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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. VocalNeal

    BKK Hotel

    Best seen from a Khlong boat tour???? I have run by it many times.
  2. I'm very sorry Sir there was no problem with your car. You must be mistaken...
  3. Honda Zoomer is the most motorcycle looking one but not really for around the farm off road.
  4. Better that he rent a bike to do the actual test. From one of the examiners, of course ???? You can still buy one without registering it so he can practise without going on the highway. You cannot be the only one stuck in this Catch-22 situation.
  5. ^^ So he hasn't passed the test yet and got a licence???? I know a 10 year old who owns a pickup truck and a 9 year old who owns a house.
  6. I think he is limited to under 110cc. Maybe this is the problem????
  7. I was thinking the same thing. If running a medium speed diesel on a genset for 8months straight or more maybe a test would tell us something but for hobby vehicles, I am not so sure. Or maybe on a million mile commercial truck so someone in an office can decide if it needs to be taken off the road for a new engine. Most vintage cars have an oil pressure gauge for use as a general condition monitor. Compression tester can also give indications. Car and bike engines are small so if the engine is on the bench for an overhaul it is just as easy to change bearing and rings etc, while it is there. But as you say it is for a hobby so no harm to be done. Just treat is as part of the hobby.
  8. Where is it written that there should be equality???? The Bible, the Koran, the Torah. I'm sure in the UK all children, for example, get the same education made available. If they don't apply themselves are we responsible for that.
  9. Indians who work along Sukhumvit go for lunch at Taj Cafe. About 75m up Soi 3. Not high end but definitely Indian.
  10. Who discovered it. Who went aboard and took the samples? Send them all to hospital they'll get more than Legionnaires disease. Or fill the thing will Algerians, they will be used to legionnaries.
  11. ???? So they are non-alcoholic but should be taxed on alcohol content.
  12. Morris Garages was spun off of Morris Motors to make performance models and later sports cars. Back in the day safety was in the hands of the driver.
  13. Why is the EV on the "tow truck"???? Supposed to be the pick up that is undrivable.
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