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Posts posted by lucjoker

  1. the cheapest is fire ,bugs are allergic to fire !

    And be thorough, other furniture can be infested ,so burn all of your furniture ,also books ,mattresses,tv,.......and dont forget

    the seats of your car and motosaik !!!!!!!!!

    It costs only 1 mach or borough a lighter .

    So, pombem solved !

    What? Did i say "TV" ? Well ,slip of the tongue ,sorry,but too late now.coffee1.gif

  2. i thought thais like the sent of burning ?

    If they see 2 dry leaves they hurry to burn it .

    And if it burns ,it is always with a lot of smoke ,half- wed leaves and grass mixed with plastic bags .....they do it every day !

    They allow smoke from their neighbor billowing in their living room, no pombem ,they wont complain .

    Now the fire is 3 rai large ! On a 150 rai (240 000 sqm ) dump site ? The smell alone,when not on fire ,by this heat ????

    What smell ?coffee1.gif

    I re-read the article just to be sure of its contents. It seems the dump is on fire, the fumes are of concern to local residents, it posses a health threat and fire fighters are having difficulty extinguishing it.

    Conjecture and humor concerning a serious issue is always nice, particularly when one is not at the scene of the incident or has any relationship to it.

    I hope the fire is put out soon and that the residents can move back into their homes and live in peace.


    Just every day facts !

    And i am not sorry for people who go live next to a dumb ,chicken farm,..........open your eyes (and nose) before you settle somewhere.

    And if you live there first ,keep your place clean ,it can change in a dumb in weeks .

    You can see mini dumb in many streets ,it starts with 1 idiot dumping a few sack of garbage ....next morning 10 others do the same ......

    And for the priest: health threats and fire fighters who can not extinguish a fire ....is very normal here in Thailand ,not wort laughing.

  3. i thought thais like the sent of burning ?

    If they see 2 dry leaves they hurry to burn it .

    And if it burns ,it is always with a lot of smoke ,half- wed leaves and grass mixed with plastic bags .....they do it every day !

    They allow smoke from their neighbor billowing in their living room, no pombem ,they wont complain .

    Now the fire is 3 rai large ! On a 150 rai (240 000 sqm ) dump site ? The smell alone,when not on fire ,by this heat ????

    What smell ?coffee1.gif

    • Like 2
  4. And then these judges will fail a lawsuit to the next group......................lol

    And like this ,the bad guys keep on coming back and can harm and steel as usually.

    Death sentence for corrupt politicians is a nice solution,and strip their families from all there assets and

    make them beggars . Apply this and you will see that the families will keep their politicians in line (or eliminate them theirselves)

    so they not risk loosing what they have .Or is this too difficult to understand ?

    And no this is not barbaric ,it's common sense.coffee1.gif

  5. 23kg of Cannabis gives you also a death sentence in Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia and Vietnam.

    Nothing really barbaric about it.

    It doesn't matter the location or the crime - it is a medieval punishment that has no place in the modern world.

    Did she knew about the the death sentence? Sure.

    But she was used to break the law and escape with a 200bht fine (helmets,insurance,.....)

    Others pay 200 000 bht for killing .........Politicians are given jail time and never sit a day........

    So when she saw :" death penalty for drug smuggling......pff ....that doesn't scare me "

    Well she must understand that some things can't be done !

    If she jumps from a 20 floor balcony ......the law of gravity will deal with her stubborn brain...would she believe this? I think so .

    So maybe change the writing on the wall into :" smuggle drugs (politicians frauds...) and we throw you from a 20 story high balcony "

    Would this scare her off????

    I think there will be a pile up to the 19th floor very soon coffee1.gif


    So she is guilty of drug smuggling and a massive error of judgement.

    I am not sure if she knew of the penalty for drugs offences but you seem to be. Regardless, a death sentence for ANY crime is abhorrent to me and many other forward thinking people.

    Time and time again, studies have shown that the death penalty is not a deterrent against crime - if it were, it would never need to be carried out.

    "I am not sure if she knew of the penalty for drugs offences" It is written very large on the wall, in thai language also,maybe she cant read?

    Where do i say death penalty for every crime ??Also you have a problem reading?(politician frauds .....sure !)

    " the death penalty is not a deterrent against crime" believe me it helps ,not 100% for sure but it surely helps for tempted people with a brain.

    ​If a high politician knows he will be decapitated when caught red handed in a billion fraud,and had already a few of his friends who lost their heads ........are you sure it wont help?

    You need a study for that ?coffee1.gif

  6. wow ,a raise of 10 years ! up to 21 y !

    First they tried to block alcohol selling DURING school hours,lol,when the children were in school lol,how effective?

    Now the children can not drink alcohol ?

    So they will 1/ ignore it 2/ switch to ya ba ...or probably do 1 and 2 together?

    What they will not try is :education or good example (whole family drinks,litter their own floor,drive without helmets,swear,fight (like in the soaps)..........

    How do we expect children to know what is normal ???????

    Mixed thai-farang families might be the first step to rise out of this medieval spiral?

  7. 23kg of Cannabis gives you also a death sentence in Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia and Vietnam.

    Nothing really barbaric about it.

    It doesn't matter the location or the crime - it is a medieval punishment that has no place in the modern world.

    Did she knew about the the death sentence? Sure.

    But she was used to break the law and escape with a 200bht fine (helmets,insurance,.....)

    Others pay 200 000 bht for killing .........Politicians are given jail time and never sit a day........

    So when she saw :" death penalty for drug smuggling......pff ....that doesn't scare me "

    Well she must understand that some things can't be done !

