plans to punish her. That backwards society couldn't do a thing to hurt Australia or it's politicians.

    Maybe he should stick to punishing the hideous individual that cuts his hair. w00t.gif

    • Like 1
  11. And at the moment also israel is being super sensitive since three teenagers have been kidnapped and r being held by the hamas

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    The only Hamas 'evidence' is an accusation from Netanyahu who blames them for everything. It's a totally disproportionate response to the kidnapping (lock up as many Palestinians as possible and kill a few more) as well as the disproportionate response to the bomb (or whatever it was) from an unknown source in Syria.

    The kidnapping aside, being rather OT - what would you consider a "proportionate" response to a missile fired across the

    border, killing a civilian and wounding others?

    Given the highly volatile situation in Syria, find out who fired the missile and hit them back. The Israeli response was just a typical knee-jerk reaction.

    Correct. thumbsup.gif

  12. If Israel doesn't know the source of the alleged attack then what the hell were IDF attacking in response ? Most probably totally unrelated targets. As usual. Israel flying off the deep end with no facts and in a totally disproportionate manner. bah.gif

    Israel targeted Syrian Army camps. If the Syrian regime claims to be sovereign, then it is responsible.

    So far, the Syrian Army made an effort to keep control of the areas near the border, I think the Israeli response

    has more to do with keeping that effort going.

    I would find it very hard to believe the Syrian Army had anything to do with it. They are too busy fighting Jihadists and terrorists. The last thing Assad wants right now is a fight with Israel. My bet is that it was some rogue Muslim extremist group or just some Muslim street thugs that got hold of some weapons [not hard ATM]. Attacking Syrian forces is just ridiculous on Israel's part. Like it or not Assad's' regime is Israel's friend right now. Fighting perhaps Israel's most dangerous enemy right now. If ISIS/ISIL does succeed in creating an Islamic State that borders Israel then they will have BIG problems.

    • Like 1
  13. It's usually the other way around. Epic !

    Surprised that that dull normal response wasn't first. Must've had your dead cat think it up for you.coffee1.gif BTW I disagree. Most guys getting hustled by Thai girls know the game and are playing along but get burned because they think that they are smarter than the girlies (big mistake).wink.png

    Got your quota of lady drinks into you early this Sunday afternoon it seems. And people are complaining that things are slow. Well done.wink.png

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