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Posts posted by lucjoker

  1. "Failed Footballer from Falmouth."

    Try saying that after 6 big Changs.

    He plays junior football forWendron, he's not even a failed footballer. Can't understand why they keep mentioning the football aspect. He's a moron, and I apologise as he comes from my neck of the woods. As for the magistrates, I hope it wasn't my old man that was involved in this decision.

    Do you mean your father is a fixer/a blackmailed magistrate or god?rolleyes.gif

  2. If immigration have any sense they'll put him on the next plane back to the UK

    For precisely what? For being a foul-mouthed failed Footballer from Falmouth? blink.png

    Precisely for being a convicted felon! The judge should be ashamed of himself for dumping Britain's trash in Thailand. If I were the minister for tourism in Thailand I would start requiring tourist visas from all nationalities to stop Thailand from being a dumping ground for criminals.

    Thailand started this game,they send convicted Toxin to england and they gave him a passport !

    So why complain ?coffee1.gif

  3. Can you imagine Thailand without plastic bags???biggrin.png This country has a long, dare I say it, addiction to foam containers and plastic bags. Even dangerous chemicals are discarded without thought and are generally treated with an unusual disrespect.

    Here, as in many other less developed countries, we are all slowly poisoning ourselves whether it be from bad food containers or the government turning the other cheek to industry burning, dumping, polluting blah, blah ..... it goes on and on .....

    You want a take out? Take a reseal-able plastic box! Don't forget to wear your gas mask and NBC suit en route to the restaurant too!!! LOL

    is it out of lazyness that people go to these "restaurants"?

    Or is it so increddible difficult to cook these "specialties" in your home kitchen ?whistling.gif

    The only thing i would ever buy from a "restaurant on wheels" is a banana-pancake .......a trained thai needs 20 minutes to make one !cheesy.gif Must be verry

    difficult?You have to go and watch it some day ,the give the impression of moving verry quickly........but it takes ages !

    Or am i hit by the brain-fog ?sick.gif

  4. How long is a piece of string? Not really a visa question so will move to the section covering that part of the country. You might want to ask specific questions and provide some indication of how you live and want to live and where you are currently.

    verry important :how big is your wife's family?

  5. The strongest european country has ONLY a debt of 90% of his income.So in the end of the year they are left with only 10% to run their country,so that's

    why they all have to lend money monthly ! Is this bankrupt? No! Still 10% left ! Greese ,Spain,Italy,Portugal....are over 100% in debt ! (upto 135%,125%.....)

    These countries are virtual bankrupt. But no big deal ......lets just ignore it ....print some more paper money ................coffee1.gif

  6. the trigger could have conceivably been pulled twice by accident during the struggle.

    As the writing on these pattaya 'news' sources is notoriously poor i suspect the 'automatic' discharge of the gun was more a result of lousy word choice than anything else.

    the fact that the moron was shot with his own gun while trespassing to destroy someone else's property certainly suggests the thai was defending his home.

    no farang can get a gun license in Thailand !

    Not one !

    On the wife's name yes,not on yours !

  7. 1 34 501 34 501 1 33 322 33 322

    2 94 1,051 60 550 2 71 826 38 504

    3 165 1,782 71 731 3 148 1,362 77 536

    4 241 2,382 76 600 4 202 1,898 54 536

    5 282 2,783 41 401 5 254 2,454 52 556

    6 314 3,166 32 383 6

    7 358 3,750 44 584 7

    Why discussing these numbers?

    they are only the number of kills "on the spot"

    those who die 15 minute later at the hospital are not in the numbers!

    So it could be double or tripple numbers?

    So many accidents with wounded are never recorded,so this number is very

    inaccurate also.

    As long as there are no accurat numbers.....stop discussing and compairing wrong numbers with wrong numbers?

  8. Some useful tips:

    - When eating frog head, make sure you spit out the cranial bones

    - The tastiest part of steamed fish are the eyeballs, so offer these to your future mother-in-law

    - Raw buffalo uterus is an acquired taste and best left for an occasion when you have speedy access to a toilet

    - Practice perching like a chicken and you will be an immediate success with the inlaws

    - Violence at family gatherings is the norm in village Thailand; care is required only when bullets fly

    - The local village policeman is always right, especially when drunk

    - Do not French-kiss the grandmother, unless you enjoy tasting crimson betalnut juice

    Hope that helps smile.png


    Thanks Simon ,please post some morecheesy.gif

  9. Why would you take presents ?

    Is it because its Christmas ?

    Just take yourself and don't fart at the table smile.png

    Agreed, but do they have a table? My in laws sit on the floor. I had to provide my own chair.

    In my experience:

    take your shoes off at the door.

    Use Khrap after speaking in Thai to them.

    BTW, I agree with not taking a present. They'll be getting enough money when you have to front up with the sin sod.

    I disagree with waiing, unless you know everything about it. Most farangs don't have a clue how to do it properly. I never do it.

    Smiling is a good idea though, anywhere.

    try smiling like an idiot ! A rich one !

    • Like 1
  10. to ask a question like this on this forum ,is hilarius!

    But never the less here is my answer:

    (it's "Chang beer " and "Chiang-Rai", Chang Rai does not exist)

    In wich school did your 100%wub.png girl learn her english ?Ask her plz.

    Wich "family-bussines " do you visit every day? Bar/massage/retaurant/hotel/carwash/foodstall/....?tell us plz

    She "flew" home ?...hm... and you " assume the family has money" Why you want to give them more money?Are you a banker?

    A good impression ? How many decades are you older then her ?The older the better.sick.gif

    How many millions of dollars are you prepared to spend on the ( allready rich) family?cheesy.gif

    Dont forget a crate of Chang-beer and try talking to them after finishing it.whistling.gif

    Thank you for your serious question,

    you made my day.coffee1.gifclap2.gif

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