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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. From a different source. O'Kanes Irish Pub and Siam Sports bar were suggested.
  2. I am looking for a bit more than exploded sausages in water. Maybe someone with local knowledge will be along soon?
  3. Cheers. I was told that it was expensive. Might see if I can get 1 box. I'm already taking two of the three.
  4. If so do you buy it at a local pharmacy or only from the hospital dispensary?
  5. Customs rules are customs rules. There is no malice. Most misunderstandings are from people not accustomed to import/export regulations
  6. Vote here? Maybe the most stupid thing I've seen on this forum. One has to wonder if the increased traffic does actually mean increased revenue,
  7. Physics is physics. Energy is energy. How one experiences this is up to the individual.
  8. Reading all these post one has to ask why do most of the posters live here? They all sound so negative.
  9. What a complete load of tosh. Do you actually think before posting?
  10. I think it is called merging.???? In Bangkok, anyway, it works quite well. Everyone merges and mostly everyone is happy
  11. Pickups have brakes that will stop a truck fully loaded. The problem arises when they are unloaded. No weight and cheap tires.
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