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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. I bought a T shirt on Lazada and was prepared to take a loss if it didn't fit. It was perfect so I bought two more. I don't buy anything online unless I am 98.8% sure it is correct and even then I am prepared for a loss if it is not exactly what I wanted. As for the package, when paying COD. If it is approximately the correct size for what I ordered then OK. If a lot smaller. No.
  2. Analogy I contact Food Panda et al and order a chicken dinner The meal is not good I am told to go to the restaurant and complain to the cook.
  3. But there are banks that can be considered UK based from a banking procedure point of view???? Say, in the IOM.
  4. Sorry if this sounds dumb. But why are you asking for a friend if you have already done it so many times already????
  5. They will ask lots of questions about residency and where the funds originate. Apparently???? Thailand is high on the list of potential money laundering. The process could not be called quick.
  6. I'm guessing if you can pass the colour and depth perception tests you are OK.
  7. Some hand held GPS devices have a barometric altimeter. But you have to zero them at sea level to be really accurate.
  8. Then so might the ADV???? Hence my question.
  9. Money would be better spent on these???? In Thai, of course.
  10. Does ADV have different steering geometry to PCX. It is touted as being better off-road????
  11. For me tatoos are a bit like perfume. With perfume only enough so that it can only be smelled by that chosen someone. Same for tats.. Can only be seen by that chosen someone.
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