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Everything posted by VocalNeal

  1. Then pay up the 6-7000 baht. ???? Life is too short for this stuff. Unless you have multiple eye witnesses that are not related.
  2. My grandfather said the family motto is something like semper in excreta sed profundum variat
  3. I prefer Ne supra crepidam. Then again that applies to 98.8% of posters on here. Grist for the mill.????
  4. He better not stop by the roadside for a pee.????
  5. There barely any WWII veterans left let alone WWl???? Could have maybe...
  6. My grandfather had one leg shorter than the other, from WW1. He had special shoes. Not a big deal. Sure he could no long compete in Muay Thai but...
  7. I've been in all kinds of states from rat arsed to mellow. BTW There are only two states to be in. Queensland and pissed. ( English language meaning)
  8. Shows the size of your monthly payment. That's all. ???? If it is an interesting car maybe an insight into one's personality.
  9. So Nissan pickup driver hits buffalo and then leaves it lying there for motorbike guy to hit????
  10. Has Saxophone always been in the same location? For some reason I though it was on the north west corner of Lumpini.
  11. Come bit further north???? Then again there is not a whole lot of mongering here.
  12. I'd be up for it but I am not there????
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