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Posts posted by lucjoker

  1. Fuel exhaustion would imply empty tanks; starvation could be caused by electronic or mechanical failure, e.g. fuel pump, broken line, carb, injector etc.

    You seem to have changed your interest in this matter from one of concern about the individuals involved, to technical matters.

    It seems odd, in relation to your initial post.

    It almost certainly will be a technical matter, but all I meant was, at this stage, only the pilot and maybe his passenger know what may have caused both engines to fail and the forced landing procedure. At some point, there will be more information, including the circumstances leading up to the incident. Right now, as is normal on TV, there's always speculation (including mine). They were both very fortunate to walk away from it. It's too soon to say whether it was more luck than pluck.

    the airplane was recently restored because of waterdamage (pilots error)

    yes it was a 1 milj $ airplane (2 diesel engines)

    Pilot "forgot" to fill up the tanks........had to ditch the plane .

    Thats all

  2. give it to a thai who can do welding,they can fix annything !

    My Ford ranger has a driveshaft with a grease -nipple,in the dealership they never greased it ,because the greasepump had a mouth wich was to wide to

    fit to the nipple.Afther 100 000 km there was slack on the drive shaft ,they wanted to replace the driveshaft (12 000 bht) I told them the cause was the lack of grease ,so their mistake ,theirs to pay.

    I personaly took their grease-pump ,filed the mouth and put it on the nipple ,pumpt and waited for the old grease to come out first.....but it didn't ,only new grease came out ,soo there was never grease in it . Still they didn't want to replace it for free. So i took the shaft to a thai street shop ,he fixed it ,and now 70 000km further .....no problemo !

  3. the solution is .......just apply the rules.

    Verry simple !

    Take all the cars/lorries/taxies/mini-vans/skooters and busses of the road that have no

    insurance or taxpaper or numberplate or 7year check or driver without a license or truck license or taxi-license.

    So now 90% of the vehicles is off the road !

    90% less road accidents!

    We will have a few million bicycle drivers more ,But they wont drive hard enough to kill themselfs ,lol !

  4. dont queue ,step past the others,do like them ,and noboddy will say anything,they will

    think u'r important !

    Aftherall the russians ,chinese,africans do it .....so at least more than half of the world ,join them !

    Pussies have to wait offcourse.

    This was a joke ,a serious one.

  5. But the figures from the government showed that each year Bt240 billion [would be raised from rice exports]. [but] the government's figures showed that out of this Bt240 billion, only about Bt1 billion reached farmers. Does the premier, as head of the government, think why we should allow other people to get the Bt1 billion?

    can someone clarify this ?Why people speak half sentences? Do they mean 240 Billion should go to farmers and only 1 Bilion does?

    Is the fraude that big?

  6. We call him the same as the man stepping in a vehicle(taxi ,bus,mini van....) with a thai driver.

    Unless he wants to spend a long time in hospital,or he wants to end his live ,because thats not called " utter idiot" but "suicidal-idividual"

    Offcourse,if you are in a hurry.......? Thats called an idiot in a hurry .

  7. Wrong about leeches...wrong about languages perhaps....

    the thai people try to speek "english" ,they make mistakes but they try,they at least speak more than 1 language !

    i'm 9 years here ,and i dont know 1 englishman ,welsh,american ,canadian...who can speak english correctly !

    They all speak a tongue(dialect)but thats all they can.Put on the same table they dont understand what the other says !

    So let comments on languages be made by people who speak at least 3 languages ( like a belgium,dutch,.... 12 year old ) .

    If you can speak only english you look very dumb in any spanish,french,german,chinese,portugees,italian....... speaking area , and

    you are just lucky that the other "educated"people can help you and understand your weakness by speaking some english.

    only comment if you are educated please.

    What rubbish! Brits, Yanks, Canucks, Kiwis and Ozzies CAN understand each other. Any complications that may arise are often due to accents, or sometimes a few localised pieces of terminilogy, both of which you will find due regional differences within any of those countries.

    Whilst I would agree that the UK is sadly lacking in teaching languages (I have been a teacher for almost 40 years) I do not think you have much room to criticise from your perveived ivory tower, as your post is littered with errors.

    As for your "only comment if you are educated please" what an arrogant thing to say. Your whole post reeks of ignorance and arrogance and judging by your accuations, you cannot be circulating in "educated" circles.

    I suggest you remember the following quote, attributed to various people, so origin is indeterminate.... "It is sometimes better to say nothing and be thought a fool, rather than open one's mouth and remove all doubt" coffee1.gif

    Read my message again , a thai bar lady is stronger in language than you ,because she can speak a second language ! And you dont !

    And offcourse i make mistakes in writing my 4th language ,see how many mistakes you make in your 2nd ,3rd or 4th language.

