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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. On his release from hospital he asked the doctor. "Will I still be able to play the piano?" Doctor:- "Probably, but I wouldn't count on it"
  2. Or stopped to buy a coffee , exchange some foreign currency or decided to get their hair cut or...
  3. ^ somewhere there is published the idea ratio . Something like 640-680:1
  4. No. But the more white Michael Jackson got, the worse his dancing was.
  5. Do you know why your feet are tender. maybe it is possible to fix that as well?
  6. A decent medical supply store will be able to sell you insoles to put in shoes. I use then for running.
  7. Guys in the workplace use all kinds of banter to establish dominance. Like calling everyone - "son" or "young man" Did the guy with the nose complain? Or are you being offended on his behalf.
  8. Too late.???? Next time us white pipe? Put paper behind it for masking and paint with oil based paint.
  9. Happens at shopping malls in Indonesia. "Lets stand here at the top of the escalator and plan the rest of our day"
  10. Maybe the beer is cheap but they make their money on food? Was ait a restaurant that had beer or a bar that served food?
  11. There are many nationalities who post on this site. We all need to be multi lingual or less pedantic ???? ????. Below could be a brush cutter Below could be a weedeater, a strimmer, or a whipper snipper It all depends from whence you came. The OP gave an example of what he wanted so there cannot be any confusion????
  12. He probably won't buy on Lazada but the local farm shop. Ask him how much they are?
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