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Posts posted by lucjoker

  1. the cannon was made out of bronze or copper(look at the color in the picture)

    market price today is about 53 milj bht if pure copper ,witch i doubt,prob it's mixed with tin (making it bronse) but still worth some money.

    They planned to sell it(that's why it is cut in so many pieces,if it had to be melted you did not have to chop it up in so many pieces) and sold already 38 kg,the rest had to be sold slowly because

    nobody wanted to burn his fingers on a large quantity .

    The police were thinking the same ,they start immediately weighing and counting !("sh$t ,the monks were more quick than them,lol)

    Copper loves copper?

    • Like 1
  2. it's all a set-up.

    Probably there was a fight between the 2 and she won .

    Then she asked for help to uncles and nephew and they helped cleaning out the atm

    and dumped the body.

    If you have a villa in Puckett,it is more worth than a milj bht.

    Since the victim was not married with a thai nat. it was in company name ,

    so all they had to do was do a transfer of director (costs 7000bht) and does not even require the

    victim to be there !The victim also had 300 000 bht on his account?

    All BS

    • Like 1
  3. I know man of 75 y that look younger than man of 45 years ,

    i know ladies of 45 who can do it 10 times better than ladies of 19y,

    So in the end ,everybody does what he (she) wants,nobody 's advice or permission is needed!

    Why you don't discuss how it is possible she was not earlier found than 30 days?

    No flies? No smell?

    answer: In the center of Pattaya this smell is normal,just walk from Kassikorn bank to Tucom ,

    the stench is unbearable ! Some people call this area : location ,location ! lol

    • Like 1
  4. If their will be fighting: take your money out of the bank!

    The bank and ATM's will be the first to close their door !

    And if it takes a few months.......better have enough cash,so eventually you can buy protection or have a holiday in Cambodia ?

    Don't forget to end the troubles ,they need a black sheep ! No side wants to be blamed and loose face,so who do you think they will blame ?

    This is the doom scenario,so don't pay any attention at these words.coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  5. the farmers are no problem,

    they are not smart enough, not their mistake of course,the school system

    kept them ignorant .

    The rich can only steel from the most ignorant ,and that's what they are.

    It will never change ,the farmers will be given a nice promise and that's it.

    Nobody (nobody) will help or protect the poor and ignorant,not even the man i have in mind.

  6. Do you know that the bicycle-shop next door is from the same owner ?

    That bus drivers are forbidden to open door because so many accidents happened with passengers stepping in front of a speeding motorcycle ,or open the side

    luggage doors to take their suitcase and leave the door open ?

    that camping in a national park can be dangerous,you better put your tents close for protection .

    Do you understand why Thais think why you are not logic???? coffee1.gif

    • Like 2
  7. What is a middle aged guy doing with a young teenager?

    what is the "profession" of those young teenagers ?

    Where do they meet those "middle aged man"?

    In the kindergarden?

    Or was it beach road by night ?

    If you step in this business ,you know there are risks.

    In this case she didn't know that also some farang react "thai -style" ,

    meaning killing when they dont get what they want .

    Well it is the sad truth,she wont be the last .

    Time the poor families realize there youngsters can not provide them wealth.

    Most of those "teen agers" return empty handed ,pregnant,addicted or never.

    • Like 2
  8. " I'm thinking of going to a hospital tonight or tomorrow morning ,or tomorrow afternoon ,or tomorrow evening,maybe the day after tomorrow or next week ,or...........

    You think too much and you drink too much .

    Think about your funeral ,will it be this month,this year or next year?

    So get serious about it ,or continue drinking.

  9. Buy here a 300 cc Honda skooter,driver licence paper will not save her life if another drunk driver

    crashes her with his truck,so dont bother, this is thailand ,relax,it's not england with all the does and dont's !

    Buy also an i-phone ,because she only need 1 hand to steer the bike ,so, plenty of things to do with an i-phone

    whilst driving,isn't it?Tell her only pussies slow down in a bent and dont sit in the middle of the saddle,better sit on 1 cheeck

    looking verry cool !

    Now do this ,make here and your wife happy ! And probably you will be happy a little bit later ?

  10. I would buy him the ticket ,pay for his hotel and give him some presents,take him for a trip in Walking street and soi 6,

    Ones in soi 6 he will probably be late for the graduation ?

    Then it is your time to enjoy.

    See of your steph daughter still happy with "i want that...."

    For a bright girl it was not a verry normal decision ,she must understand that you are not comfortable whit her wish?

    If the chinese father has the money to fly ,why did he have no money for her school? See if she has an answer for that?

    Wish you the best.

  11. they dont understand the existance of politics,dont know what the word means.

    This is because they were forbidden to think about this in the school,it is (was) seen as unpolite to ask questions to the teacher!

    In the classroom only the teacher opens his mouth,children are prepared to be marionets,they learn the everything by memorization

    through repitition.They dont understand grammar rules,relation between words......If you miss 1 tone they dont have a clue what you are talking about,

    their mind is not flexible,yoo cann reet tis bu tey cant!

    It is slowly going to approve, the more thai-farang children in a classroom the quicker it will change.

    They speak at least 2 or tree languages when they are 5 y old, they took airplanes ,fast trains ,taxis.....can swimm from 2 y old..wear shoes that cost more than 300 bht ,they saw an other continent ....all things even their teacher never saw nor will see in his life. They talk about it with the friends .....

    Later it will be a big bonus to find a good job,perfectly writing and reading and speaking thai ,english and his fathers language (mine is flemish and french)

    Never send your children to an english school unless you want them to have the same handicap as you have yourself here in thailand.(unless you can read and write and speak thai perfectly)

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  12. So you all think that the women of Phuket are so amazingly strong that they can hurl their boyfriends over the balcony. Most Thai women I've come across just wouldn't have the strength to do that.

    The naivety of many of you make me laugh though.

    So because you visit weak ladies,the rest of us are naive?

    When you say "most" .... it means that some of them would have the strenght,so watch out ,stay of the balconies !coffee1.gif

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