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Everything posted by morrobay

  1. Indeed like Pattaya used to be. So now the concrete/palm tree, unnecessary parking lot, drain pipe , contractor/city hall , bogus "improvement" crew has arrived in Jomtien from Pattaya . "These people" just can't $top $crewing this place up. And putting up with this inconvenient miserable construction environment, no doubt to require retro corrections like In Pattaya
  2. Yes heavy equipment digging very large ditch beach side for 2m + pipes along most upper/ central beach rd
  3. Ok do a Google search and take your pick. Trump is ahead in swing states. And all the denial in the world is not going to change anything. Wow , sure am enjoying this surprise Early arrival of the Schendanfreud
  4. https://www.breitbart.com/2024-election/2024/05/14/new-york-times-poll-no-chance-majority-would-vote-for-joe-biden/
  5. With Trump ahead now in the swing states , how can the Republicans prevent 0230 ballot cheating on election night by these democrats?
  6. Ok and this is 2024. I did a search for Biden ahead in swing states. And all I got was Trump ahead in swing states. So I'm getting dizzy with this merry go round. And will leave you in your denial land. BTW have you noticed that you are about alone here digging this hole?
  7. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2024/05/14/tom_bevan_biden_campaign_must_be_terrified_by_latest_nytsiena_poll.html
  8. I guess you "missed" the link that the New York Times shows Trump ahead in 5/6 swing states. https://www.weartv.com/news/nation-world/poll-trump-biden-swing-states-election-2024-president-white-house-new-york-times-siena-poll-pennsylvania-arizona-georgia-michigan-nevada-wisconsin-hispanic-latino-voters
  9. https://nypost.com/2024/05/13/us-news/trump-now-leading-in-5-battleground-states-all-of-which-biden-won-in-2020-polls/
  10. https://m.economictimes.com/news/international/us/2024-presidential-election-donald-trumps-joe-biden-in-these-swing-states-which-are-the-main-poll-issues/articleshow/110091756.cms
  11. Indeed denial is all over this forum too
  12. "Angry white male racists" ad nauseam. That all "you people" got. Here is a clue Hoss: The appeal for Trump is about someone putting the USA first. That is, secure the Southern border to end this invasion. Spend the billions on social and physical infrastructure structure in the US rather than down this lost cause Ukraine rabbit hole. So ya all just keep on repeating your tiresome angry white male bs. Until the landslide/Schadenfreude that is on the way
  13. Yes and there is a sense online that there is an emerging major movement supporting Trump. So this is way beyond head counts at rallies and polls. And it's coming like a freight train.
  14. Trump is planning mass deportations of illegals if elected. And what a good plan that is.https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/01/politics/trump-immigration-what-matters/index.html see
  15. Got some more bad news for you and what's his name :The big bad classified documents case brought by jack smith against Trump has fallen apart. The judge has postponed the case "indefinitely" Ho Ho Ho. The Schadenfreude has started early earl. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20240507-florida-judge-indefinitely-postpones-trump-s-classified-documents-trial
  16. Oh sure the map and polls are wrong because I said so.https://www.statista.com/statistics/1428878/2024-presidential-candidates-nevada-us/
  17. I don't care if his hair is purple. He plans on using the military to round up these 11 million illegals infesting the USA and deport. I take it you are another one of these non US citizens here with nothing better to do than butt into US affairs . The US does not need any more Mexicans. BTW. News: 3 missing surfers in Baja California, Mexico.
  18. Where did you learn how to read English, Hoss?? In Thailand?
  19. This OP is the grasping at straws. Reality check: The Electoral college. https://www.racetothewh.com/president/polls
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