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Posts posted by lucjoker

  1. I came in 02.00h ,long rows on immigration,only 5 boots open ,thai boots closed .

    I walked 300m to the next immigration ....nobody ! 5 boots open !

    When i came closer ,they chased me away !

    I had to go back to the crowded hall ??????Verry unfriendly !!!!!!

    So in my opinion it is pure intimidation ,"you want to enter our country ? So we will teach you

    who is the boss and you gone loose some time right now !"

    Hope tourist stay away, and spend their money in some more friendly place !

    • Like 2
  2. If you live outside Pattaya,you probably smell chickenshit each time the wind blows to your house (if not ,your with the few lucky ones)

    In the evening they start up the charcoalburners,they burn everything with wood on ,verry slowly ,so it makes a lot of smoke and stink,the whole night you have to keep the windows closed if the wind comes from the wrong direction.They dont do it in the daytime ,because it's then too obvious how much they pollute.

    For the rest ,the thais love to burn : gras ,bamboo,plastic,cement bags,......esspecialy wet things ,so it smokes and stinks allot !

    I suspect their nose can't smell smoke or chickenshit?

    They dont complain about it annyway,or dont dare to ?

    If i drive my mountainbike ,i have to pass all the stinking bins on the street,the smell of occasional rotten dogs corps on the side of the road,burning garbadge..........

    So am i the only one who smells all of this ?

    Something wrong with me ?hit-the-fan.gif

    The most usefull knob in my car is.......the air controll !!! I leave it on recirculation ,never on "fresh air" from outside !

    Dont comment on this ,unless you promise to put the aircontroll on "outside air " or drive with your window down,for

    at least 1 week .wacko.png

  3. The US are only after one goal, control of major global assets. It is a self appointed police force which propagates lies and deliberate misinformation and now having just asked Belgium operation SWIFT to collapse the payment system to Iran for oil, they are trying to force Iran to fire the first shot. If Iran however, simply refuses sales of oil to US influenced countries for a month and accepts any currency - the US will eat humble pie. Iran is a beautiful country and has a living standard far superior to broke America in many ways. Leave it alone, it is not aggressive and anyone who thinks so needs their heads read. They wish to be left alone so why try to start a war? Simple - US needs another war to keep feeding the corrupt <deleted> running it.

    Finaly someone with a clear vieuw !

    Every soldier should stay in his own country ! Just to defend ,not to attack others to gain bennifits whatsoever !

    Sadly it is not common sence that prevails.

  4. i give my wife 15 000 bht /month (3750bht/week)

    this is her spending money,so she dont have to beg for monney every day.

    clothes ,food,benzine,gas electric....restaurants,bars.....is for me .

    I do this because i dont want her to work ,she has to take care of the 2 children (2 and 3 y)and i mean

    every minute of the day,and 500 bht /day is a super cheap price !(yes call me a cheap Charly)

    We go out eating every day,have a drink on a terras.......this costs me 1500 bht /evening

    wich is very cheap compared with europe ( there it would cost me 5000bht /evening)

    my total cost is about 100 000bht a month,for this we live like in paradise ,as i wouldn't want less,we only live ones !

    When i read this topic,700 bht/week.....i cant understand people want to discuss this.....it's hilarius!

    I know the are some poor people on a low budget ,walking arround in Thailand,hopping from balloon -bar to balloon-bar,

    just to have some decent food and waiting for the bell to ring .....going home with a 30 bht bill from a soda water !

    I understand why they do this.....but i dont understand that people are not asschamed by this and even discuss their tightness !?

    That is probably the reason that normal bars are empty and litlle shop-bars are doing good business?

    I wonder what the percentage of these cheap Charly's is ?

    Probably more than 50%

    I dont want to offend anyboddy,i'm just wandering.

  5. 10 years ago,i needed 50 000 bht as a deposit on land,i went in a bank (on the seaside ,50 m from walking street)and

    i asked if i could use my visa card to withdraw 50 000 bht.

