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Posts posted by lucjoker

  1. all this talk for nothing.....those 700 milj bht , will be stolen  entirely ........

    unless this guy is running with a safe under his arm .

    So there is nothing left to tax over .......

    Who is the thief ?.....well as usually....the most smart one in the pack .

    And you better believe me :“We ask those who disseminated fake or false information to stop these acts or face....... serious legal action,”


  2. Most Epileptic people "ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DRIVE A VEHICLE " since the can faint any given moment . This is not difficult to understand .( although on this forum ...)

    So the driver has 100% fault ,that is clear as water .( i did not say :hang him )

    Law in England:

    here are now new rules relating to whether people can drive if:

    • They have only had seizures while they sleep ( but you have to prove it)
    • They have only had seizures that do not affect their consciousness ( this was not the case here )


  3. 21 hours ago, JSixpack said:


    No, a checkpoint doesn't need to have cones to be legal and you don't know of any rule that says that. You must be new around here except like a lot of noobs are eager to show you know all about police wrongdoings. Being less obvious is sometimes a good way to catch lawbreakers. These were caught. :wink:

    yes ,i'm a newbie ,only 15 y here .

    I dont want to show off and never did , i'm impressive enough as i am .

    I saw them dead on the curbstone , nobody cared for them ,and you think they walked away by themselves ???/ Maybe you did not see the video ,or are you blind as well?

    No you just want to have a discussion , .....and i just put you on my unwanted list .....

  4. 13 hours ago, JSixpack said:



    Read the article. It was a legal checkpoint:



    Next issue, could they have stopped?



    Partly correct. They knew it was a checkpoint and could have slowed and stopped. They intended to run it no matter what. The cop wrongly assumed they would slow and stop as they could have. Bad assumption, all in all.






    to Sixpack: do you still believe everything they write ????

    The camera turned into the two directions of the road and to each side .....did you see any road check cones? No, ...so it's an illegal check point ,done by two idiots,1 who stepped in front of a speeding vehikel and nr2 who did the same and tried to cut off the vehikel........they will not do this again (maybe) 

    So DONT read the article But look at the viedo.....

  5. The police did not know they were drunk , just speeding on an empty road ,they made the first pass and probl. did not see the cops in the dark . They turned the motorcycle and drove

    back the same empty road . Perfectly straight . 

    But then out of the dark  2 cops step in front of them ,they could not stop even if they wanted , a child could see this . But the cops did not see this because ???( maybe drunk? maybe too eager to cash in ?....Or just plain stupid ) The result .....1 cop in hospital, and 2 boys probably dead .......did you see them laying down? not moving ? Believe me they did not survive . Nobody even looked more than 1 sec at them , because you can see they did not survive. 

    So illegal check point , 2 stupid cops , and 2 dead children ......

    Only my opinion , you can think about it as you wish , you dont have to respond on this and tell me i am wrong , i dont care what YOU think of this , i have my idea and that's it .

  6. in the 15 y i'm here , it was constantly broken up , souring is the big problem .

    They just dont understand that water is not flowing up !

    Souring was always full of sand ,so they put the inlets 10 cm higher than street level,and  yes it worked ,no sand and water could go in . 

    Some times the road was finished and trafic running ,but 2 weeks later they dug it up again ........etc

  7. So you thought she would stay with you for your "looks",.......i dont think so .

    So she stayed with you for security ( financial, housing, caretaker of children .....)

    So the moment she can better herself ....since there is no real love....she chooses 

    for the better deal .

    My advise,if you are 20y (or 30 y) more older than she , make sure you are loaded enough to satisfy her needs. If not ......well you know what happens.

    On the other hand , make sure to her .That if SHE does not please you anymore ( too lazy, too fat, too drunk, too much gsm....) you will replace her for a better lady.She will understand this ,because this is the Thai-way .

    The last problem is , where to find a better one ?

    Well.....i have no idea ... 



  8. Just now, Baerboxer said:


    Many Educationalists support the idea that learning languages helps in mind development and helps facilitate learning in other subjects. 

    People in the UK laughed at me when I took the language options over science at grammar school. But I didn't want to be a scientist, medical doctor, dentist etc. I wanted a career in business. Having English, German and French was a massive help in my career and allowed my to work, travel and live confidently in other countries. Later I learnt Chinese.

    My eldest is doing her Master's in Criminology and Forensic Science. Most of her schooling was in Malaysia. She speaks English, Malay, Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese, Spanish and Welsh. My other two are fluent in English and Thai - including my son whose severely disabled. Become proficient in the Thai language is my next project.


    You're doing your children a great service with the international exposure supported by the learning of other languages.


    I wish you and your family well and every success in Spain. A loss for Thailand that you're leaving!

    thanks for the kind words, i applaud you too.

    I had a 6 fold bypass on my hart ,so it is too hot for me here, thus middle Spain will be perfect , and i like the people and the food is ideal for me .

    Good luck

  9. very good.

    I do also a lot of home schooling , though i speak English as my fourth language ,my 2 sons (8 and 9) speak Flemish ,English and of course Thai.

    The problem was to teach then Thai-reading and writing , so i had to learn it first and so now i can learn them how to write and read it .( although they speak Thai more fluently than me) In five months we go live in Spain , so the kids will go to a Spanish school and learn their fourth and fifth language ( Spanish and French) .I will have a lot more time for myself and i welcome this . We traveled a lot last years ,spend more than half year in European countries .So the kids saw already half the globe. My hope is they will find a good job (or open a business ) and their language skill will be of great help. 

    I'm well over 60 and this is my biggest wish. 

  10. 33 minutes ago, rickb said:

    Typical total disregard by Thai drivers (both the car and the motorcycle) of normal rules of the road and simple driving laws.  I particularly get frustrated with all of the motorcyclists who do whatever they want and always get away with it.


    The big difference between you and a thai is: they are not scared to die , not even think about it .And they dont have to ,because there is probably a better life after this?

  11. 19 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

    What is wrong with Hillary? She can't walk anymore? Obama must have pile rammed her pretty good. 


    yep, but then the model without wheels......lol


    Any news paper/any tv-news : 

    ...Scandal....uranium .....sold 20% to Russia .....billions fraude for Hillary and uncle Bill's foundation ......try to turn the story in the neck of Trump.......Hillary =Rosenbergs ( Rosenbergs got E.Chair for less than this )




  12. 17 hours ago, KiChakayan said:

    Could get worse before it gets better. Imagine a lengthy Trump impeachment procedure? Uncertainty would send USD reeling, with a possible rebound as soon as a trustworthy successor moves into the White House.


    On the THB side of the equation, I wondering where the strength comes from. They are probably feeding it with blue pills.

    If the scandal about Hilary Clinton and Obama breaks out  ......i guess even Trump will not be able to stop the dollar's free fall ................read the news papers ?

    So ..good news....than we can start buying $$$ for 22 bht .

  13. 16 hours ago, dinsdale said:

    Even idiots don't deserve to die. Maybe people without compassion....? You may also notice it was the passenger that died. High speed/No seat belts/Nothing new.

    if you give an idiot a second chance ......he's gone make the same mistake.....

    and next time it could be my child he runs over ......no,no compassion for those idiots.

    You can forgive them if you want , that's up to you.

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