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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Usually the accent is a giveaway but with a lot of Chinese learning American it can get confusing???? One has to listen for clues. Restroom vs washroom. A different area. Thongs vs jandles, Etc. Of course being exposed to different accents helps. Oops.????
  2. Never ask a question unless you already know the answer????
  3. ???? Sounds a bit biased? As they say there are only two kinds of people in the world. Brits and those who wish they were.
  4. Not at all. It is like discussing the weather. It is simply an ice breaker. I don't ask unless I already have an idea, So really I am asking for confirmation. One cannot break the ice with a Kiwi by asking "What about them Yankees" as Kiwis don't generally play baseball. Likewise silly trying to break the ice with a yank buy mentioning Man. United. Really no point in asking a guy from Rwanda if he is from Naples.
  5. From the best of my knowledge my passport doesn't have an address. So how I could use it I don't know.
  6. As I have worked there. Have you tried thetruesize.com and dropped Texas onto say Ontario?
  7. ^^ As a boy, my father said he had a pet raven!
  8. Modern super cool affectations. Silly and superfluous. People are happy to use doorknobs/handles etc.
  9. Anyone who has been to Laos knows they ask "race" on the visa application form. My 6ft+ blond haired Dutch friend used to write "Master" and was never questioned.
  10. Belgium Brazil Canada China England Indonesia Malaysia (Sabah) Switzerland Thailand
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