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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. To paraphrase? If they don't kiss then you are paying for it.
  2. ^ Backwards to whom? Thailand drives on the left. It is neither backwards nor forwards?
  3. Canadian. She looked the wrong way. left, right, left instead of right, left, right? RIP.
  4. I think the phrase you need is , say, conduit wall penetrations. Or cable penetrations
  5. Why do you believe that a mercury in glass thermometer from 1800's is less accurate than, say, a cheap thermistor based measurement from today?
  6. Also eliminating the source of the smell by bunging some (green packet ) drain enzyme down the drains. Not the blue packet stuff for the toilet. 7-Eleven may not have it but BigC Mini does.
  7. Used to be you about $100 a month into a fund when they left school and stopped when the finished uni.
  8. I went to an "after hours" clinic recommended by a mate. The doctor works at a teaching hospital but runs his own clinic after work. The clinic is in the next city (90 kms) as the specialist at our local hospital doesn't work on the day I wanted to go. He suggested I should get a cholesterol test. I mentioned this at the pub (not Pattaya) and another mate told me where the medical lab is in our city. I went there and showed them the slip from the doctor. They nodded. Test cost me 250 baht. The travel and accommodation to the clinic costs more than the doctor visit/drugs. I'm giving the clinic the benefit of the doubt until I try the local specialist.
  9. Please don't tar us all with an inappropriate brush.????
  10. As some some professionals might do ????
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