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Posts posted by lucjoker

  1. clockwork orange.

    I think you will find that Suchinda Krayapoon has fallen off of his perch and as such it would indeed be an interesting board meeting if he decided to turn up. :)

    28 pages ....of words in the air......bar-talk......old grandma's talk....about

    something that does not concern us......and 95% of the thais not even stop from looking their daily soap !

    But all these 28 pages full of "farang" wisdom (although most farangs i see are dement ,drunk and on their last money)will not change a thing.

    Please ,to all,just look at it and dont interfier ! It is not our business !Stop commenting on it !

    We all know it is politic BS,same all over the world,learn to live with it or choose a 25 up floor...... :D

  2. To the reds - if it has not escaped your attention - you have won! - there are to be elections in November - but if the protest and violence continues then you are putting those at risk because you cannot hold fair elections in the immediate aftermath of something like these protests - the country needs time to settle down and reflect on the political choices in an atmosphere of calm....... oh wait or is fair and free elections really their aim? Maybe anarchy and a "triumphant return" by a "hero Thaksin" is what you really seek.

    So you are thinking about the future of the thai people and that is an excuse for putting children into a dangerous situation......Thaksins tactics sound a little like Saddam's to me!

    The thing that saddens me is that the end result of any election will be a "strong" leader and not a "fair" one - well remember this Abhisit's tactics have been aimed at risking lfe as little as possible - a "strong" PM would have marched in at the end of the first weekend and known that as far as the world and most people in the country are concerned a few hundred deaths would have been "yesterdays news" by now. Is that the kind of leadership Thai's really want?

    "fair" is is a non -existing word in politics !

    Elections are won by whoever bribes the most !

    Ex-Thaksin politicians joined the current goverment after been paid 30 milj bht per head.And so Abishit became the new PM.

    There is no immediat solution to the problem,there are milions of red-shirts all over Thailand,with a deep (indoctrinated) belief and love for Thaksin ('s monney).Kicking out the 5000 out of BKK,is not changing annything !

    In the end "Monney" will win !

    Neighterway nothing will change for the average people,just other politicians to do the same fraudes.

  3. A 10 year old boy shot dead today.


    24/24 hours of brainwashing speaches ,the result :blind hate !

    A 10 year old boy can kill you !

    If he was innocent,he was too curious and paid it with his life !

    His parent are to blame !

    Keep childeren away from madness !

    But .......it's normal here to see a bunch of 10 year old kids racing

    without lights in the night ...well here annything looks normal ?

  4. i'm sure there will be a lot of 'armchair general' farangs happy that the army are just shooting unarmed people!

    Have a look at this picture. Can anybody see a just reason for killing this person??


    I guess she was amongst a number throwing rocks, and got hit by a stray bullet. We're just left with the shocking picture we don't know, could have been a gun battle raging! I see your point, but you don't know what happened and shouldn't write such things.

    Could be a typical motor cycle accident:motorcycle in the middle of the road (so he was driving),helmed fell out of the basket where the driver fell, serious head injury (no helmet?) Did he collide with another vehickel?

    Hit the curbstone with his front wheel wile looking backwards? Who knows?

  5. He may be able to apply for a waiver since he lives outside the country. Based on what a Thai friend told me it's also possible to bribe an official to 'take care' of the requirement for you.

    Are you serious?

    Your son will serve as kanon-meat for the crazy politicians !

    There is NO honour to gain as a military man ,it's all corrupt ,or dont you know what happens in thailand ????

    You want him to go shoot some reds? Or get shot at ?

    it's an insane idee !!!

  6. Deputy PM to surrender to DSI on Tuesday.

    BANGKOK: -- Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban will surrender to Department of Special Investigation on Tuesday to testify against a complaint by victims of April 10 violence.

    The decision came as red shirts leaders announced that they would end the rally at Rajprasong if Suthep surrendered to face charge.

    Relatives and families of victims of the April 10 violence, led by opposition party Pheu Thai, filed a complaint with DSI against Suthep and PM Abhisit Vejjajiva for allegedly ordering the crackdown, resulting in death and injuries.


    -- The Nation 2010-05-10


    maby it is better not to write or speak about this annymore ?

    Let us know when the reds are gone,thats all.

    The rest is total unintresting.

  7. Two Thai policeman killed in attacks near Bangkok protests

    BANGKOK (AFP) -- Two Thai policemen have been killed in attacks near anti-government protests in Bangkok, in a grenade blast and a drive-by shooting that also left 12 wounded, authorities said Saturday.

    Police said in the early hours of the morning a grenade attack hit a security checkpoint in front of a city park that forms the edge of the protest encampment.

    "Eight people including five police and three soldiers were wounded," the Bangkok Emergency Medical Service said. A hospital official said that one 35-year-old policeman died during surgery.

    Earlier, one policeman was killed and four others -- two police and two civilians -- were wounded when a man on a motorbike opened fire on a patrol in the nearby Silom financial district, which is under heavy guard.


    -- ©Copyright AFP 2010-05-08

    Published with written approval from AFP.


