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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Just a note about USD accounts. The money is held in USD but if you want to transfer any they convert to Thai Baht first.
  2. Simply don't log in anymore???? Try the "other" forum if you want to try annoying people?
  3. Hey I resemble that remark ???? But be aware they do walk among us.
  4. But should be considered when fitting hard panniers?
  5. But they do tend to clobber bollards in the market! Handlebars go over and then...
  6. I would go to either Bangkok Christian or St Louis. In that order.
  7. No. But she walks slower than me. I think on purpose. As she can walk the same speed as me.
  8. Tinted windows get hotter as the tint absorbs heat.
  9. So is the queen! 555 There are a couple more...
  10. From what I can gather from history/India we should save the plumbers.
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