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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Elderly farang finds ditch during a ride back from a restaurant that isn't supposed to sell beer. (covid) No injuries, just a scratch.
  2. As most in Thailand cook with propane this is one of the easiest things to do. Provided you have the correct bottle (different companies use different bottles) from your local supplier. Usually a pale green colour where I live. You simply exchange an empty one for a full one. You simply need to find a restaurant/neighbor/taxi et al. for directions. An empty bottle and pantomime Thai will suffice.
  3. Why aren't 3/8 the norm? Seems 1/4, 3/8 and 1/2 are all normal.
  4. But this isn't Kansas. While on the subject of the US. there isn't enough electricity generated in the US for everyone to have an electric car.
  5. To you? You are selfish and self centered it seems. et al. The internet, you use to fulfill your holier than thou mantra, if it were a country would be the fourth largest consumer of electric power. So how about not using the internet to "to save the planet from climate change" . But if living in Bangkok, I do not see the need to own a car. Bangkok, with its taxis, has the best public transport in the world
  6. Technically a Harley ridding position is worse of the back as it tends to keep the back straight so all the shock is absorbed by the spine.
  7. I've read they are softly sprung and a bit wallowy. A negative for me. OK as highway cruiser though I guess.
  8. They are probably obliged to do something regarding money laundering etc. If one is not involved in that then OK.
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