    Verry strange? Motorcycle drives by....shoots several people........and noboddy is able to shoot back?????

    It was a check point ,the police or soldiers are armed......and they know this can happen anny minute.....stilltheir fingers are not on the trigger ???????????????????

    Strange ! Very strange ?

    shoot at a fleeing motorcycle?

    Am guessing this happened very quickly and it probably took time to even realize where the attack was coming from but what would happen to the numerous bullets fired at the motorcycle that missed their target? Am sure the red sympathizers would be screaming about how the army killed innocent people on the roadway with their missed shots. FYI, not an easy thing to hit a moving target in this kind of situation.

    Offcours it happens verry quickly ! So ,be prepared ,put obstacles arround so noboddy drives by !

    Or were they expecting a motorcycle pushed slowly by 2 man (so you dont hear it comming? Good idea!)???

    post some snipers in the windows of the 3th floor ,they shoot straight down ! Or never hearth about tackticks ?

    If you cant shoot ? What are they doing there ?

  8. Here's another rambling thread blaming the "REDS".

    Be clear in a situation like this, there will be many "loony" factions on BOTH sides who think that by engaging in this sort of stuff that they will stir things up or achieve some obscure aims.

    This site has taken to screaming anti-Resshirt slogans rather than making constructive comments on the situation - as most of the posters are probably ex-pats surely they would do themselves a favor if they stood back and took a dispassionate look at the situation rather than engage in partisan rantings and baseless accusations.

    I've said it before on this site, Im increasingly astounded by the incredibly infantile comments that the expat community is capable of on this site.


    -But, isn't it interesting that grenades keep being used and hasn't it been reported that the Red thugs have launchers...or am I wrong (I know, the protesters all have red clappers)? Next: I am assuming most of the viewers on ThaiVisa are "farangs" like me. Many of us are raised to question, evaluate, and discuss issues--. So it will be natural to read comments that will disagree with yours or mine.

    Are you looking for launchers? Google to "potato kanon" : with some pvc pipes and a BBQ igniter,you can shoot a patatoo (or something else) for about 200-300 yards !

    After that take the pipes appart and there is nothing to see ,simple as it is !All those things are available for everyone on internet ,so if you dont know what you are looking for ,you will not find it !

  9. Two Thai policeman killed in attacks near Bangkok protests

    BANGKOK (AFP) -- Two Thai policemen have been killed in attacks near anti-government protests in Bangkok, in a grenade blast and a drive-by shooting that also left 12 wounded, authorities said Saturday.

    Police said in the early hours of the morning a grenade attack hit a security checkpoint in front of a city park that forms the edge of the protest encampment.

    "Eight people including five police and three soldiers were wounded," the Bangkok Emergency Medical Service said. A hospital official said that one 35-year-old policeman died during surgery.

    Earlier, one policeman was killed and four others -- two police and two civilians -- were wounded when a man on a motorbike opened fire on a patrol in the nearby Silom financial district, which is under heavy guard.


    -- ©Copyright AFP 2010-05-08

    Published with written approval from AFP.


    Verry strange? Motorcycle drives by....shoots several people........and noboddy is able to shoot back?????

    It was a check point ,the police or soldiers are armed......and they know this can happen anny minute.....stilltheir fingers are not on the trigger ???????????????????

    Strange ! Very strange ?

  10. I'm pleased there is no violence. I hope they get their way and get an election. Abhisit isn't a bad man, he just isn't elected.

    A fair election is impossible ,they pay people openly to vote or demonstrate for them,

    since the majority of the people are poor and ignorant,the party who pays the most,

    will win !

    Well than the most corrupt billionaire will win again ? Whoever he is !

    What they need is a despot,a tirran !

    But how to select him?

    By civil war?

    by "elections ?" ha ha !

    So, not an easy decision ! :D

    What about this idea?

    Elect a goverment ,whoever is in it ,4 years later the people have to vote

    "if they will be all killed and a vote a new coverment,again for 4 years,

    if the people are satisfied with them ,well than they can continue ,if not

    they will be shot and a new goverment chosen ! :D

    This system will show that the goverment in power will think twice before they go

    against the will of the people ! :D

    AND,after a few mass executions of goverments,there will be less candidates to

    run for the posts ! only those who think are capable will show up ! :)

    This should be done world wide ! :D

  11. I'm pleased there is no violence. I hope they get their way and get an election. Abhisit isn't a bad man, he just isn't elected.

    A fair election is impossible ,they pay people openly to vote or demonstrate for them,

    since the majority of the people are poor and ignorant,the party who pays the most,

    will win !

    Well than the most corrupt billionaire will win again ? Whoever he is !

    What they need is a despot,a tirran !

    But how to select him?

    By civil war?

    by "elections ?" ha ha !

    So, not an easy decision ! :)

  12. .

    Solar water pump: ทั้งหมดนี้เราขายเพียง 33,500 บาทเท่านั้น

    5.2cm dia

    Length x 36cm

    Maximum Scenario:

    6hours @ 20mtrs 72ltrs cloudy 264ltrs sunny.

