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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Well at least he didn't fall out of a helicopter. I feel for the "innocent" plane crew. Or he faked his own disappearance????
  2. It is the worst joke ever???? Granted some of the banal, forced TikTok videos are bad in the extreme but to be the worst also infers the best of dark jokes. Being titled the worst joke relieves us all from the PC B.S.
  3. So crop theft (at night) is not a crime???? No wonder he got shot
  4. Dear Beginner, How is your right thumb? In similar shape to your fingers? Not cheap at 18,000 baht but there is a thumb brake master cylinder used for motorcycle racing. If you have thumb strength that would give you some front brake.
  5. According to my research it is is about 400m. Hardly news worthy, just routine maintenance.???? I don't think anyone needs to brace.
  6. If I were to build a pool which I am not. I would use a wall hanging swimming pool filter. No pipes, no digging, etc. Of course the size of the pool needs to be taken into account
  7. ^Putting a ring on a woman's finger is like pulling the ring on a liferaft
  8. Someone stole the donation money out off the locked box at our local Wat. Like stealing the collection money in a Christian church. "the pot belly corrupt chaps in brown:" caught him the next day,
  9. Subtly and keeping mum not your strong points then.????
  10. I can go to Honda and look if you wish. It is a question of how many hoses there are connected to the front caliper. Combi brake has two hoses separately operating different pistons on the front caliper. Edit: I checked the parts catalogue one front caliper has two bleed nipple one has only one. So ABS has only one bleed nipple and only one hose. So to answer your question. No. If you want to operate both front and rear using the left hand you'll have to go with non-ABS Combi brake model. If you want ABS you'll have to get someone to replumb the left lever to operate the front ABS and leave the rear brake inoperable.
  11. What's the rule in Aus.? How many blocks away from the beach????
  12. I was going to mention the town in the Shetlands but thought better of it. "Don't tell 'em Pike"
  13. Where I live we go to DLT first and get a letter requesting a cert. from Immigration, Then go to immigration.
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