    If she jumps from a 20 floor balcony ......the law of gravity will deal with her stubborn brain...would she believe this? I think so .

    So maybe change the writing on the wall into :" smuggle drugs (politicians frauds...) and we throw you from a 20 story high balcony "

    Would this scare her off????

    I think there will be a pile up to the 19th floor very soon coffee1.gif


  8. A heart with 6 coronary blockages (85% to 99%) and i did not know it.

    I was even mountain biking like that here in thailand.

    Ones in europe ( oktober 2013) i had the first signs (little pressure in the chest )that something was not ok.

    I was 57y ,ex gym teacher ,non smoker .

    So they did open heart surgery and gave me 6 bypasses ,6 weeks after the operation i was back her ,very weak but


    I tell this because many people are not aware that their heart is badly damaged and they never felt anything wrong !

    A cardiogram nor a echo- Doppler will reviel this condition .Only cathederisation will show exactly how bad your coronaries are .

    So don't trust on a yearly medical check.Mine were always perfect.

    • Like 2
  9. If you want a thai lady for a night :go to a bar ,plenty there .

    If you want a thai wife ,dont go to a bar ,go to a Big C,plenty nice educated ladies there.

    You can see them every day (dating) ,just have to walk in there and speak to them .

    After contact,let them keep their job for a wile ,so they know what you have to do to earn

    honest money.

    If it gets serious ,offer her a job as caretaker in your house and pay her double wages .(cant be much,and your house is clean)

    If she talks about ,money for her parents ,tell her you dont have a job for them .(money doesn't come free remember)Suggests the parent go ask money

    from her first employer (Big C),he might have a job and is more wealthy than you !

    Then kick her out because "the crisis" is coming. (at surely was coming ,lol coffee1.gif )

    Did you meet you man/lady in a 'BigC' ?

    No, in Food land (open 24/24!)

    And you ? Took one of a bar?Could work,but the chance is small.

    Take a lady with no babies ,never married and does not speak 1 word of english ,You will be very happy for this later.

    • Like 1
  10. If you want a thai lady for a night :go to a bar ,plenty there .

    If you want a thai wife ,dont go to a bar ,go to a Big C,plenty nice educated ladies there.

    You can see them every day (dating) ,just have to walk in there and speak to them .

    After contact,let them keep their job for a wile ,so they know what you have to do to earn

    honest money.

    If it gets serious ,offer her a job as caretaker in your house and pay her double wages .(cant be much,and your house is clean)

    If she talks about ,money for her parents ,tell her you dont have a job for them .(money doesn't come free remember)Suggests the parent go ask money

    from her first employer (Big C),he might have a job and is more wealthy than you !

    Then kick her out because "the crisis" is coming. (at surely was coming ,lol coffee1.gif )

    • Like 1
  11. If you are not a millionaire ,there is no paradise in Thailand !

    Even on an island ,it looks paradise ,but it isn't a paradise to live in .

    Because you will need money (work) and you are not allowed to work her !

    If lucky (and with a work permit) they will pay you 30 -40 000 bht /month ,

    and that is just enough to survive .

    You are also young,so not wanted in Thailand ! That's why it is very difficult to obtain a visa .

    (there are unlawful tricks to get a visa ,but they can change it tomorrow and out you go .)

    Better stay in the paradise of Portugal ,cheaper ,less hassle ,no visa issues AND the eu will

    help you out !

    This is my opinion ,i will go to Portugal this summer ,for a holiday, beautiful country,nice beaches......

    I understand because of the crisis (the politicians robbed your country ) it isn't easy to live high standard.....

    but it surely wont be easier in Thailand !

    Think it over ,come for a trial and you will know.

    • Like 1
  12. Som nam na Yingluk.

    You raped and divided the country now pay the price.

    A great day for Thailand and the Thai people.smile.png

    now pay the price?????

    She will pay nothing and will not be punished !

    She will go away with pockets well filled !Just as her brother .And nobody will do something to this ,wanna bet?coffee1.gif

  13. Get a decent leather whip and learn how to whip on the move, problem solved. You don't need to hit the dog the sonic boom will be enough to deter it.

    these are thai -dog,they never heard the sound of a whip !

    It makes them curious,55

    Only after been hit by a whip they will show respect for it .

    i drive my mountain bike and always have a "shocker" with me . The cracking electric sound (like a lightning) scares them away.

    No more probs with dogs .(and will protect you also to other menaces )coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  14. 703.000 boxes. I wonder how that looks? No photos?

    a box is about 2inch long 1inch wide and contains 5 pills .

    703 boxes becomes 703.ooo boxes after counting without a calculator.

    the cars are +10 y old and good for 10's of millions ,lol.

    The gold bars from 10 gr are too small to weigh on the scale ,and the 10gr is stamped in it .

    Next !hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ.

  15. Lightening is the present participle of the verb "to lighten," and refers to the process of making something lighter in color. Lightening is the opposite of darkening, or making something darker.

    Lightning is a noun – it refers to the meteorological phenomenon that is followed by thunder.


    How come so many "teachers" in Thailand?

    If i hear "english" people ,they are difficult to understand.Unless they speak the same dialect as yourself ?

    They swallow half there words and you surely cant hear the difference between "ligh...in" and "ligh....n" .

    Are there no "english" teachers left in England ?

    There is a big work to be done .

    Maybe some teachers of Pakistan or India would do a good job,their English is very understandable ,they probably learned it out of a book

    and never saw an "english" teacher ,who learned them to swallow half words?

    I ope i noh offent o-ther fooks,i juh me thoughs .coffee1.gif

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