    No problem,they took my card in a back-office to check the card.

    It came back with a ok and i got the 50 000 bht.

    ^ months later i got a phone call from VISA,to ask if i was on holliday in England,i wasnt(i lived i Belgium).

    They said that someone was using my card to shop arround in London (180 000 bht)

    The next day the crook was arrested,it was a thai who worked in the bank in Pattaya !

    So never ,never give your card out off your hands !

    And dont thrust bankpersonel for a second !

    • Like 1
  6. Thaksin's Passport Reinstated Since Oct 26

    Foreign Ministry Spokesman Thani Thongpakdi affirms the Thai passport of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra was reinstated since October 26 as he was no longer on the ministry's blacklist.

    He said Thaksin had applied for a Thai passport at the Royal Thai Embassy in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates on October 25. Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul approved the issuance of the passport and a passport was issued to Thaksin on October 26.


    -- Tan Network 2011-12-16


    Why are people still discussing thai politics on


    There is noting to discuss !

    We all know already how it works ,there are no rules,lying is the norm,money wins....

    stealing is allowed if you are my friend....etc....

    So why are we discussing this soap ?

    There is nothing to discuss,and you can't change it either !

    Or do you ?

  7. This country has gone to the dogs.

    This country is in full expansion !

    Thais are building everyware ! Houses ,factories......

    they sell million of cars ...flatscreens.....fridges.....

    tax is none or low

    the bath is strong as a rock ,no matter tsunami,fighting in the streets,military coups....floodings...

    The politicians ? wel they have nothing to do with real life,its just a group of frauds...but even that is not going to slow down

    the expansion !

    So,start changing your euro's in Thb....otherwise your can start complaining in a few months that you lost half your capital ?

    It's more the majority of farangs how are going to the dogs ,back to the UK .etc ...because life is too expensive for the now ?

  8. This breaks ones heart. I wish I thought they were saved in the nick of time but for some reason I don't think they are out of the woods yet. The practice is still common in the Northeast and many are never shipped out of country. So Sad.

    Finaly someone who wants to clean the streets from those filthy dogs ,

    and instead of giving the guy a medal ,..................................

    Hope some other guys pick up the idee !

    It's the best i know in 10 years here !

  9. the day before the general election blame it all not on the local ruling class, but on those pesky foreigners - so confused voters would cast their vote on the status quo and "social order" parties.

    nationalistic frenzy is the best way to divert an attention from the real (and not an imaginary) social issues, like poverty and lack of justice.

    kun sriracha is a good lapdog of the army, that's why he was appointed a member of Constitution Drafting Committee back in 2007, why he got a cushy job in the one of the most corrupted governmental departments and why he has spoken now about the foreigners

    What if it isn't big talk, but reallity?

    All those companies with so called partners ?

    I think only the poorest under the farangs gave it to their lady (so they have notting to begin with),

    de rest is stuck with his company and ........is going to loose it and deported .

    Airplanes will be full !

    Economy in the costal sides will schrink to ........lets say 1%? Or are the cheap charlies worth more ?

    The rest will be deported..........

    Ones they have their land back .....the land is worth notting ,becouse the people with money are not longer here !

    Back to stone age .......thats what the mighty people really want.......much easier to control the poor masses !

  10. It's totally crazy that the average Thai earns about 8000 baht a month, but they expect farangs to have pension incomes of 65,000 baht a month to live there.

    I think it is totally fair, this thai is pays 1500 bht rent a month,never drinks beer that cost more

    than 30 bht,pays his mianoy only 100 bht .........does not own a car ,motorcycle..........

    and if he does ...he doesn't pay tax nor insurance........so his live is 10 times chaeper than ours,

    so normaly we should earn 80 000 bht/month and not 65000 !!!!!!!lol !

  11. If the wagon was trying to overtake and hit the bus/van that was picking people up, was this van on the left, meaning the wagon was undertaking?

    the bus stopped on the fast lane of the highway !Wich is perfectly normal here !(busses only drive on the fast track remember?)

