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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. SCB has a Planet Visa debit card you may apply for. Yes, it would involve one extra step when paying Lazada but...🤔
  2. come to my house at night. I will hold and aim my Infrared Thermometer at you. A red laser spot will appear on your chest. From a distance in the dark can you tell a tazer from an Infrared Thermometer 🤔
  3. A lawyer dies and when he meets St Peter at The Pearly Gates he says, “I think there must be some mistake. I'm only 31 years old, living a healthy lifestyle and in peak physical fitness. I'm sitting in my garden relaxing then I dropped dead! Could you please check? I'm sure there has been a misunderstanding.” St Peter opens his book. “Ah yes,” he says. “I see the what has happened. We went by the hours you billed your clients and according to those you’re at least 128.”
  4. Autoskip. Not perfect but better than nothing.
  5. Wait a sec. I pay for something but the girl still owns it? That's what I used to do every weekend🤔
  6. Why should they fit today? They were produced in their time, not ours🤔
  7. Duh 🤔 Shakes head in disbelief. Use only one or two fingers.
  8. I used to go every year but I don't live there anymore. Don't forget to take some play money as there will be stuff to buy.😉
  9. I had a hard childhood. My parents didn't even have a regular service contract for their AGA.
  10. I'm sure we are spoilt for choice. I simply leave it on and listen. I leave the choice to them.
  11. Nah. Too far from town plus he would have followed the trail. If lost he would have turned around and gone back to the start.🤔 He might be 72 but it doesn't mean he is stupid.
  12. My mother had a PSV (public service vehicle) license. One of the things they taught her is, no matter how difficult it is, never swerve to avoid an animal because you are responsible for the 45 people sat behind you.
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