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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Nonsense that is why you can't name 5. If you do own a Ducati and have been to Bira you would know the straight is not really long enough.
  2. Women at the Expressway tollbooth + returning purse to big bag before driving away. Or my wife after a drive home. Looking for key to gate which she could have looked for 5 mins earlier.
  3. One should note that many doctors will start patients off at 25mg.
  4. Yes you can. Just thought I would answer the OP's question. Which kind and exactly where depends on OP's location.
  5. Just love all the old moaners on here. Never did anything remotely exciting in their youth. Or are hypocritical and complain about the youth of today whilst boring everyone in the bar by recalling stories of their youthful antics.
  6. You'll get one. But will it fit your toilet? 1000Baht gamble.
  7. How much do you use your aircon and where does the heat go?
  8. Hungry Nest café. Eggs Benedict 3 ways and many others. https://www.google.com/maps/place/the+hungry+nest+cafe/@19.9062722,99.8310206,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPqZnBG1GYhnyUiXCxhYBKouh7_6vxoTE9Ds-JZ!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPqZnBG1GYhnyUiXCxhYBKouh7_6vxoTE9Ds-JZ%3Dw397-h298-k-no!7i3648!8i2736!4m14!1m6!3m5!1s0x30d707a0ac617959:0x5b7c80810ebc6dfa!2z4LiZ4LmJ4Liz4LmA4LiH4Li14LmJ4Lii4Lin4Lib4LmJ4Liy4LiZ4Lin4LilIOC4reC4suC4q-C4suC4o-C4jeC4p-C4k-C4nuC4seC4h-C4h-C4sk5hbSBOZ2lhbyBQYSBOdWFuIFBoYW5nIGZvb2RzaG9w!8m2!3d19.903227!4d99.8339175!3m6!1s0x30d707821ce3f3cb:0xfe4130a388a1513c!8m2!3d19.9062722!4d99.8310206!14m1!1BCgIYIQ
  9. One has to wonder if Hardley rides are trying to emulate Marlon Brando. Who actual rode a Triumph? A guy lost his dog. Looked everywhere but couldn't find it. His wife said he should look harder . So he put on a leather vest and got a tattoo but still couldn't find his dog.
  10. They saw it was getting close to 1000 so they pressed another button and bingo 1000 baht. They do that with my scooter to get an exact 10. Ie 120 or 130 etc. It annoys me because I want the tank full, not easy.
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