    The workers cross the tree lanes of the opposite highway and jump on the waiting bus , it's the most short and quick thing,so it's done.

    The 10 wheeler (also on this "fast"lane) did not see the bus standing still in front of him !

    Offcourse not ! It was 50 meters ahead ....who looks that far in the distance? Nobodys nose is that long ?...........................

    The truck driver smashed into the bus ...but .....protected by a "tattoo" ....could run away unharmed and became invisible !

    Oh....i love these everyday-happenings !

  12. While Thailands premier tourist island cant even tackle a few taxi drivers or thug jetski rentors they want to rebrand (in words not deeds) for quality tourists.

    Real quality will come when offered real quality.. Not corrupt official burying garbage on the beaches, selling portions of public land for private use, and due to backhanders and payments allowing sections of the society to beat up and otherwise threaten those sections not yet paying. Simply raising prices doesnt attract the 5 star crowd. When Thailand has 2 star governance they will appeal to 2 star arrivals.. Asking for 5 star prices while having 2 star administration doesnt cut it.

    soo true !!!!

    wich 5star tourist wants to come to a "no"star place?

    Pukhet still has the nice beaches....but Pattaya ?????

    Jomtien????? there is more shit in the water than in my septic tank !(at least for the last 10 years)

    Loose running dogs on the beaches,crap everywhere, 10 vendors for each tourist,.....and

    they call it "prime location "????????

    What a big lie !

    What a sad joke !

  13. This is what you get when a country's bus drivers come from the most reckless segment of drivers, unlike in developed countries where they usually come from the most careful segment of drivers, and are carefully chosen for the job by their employers.

    Indeed a terrible waste of life, and teachers into the bargain.

    However I must comment on the above and other posts.

    I dont know how many of these posters actually travel on buses in Thailand but I do, as I have no use for a car therefore dont drive.

    I have used buses over most of the country except the far north for the last 6 years and have never been in a bus that has even had a scratch.

    I now travel regularly into and out of BKK, about a 3 hr drive and can tell you that the drivers are professional and careful.

    They have regular rest stops between runs and on longer trips the buses carry more than one driver.

    Very few are young men which I suspect equates with experienced.

    I see many accidents on the roads, like 5 when travelling home from BKK last Thursday but very rarely one involving a bus.

    I have no problems with travelling on a bus, cant say the same for mini vans though, tried them years ago and not for me.

    You were extremly lucky so far,

    your bus arrived only a few minutes after the accidents(5),

    you were only minutes away from your creator !:whistling:

    No problemo ?

  14. I feel so sorry for those teachers , once again those bus drivers really need to receive proper training for road safety and how to use a bus. You cannot wake up in the morning and pretend to be a bus driver like this .

    RIP for those who died .

    Whenever you step inside a car ,bus,taxi......driven by a thai driver ,u know that your live is in danger !

    Great danger !:(

    The more "experienced" the driver,the more dangerous !

    These acidents happen every day ,with drivers like this its only a normal thing to happen.

    So,i never never never do such a stupid thing.

    The only exeption on this is an ambulance ,since then i dont have a choise.

    Even driving yourself,you have to wach out for the dumb driving of every car around you ,

    If you even blink your eye,it can be fatal.

    Ending with some pleasant news,if you like a good laugh,go to the driverlicence centrum

    near Regent School,Whatch them do practicle exam ! Some of them never saw a car in their life

    and try to do the exam.....and they pass !! lol :D

  15. How many more years must this go on?

    Ban the jet skis as they are illegal to pilot without a skippers license.

    Oh, that's right that would require law enforcement.jap.gif

    It's like the police ,who stop you for notting and ask 400bht OR they take your car

    and you can go with a taxi to central BKK police station to pay a lot more .

    Sulution for the jet-ski: dont do it ,put the skammers out of business !

    Or just ban it,not safe annyway !

    Look at the colour of the water ,who want to risk his health in it?

    I dont understand.

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