    Ps 40 years a lanuage teacher ,and you manage to speak how manny languages ?Lol !

  8. Wrong about leeches...wrong about languages perhaps....

    the thai people try to speek "english" ,they make mistakes but they try,they at least speak more than 1 language !

    i'm 9 years here ,and i dont know 1 englishman ,welsh,american ,canadian...who can speak english correctly !

    They all speak a tongue(dialect)but thats all they can.Put on the same table they dont understand what the other says !

    So let comments on languages be made by people who speak at least 3 languages ( like a belgium,dutch,.... 12 year old ) .

    If you can speak only english you look very dumb in any spanish,french,german,chinese,portugees,italian....... speaking area , and

    you are just lucky that the other "educated"people can help you and understand your weakness by speaking some english.

    only comment if you are educated please.

    • Like 1
  9. What a load of panic here.

    The list of shareholders in a company is pretty simple to read.

    If the share of foreigners owning shares is less than 49% (Co. Ltd), what's the problem?

    Anyone who is legit has got NOTHING to worry about.

    You're completely missing the point here.

    Yes the "official" Shareholder List is easily available for any Company however the key word being discussed here is "Nominee" which may be defined as "a person or group that holds title to a security but is not the true owner".

    As we all know Farang can only own 49% of a Company in Thailand and the balance of the Shareholding must be held by Thai Nationals, giivng Thais the majority. When you go to Register a Company here your Thai Shareholders must produce evidence - usually Bank Statements - to prove that they have the wherewithal to pay for the Shares in that Company which they have allegedly purchased.

    Obviously there are ways around that and some Legal Firms will show you the way, however at the end of the day it is quite easy to check from where the actual Funds came - and if they came from the Farang 49% owner, with some artful or artificial arrangement whereby the Farang controls the Voting authority for those Shares in the Company AGM's or whatever ..... that's where the problems will arise.


    So they want us to come over with a good idea/product, put up the money to get the ball rolling then hand over 51% of the voting rights to a Thai national who could then vote you out of the company?? Why would anyone bother?

    We all know now the problem

    3 pages of comments

    but not 1 solution posted !

    many of us have land (+house)in a thai company,the nomminees didn't have money to buy themselfs in the company,

    so the whole structure is illegal,if they want they can just take your property away,you will simply loose it !

    Solutions? mary a thai lady and make here director of the company ? impossible: she cant prove where "she " earned the money ! And you are not allowed to give it to here !(read the law !)

    Sollutions:thers are none !?

    So stop the critics and start thinking about sollutions plz ?

  10. It is not the people who want farangs to go home ,it's the politicians.

    They try to make a climate of hate to us,so finaly the people really hate us and can blame us for all their


    It starts with the media: articles about farangs owning allready 30% of their beloved country !

    Their children will have no more land to build a house............

    The farang makes the price of land skyhigh ..........

    The farang is creating companies to go arround the law.......

    The farang bring in the drugs problem.....

    The farang is allways complaining how stupid the thais are.....

    So politicians are trying to make the farangs life difficult: every month the rules of immigration change.......

    They are going to investigate farang-thai companies..........

    When you enter the country .....they make you wait for hours ....as to show you you mean nothing to them...

    Police fine you ....take your driver licence and make you wait for hours to pay and get your driverlicense back and you even didn't do anything wrong .

    On budda days the non budist farang can not drink alcohol,.........

    And if you finaly get angry....you risk your life .

    I love to be here ! My home country is worse !

    • Like 1
  11. I wonder if there has been a 'servicing' agreement struck? 2 year warranty on the Tablets?

    Maybe at $81 (+$1 delivered!) they are almost disposable?

    any body can buy a tablet pc 7" or 10" (price is the same) for 2500bht,if you buy more let say 20 ,than it goes down

    allready to 2200 bht ,if you buy 100 000 pcs the price will be below 1500 bht ...............

    so 900 000 tablets bought on 1000 bht will cost 1.35 billion bht.......much lower than 2,6 billion bht ????????

    i was in Shenzen 3 weeks ago ,i could do the deal for 1000 bht a pcs ,but than i wont have any profit offcourse.........

    • Like 2
  12. A Hotel booking-reservation will not be a problem. Somebody should make it or him, if he does not know much from the Internet and can send it than to his or somebodys Internet Adress. Adress from the guy in an Internet coffee shop. Whatever.

    Just a confirmation of a booking, no money to spend.

    I had the same problem in the ambassy of China in BKK,they needed return tickets ,hotel reservation (paid) and had to prove with bankbooks that i had money !(they wanted traveller checks but i did not have it .) It took 3 days in BKK ,had to pay extra to change flight date,and 3 days in hotel .............

    A good advise : never write on the application that you are retired !Then you have to prove a lot of money !

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