    This must be a joke !

    read again,plz !


    a normal cheap pump (18m max),will pump 540liter per hour!(cost 8000 bht)

    A submersible pump (max 40-50 m) will give you about 4000 liter per hour !!!!!!!(cost 12 000 bht)

    This "new invention" gives between 12 and 44 liter per hour ?????(cost 23 000 bht?????)

    can i start laughing now?

  13. Not short enough!

    since 7 years,the bath (to the euro ) went up and down like a slow yoyo,

    between 43 bht up to 53 bht (for 1 eu)

    So nothing special about the bath !

    Other currencies dropt spectacular to the bath,

    not because the bath is so strong,but those currencies became

    weaker and weaker ,probably something wrong in those countries ? :D

    More than 1 brittisch friends of me told me years ago:"i keep my monney in BP,

    i dont thrust TBH !I bring it over only when i need it !

    Well by now they lost about half their monney ? :D

    The smart ones didn't loose money,they won extra . :D

    Today you change your TBHs into Euro ,you get 1 eu for every 44 bht.

    Wait 4,5 or six months and change it back, you will get about 50 bht(or more) for 1 euro.

    You just made a 14% profit ! :D No bank can give you this ! :D

    On 800 000 bht this makes 112 000 bht profit "in half a year" ! :D

    Then u put it back for 3 months and wait for your year extension ,and hup start again !

    So,dont always whine :D ,be smart ! :)

  14. Whether or not he should be arrested is of less concern than the timing of the arrest. This is really not the best time to arrest him. Last week would have been good, next week might work well to. Right now, it will likely only fuel the fires of discontent.

    Just give the power to the army !

    Stop this "democratic" BS !

    The country is not ready for it !

    maby in 50 years?

    They need a firm hand now!

    No corrupt massive coverment,away with it !

    It does not work !

  15. How is it possible that a convicted escaped criminal ,is giving speeches

    on thai tv ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    Stirring up the masses !

    Provoking the goverment !

    Threathening to block the capital !!!!!!!

    And he can do all this ?????????????????

    Well maby he truly "IS" a leader????????

    And the rest are squared mices ????????

    Let them clash than !

    Let them fight it out ,or its going to last forever !

    This is a nr 1 circus !

  16. 12,000 liters stored. That'll last us about 8 days. Then it's water from a truck time.


    Maprachan lake,was empty a few years ago,so you had to buy from water trucks,

    wher did the get there water?

    From a well ?

    Ok, for about 15000bht you can have your own well, will neber run dry.........

    do it and stop talking ......

    Last 2 years the lake was allways full,every day of the year,but since 6 months it

    drying out rapidly.......did the stop filling it up????

  17. Tensions rise. I just hope when this is all over the Thai people get what they want.

    2 groups of politicians,the current and the Tx-group ,

    all toghether a few hundred sharks,

    they have a problem with eachother :they all like the power

    to fraude en to steal .It's that simple.

    Since they are to cowerd to do the fighting themselves,they

    arrouse the simple people,and make it look as if the people have

    a problem !

    To succeed in this ,they only have to give then little money and they

    will put on whatever t-shirt collour you can imagine !

    Sadly,by this time ,the people believe the "pep-talk" from the agitators,

    who speak to them day and night ,indoctrinating and brainwashing them up

    to the point they are even ready to kill !

    This is how politicians fight there wars, they let others fight and die .

    In the end ,they will make peace,the politicians all survive,.....the poor

    simple people's houses are burned and manny will be dead......but that

    no problem for the sharks !

  18. i plan go to Thailand with my wife(thai) for vacation on August, but i need to change my plan now. Why? a happy and peaceful paradise become a bloody and violant hel_l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THAI! don't destory your beautiful motherland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you'r scared stay home, :D

    just send ur wife,she wont be scared ! :D

    .....joke ! :)

    Think how expensive it will be ,AND dangerous ! :D

    And dont try to lecture thai people ,they know everything allready ! :D

    And they dont give a <deleted> about nothing ! :D

    Verry happy people ,no stress ! :D

  19. From a contrarian perspective, sentiment against the USD is so extreme that you have to bet on a rally.

    If USD debt gets paid down (deficits contract) then that is a net contraction in the USD money supply - and if the supply of something drops, it's price goes up.

    Everyone is busy shorting the dollar because of the deficits, perfect set up for a rally.

    Similar scenario for GBP but i'd say wait a bit - whichever gov't gets in will have to address the deficits but it won't happen til after the election.

    ...Though I could be completely wrong :D

    That was last year, everyone is buying back into the dollar and gold as a safehaven.

    For those who believe in printed paper ,

    it is just paper ! There is no logic to their value !

    It's only worth wat the big -goeroes say it is !

    If you 're not rich (more than 40 milj bht) dont bother ,

    you never will be , just enjoy and keep working.

    If you do have money, buy land and houses, they never go down in value,

    live in it ...rent it out....and when you need money sell some.

    If you like games: keep money in USD,EU,Pounds,THB,.........

    when one goes down buy it ,en visa versa............you dont win or loose ,

    just play games. :)

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