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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Does it say he will sing or simply be there? Asking for a friend.
  2. The RTAF lost a few pilots to the Japanese on Dec 7th. According to the info at the museum. Thailand didn't surrender, oops sign a pact, with Japan until Dec 8th.
  3. Done the same in a bar in Chiang Mai. Free beer for all at the table. Well they did offer the beer. The memory is a bit vague I may have still had my skidies on?
  4. Maybe black because very few other countries issue black ones.????
  5. Aussie journalist Mark Fogarty flat-out asked Bernie Ecclestone if he had been involved with the Great Train Robbery - a rumour that 'the Bolt' had long enjoyed, as it meant that more people were afraid of him. "I couldn't have been," he said. "It was too badly organised and not enough money."
  6. How can you be sure? Do you know any of them? Seems very modern of you to be offended on other people's behalf.
  7. My only experience is in Indonesia. There Honda dealerships only sell new bikes as you mentioned but each dealership had another outlet in town under a different name where the used bikes where sold.???? Doesn't seem logical that they would go to auction as that may not yield enough but they may do. There are two types of auction. One for bike up to 150cc which are held every week, i believe, and one for bike over `150 which are either once every 2 or 4 weeks. 64 dollar question? Where is the over 150 auction site. Maybe Mark at BSR Bike shop can help you?
  8. ND City. Same tread pattern as (old) Michelin City Grip) https://www.ndrubber.co.th/en/product/nd-city/
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