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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. I used to use one similar to this for my research.
  2. Or using your methods you could simply have added an extra washer rather than machining the pulley halves.???? Some aftermarket variators come with shims rather than washers for fine tuning. Piaggio MP3 guys have been adding fuzzy washers for years as their bikes are heavier and benefit from the slightly lower starting ratio. But it is fun to play.
  3. Then you did something wrong. The CVT weights simply change the RPM at which the CVT ceases to act and the bike relies on engine power alone. So top speed will not be affected unless the weights are much too light. Steady speed rpm does not alter that much with lighter weights. I don't have any info on Yamaha as the variator I used to sell didn't have one for the Asian small Yamahas. I did buy some weights from Yamaha. From memory the 135 used 8.5g and the 125 8g. The nice thing about Yamaha is that the weight is written on the packet. 9 year old may need a valve job and might also be running lower compression? Modern Scoopy 110 is rated at almost 9hp so...
  4. Look for resorts with individual bungalows they are usually OK. Then simply call them. If they have a dog already they are usually OK. My wife smuggles her small dog in, in a shoulder bag.
  5. One of the contributing factors to Michael Schumacher's situation is that he had a camera mounted on his ski helmet. Just saying...
  6. Ario, Selemat Malam. Pads for Indonesia or here Thailand? Astra Honda sells CB500X do they not have spare parts? Can you not find them in Indonesia? No friends in Singapore or Batam? I will be happy to send you some, if you wish. Why OEM? EBC HH pads will give better stopping power. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/ebc-sintered-hh-cb400-nc31-cb500x-cb650f-cbr650f-z800-z900-tiger800-fa140hh-i720486026-s1380458996.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.6.6cb476109SDGgH&search=1
  7. On a PCX the pulley diameter is 117mm stock. I did draw one full size in section once but forget the actual distance. Maybe 1-5mm-ish. This of course in the above case will be machined off the base and in theory should be added back by using a longer bushing. But I'm thinking for 200 baht they don't. Belt will still be 2x15° so will wear down to 13 and 12.5 after about 400-ish km. The rear pulleys still being 15°. It is a one size fits all, local solution. But if the rider thinks it "feels" better after, then so be it. It is after all cheaper than a new belt or a set of weights.
  8. Oh dear, oh dear, What are Canadians renowned for saying? A. B. C. As they say I can explain it for you but I can't understand it for you.
  9. So Malossi is 13° but for which scooter.? I will add it to my list They sometimes differ from model to model. PCX is different to SYM 300. Malossi outer for vespa 150 is 14° while inner is 15°
  10. Likely they squeeze in as much of the expensive stuff they can, Regular fill up they do by getting as close as they can to a nice round number for giving change.
  11. I'd say add Vespa 300-GTS To your list for around town work.
  12. Pain in my right knee after sitting for a while in a chair with my knee bent. I have to waddle for the first few steps. Doesn't hurt acutely when I walk normally only when I stand up from seated. It does "burn" a bit but no grating feeling when I walk. Seems to be on the inside of my knee and hurts most if stress is put on the joint laterally.
  13. No Home Pro up here. Tops? Global? Tesco? It is time to start maintenance on of of my bathrooms. My first choice was Vixol Oxy but thought I will be better with something specifically for mould.
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