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Posts posted by lucjoker

  1. 4 hours ago, pearciderman said:


    Or maybe she went to school and was taught English for a minimum of 9 years. How many Thai lessons did you get at primary and secondary school?

    None,but got 4 languages in school ......

    The thai girls had also no english in school ,they had to learn it from selfish drunk farang and did succeed in it. They were" given "houses,........... Smart ladies ! Dumb Farang ?

  2. 4 hours ago, Autonuaq said:

    I am not sure why you claim what you say.

    It just shows you totally not understand communication and interaction. About 95% of a language is the unspoken language.

    Even animals who not speak the language understand what we want and speak about them.



    Animals do not loose their house on a smaller species.....animal are not that dumb.......

  3. 5 hours ago, robblok said:

    I speak Thai gf speaks a lot more English but certainly not enough. You are right though many guys don't speak Thai and have lived here long. I don't think its a measure of intelligence if you can speak more then one language. Otherwise the Dutch would be far smarter then The English who in general speak one language. There is no real difference between the two countries in IQ so there goes that theory.


    I can follow conversation hold conversation but am often lost if it gets specific or outside my area of knowledge. Still much to improve but better as most.

    i could answer you in Dutch or German , but the watchdogs dont allow this.

    How many smart guys lost their house,car, motorcycle ,monney.......to a dumb thai lady 20 (or more )years younger than themselves.......answer: a lot .

    While they brag in bars how succesfull they are,they are outsmarted by any bar-lady there is.

    There are exeptions , but in general .......i id not met many smart ones.

    btw, i made some gramar mistakes ,for those smart Sherlocs.....

  4. Just now, lucjoker said:

    Blame Trump ?

    After 60 years of driving.......

    In Thailand ,with their  narrow parking spaces ,i park on 2 parking-spaces, nicely on the line .

    So i can open my door without touching another  car,and no other car will park 10 cm from my door .....

    it's more easy to drive in and out in 1 time, so quicker and safer.....


    And noboddy is going to change this , and dont tell me about the law here ....it 's a farce.

    btw i dont read comments....lol


  5. 7 hours ago, Blackheart1916 said:

    Side soi boy didn't look,  schoolkid no helmet, schoolkid undertaking on the left side, so much wrong, so easily avoided. RIP.

    you forget a few things:

    10 y old kid driving a motorcycle ......parents who gave him the skooter.....

    school teachers see him come and go on a motor and say nothing???

    He drives every day on this dangerous road, in the biginning of the video you can see 

    car overtake on the middle section , because other idiots keep driving slow on the right lane ..........

    In short : for us al lot went wrong.....

                     for them ...nothing went wrong ,they do this every day , it is their normal.

    • Confused 1
  6. 5 hours ago, robblok said:

    Wow so much focus on the corruption of the immigration officials while the bigger problem is that this guy is abusing little boys. Though of course if he had not be able to get into the country he could not have done it in Thailand.


    Stupid cheesehead for child abuse, I hope you spend a long time in jail. 

    a long time?  3000 bht can make time go verry fast   ......

  7. 22 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    What do you mean?

    Well, only the super stupid die ,......the majority of stupid drivers can still make a u-turn without looking , ignore red lights, drive 10cm behind you,take turns while speeding and steering with 1 hand(holding a baby and operate a cell phone....) 

    Those idiots are not saved by Bhuda ......but by us ! Because we brake, avoid,horn,.......and save ten's of lives every day by doing this .

    So the saying :"Bhuda protects us" is only for the super stupid witch even we can not save.

    If this is not clear to you, .....Bhuda will take care of you.

  8. If everybody ,on the  world would be armed,

    fraudulent politicians would not last long ,violant idiots would not live long .....

    Time for the helpless good people to protect themselves , it is stupid to think police is going to protect you.They can't be there in time.

    Also a lot of money can be saved ,money they spend on defending proven criminals ......

    No criminal will walk out because of juristic mistakes ,from now on the guy who makes these mistakes will get the punishment of the criminal he let go.



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