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Posts posted by lucjoker

  1. 3 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

    Sounds like this guy is on the ball and knows what traffic policing is all about, well done to that man.


    *Illegal parking


    *Obstruction while parking  (Hard one that)


    *Bike riders with no helmets


    *Running red lights


    *Vehicles running the wrong way down roads.


    Can he please add


    idiot drivers tail gating


    Idiot drivers speeding


    Can we come back next month and see how he is getting on


    Keep Up The Good Work My Man.

    If he can take out all drivers without driver licence, all cars without insurance ,all truckdrivers without proper licence ......that will take 50 %(or more?) out of the trafic  .

  2. 16 hours ago, sanemax said:

    I am willing to listen :

      On what grounds do you think that this is a set up.

    What makes you believe that this is a set up.

    Have you seen, heard anything that sways your decision

    Explain your thought process

    there is nothing more to listen , and i dont have to explain my idees to no one .

    It seems you are very interested in my idee,  but you dont have the brains to understand your master ........get it ?

  3. 6 hours ago, sanemax said:

    Highly unlikely , so unlikely that its verging on a ridiculous suggestion

    a lot of things are "Highly unlikely" here in Thailand..............

    ....waking up next to a lady-boy......

    ......kicking a dog and end up in prison.......

    .....pay 200 000 bht to the family of a person you killed in traffic.....and forget it.

    ......use your car -horn and get shot at.......

    .....pay 20 000 bht to avoid prison .....

    very highly unlikely ?????


  4. 34 minutes ago, johnnynmonic said:

    I got Thai price in a national park the other day.  Was ready to pay the whole thing because the party I was with wanted to go in, and I was embarrassed to say anything about it in front of them.  They inquired nicely to the staffer working the booth and I got the same fee as them.  It happens now and then, just depends on the mood of the gatekeeper.  It's not like there's anything in it for them either way, so rather than trying to slip through, just a friendly chat and smiling request might work, especially if they're working alone.  But getting irrate and complaining will certainly not get anyone anywhere.  

    tell them you spend your last money on a lottery ticket ending on 999......they will let you in for free if they may touch you.

  5. it definitely is the fault of the mother !!!!

    "If" she bought him the "fastest" race-bike earlier in the year ........he wouldn't

    be a problem boy any more .

    He would be a race champion or gone up in smoke.......but now ....

    with only 300 000 bht ......he has to become a race champion driving stoned on

    a Honda Wave........witch is not easy at all to do this in 1 or 2 weeks ......


  6. Responsables are the top 100 rich in Thailand.

    So who could be the top influential people and billionaires in Thailand ?????

    Fill in yourself.

    They stole the money intended to govern this country,and protect each other because they have the judges ....eating out of their hand .

    Those billionaires are helped by crooks (called :polititians )  who also make sure nothing is left . So there is never money to resolve real problems .

    Democratie means ,you can choose which crook will govern you.

    Maybe a dictator is better ? 


  7. If you look good , you see a rare fonemen..... 

    the ghost of the Thai-man  takes possession of the body of the farang !!!!!

    And the farang-ghost hides in the body of the Thai.

    From that moment every thing evolves naturaly.........thai with machete looses control and almost overruns the farang ,who only cares for the well-being of his car .

    Once back in their car ,the ghosts switch again ......witch explains why the Thai hit the old one ,while standing in front of a police-man.

    So now it is already a lot clearer,isn't it ?

    I knew there was a simple explanation.




  8. 60y old fa-rang feels in paradise with a 25 y old Thai lady AND 25 y old Thai lady feels in paradise with 60 y old rich fa-rang .

    if one of the conditions change.......example 1    25 y old thai lady changes in a fat ,lazy,frigide sofa decoration .............fa-rangs paradise is gone and the relation wont last.

    example 2 ...60 year fa-rang starts being a cheap Charly ( because he never was rich nor famous) starts criticizing this nice lady, has "a black heart"......well here we go again ,lady will easily find another option........

    So dont change the conditions yourself and hope she wont change them , and you have a good chance .Dont trust on love , you never loved a 60+ lady when you were 25 y old ,so why would she be different? A 60+ old very rich lady might have a chance because of her money ,but surely not out of love.


  9. 1 hour ago, Prairieboy said:

    Interesting to see one of those lanterns land on a dry thatched roof!


    you mean in the jungle ?

    If that would happen ,there will be a new roof on it the same day.

    These lanterns are safer than your car,motorcycle,...they never killed anyone .

    Unless u are stupid enough to burn it on your bed ......

    These lanterns go up very high ....until the flame is out ......they have to cool down to loose hight.So when they fall on the ground (roof...) there is no fire at all ,just a 20 gr paper bag.

    But again , if you do stupid things : try to get them up in a storm, put a bullet in the fire basket (is done) ......well ..........

  10. 3 hours ago, jenny2017 said:


        Nope, it's not about a human being who died under tragic circumstances. And no, it's got nothing to do with the usual Farang barstool stories. I feel very sad for his family and friends, who might be in deep shock.


      And no, a cop would never be in such deep debt that there's no more way out. No money shark, who might have helped him a bit. No, the story isn't worth to comment. 

    Now , the story gets interesting , never mind your assumptions could be completely wrong.Maybe he was <deleted> in the ass by his superior(s) got HIV ....infected his whole family and went to a loan-shark so he could buy medicine for his sick family ? The loan-shark finally butchered his whole family and just told him on the telephone ,while he was gambling in a shady bar with some fellow cops? 

    But ....not every event is a movie script, and in this case it was a boneless story .....

    But dont worry , on this forum they will make a movie-script about it in 10 minutes, i feel the tears rolling already........

    Thanks for your script anyway , i will consider it...... 


  11. the cause of itching is most of the time a  chemical........

    can be :hairspray, hair gel, deodorant ,aftershave.......

    Or an underlying heart-problem ,as it was in my case (had 6 bypasses and this itching was the only alarm)

    Brachioradial pruritus (sometimes abbreviated BRP) is an intense itching sensation of the arm usually between the wrist and elbow of either or both arms.[1]:36 The itch can be so intense that sufferers will scratch their own skin to a bleeding condition.

    The condition is becoming increasingly common, presenting in patients who are usually fair skinned and middle aged and indulge in golf, tennis, outdoor table tennis, sailing, or other leisure outdoor activities in sunny climates.[1]:64[2]:402

    The cause is not known, although there are a few lines of thought on what causes it. No cure has been found. Many different medications and types of topical creamshave been experimented with, but none seem to make any difference. The only thing that seems to help most sufferers is the application of ice to the area until the itch is diminished.

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