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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Technically we are all half-breed. Half our mother, half our father.
  2. The OP could adopt the boy if he is that concerned?
  3. Surely the best advice would be where is antivenom available in Chiang Rai. ????
  4. Apparently not! https://firms.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/map/#d:2022-04-20..2022-04-21,2022-04-20;@-258.2,18.4,7z
  5. Kinsmen (Canadian volunteer service club)
  6. I run my 4T scoot @ 640:1 roughly. It is similar to adding upper cylinder lubricant like the old Redex. I just bung a small capful into the tank.
  7. Gordon Murray will put the gear shift of his new hyper car on the right as most people are righthanded. However: ????If you learned to drive a manual using you left hand and spent many years doing so and now drive a manual in Thailand you maybe smarter, more creative et al.
  8. If one lives upcountry and the immigration office is close and usually empty then return visits are easy, if you are "missing" something. If one needs to visit a busy overcrowded office such as in Bangkok then using an agent saves a day of reading and getting there before the office opens.
  9. If you are a bit of a tinkerer you can make your own Seafoam. Recipe is on Interweb.
  10. USA has not adopted the Metric system But yet they have Metric motorcycles.
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