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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. 27 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

    I would have thought that a straight drop from that height would have severed the head. Maybe he was lowered down, a difficult way to commit suicide ????  R.I.P.

    I thought the same but looking at the pictures his arm seems in an awkward position wrapped around the back of his head??  maybe his arm got tangled in the rope during the drop and lessened the impact on his neck.  Poor fellow, RIP


    What puzzles me is the need for the raincoat??

  2. 22 minutes ago, colinneil said:

    You are wrong, never going to happen to you.... WHAT, stop the nonsense please.

    I was seriously wanting to kill myself after being told i would never walk again, only reason it didnt happen was at the time i was unable to even lift a hand, and could not even hold a glass or anything.

    Could happen to you tomorrow, think about that before spouting nasty comments about others.

    Best to just ignore this fellow colinneil.  Obviously has some very serious problems and thrives on negative attention.....so sad really.

    • Like 2
  3. 5 minutes ago, freedomnow said:

    Pure speculation - but it could be the high profile overstay crackdowns and/or tough rules on retirees that caused him to do tha

    If anyone gets in such bad mental space reading this due to current visa pressures, contact a therapist/helpline in your country (Samaritans etc). ????

    Seems he had prostrate cancer and left a will according to a previous post/news link.


  4. 21 minutes ago, colinneil said:

    You have no idea what the poor man was going through to make him kill himself, so please stop with the uncaring/ nasty comments.

    Maybe 1 day you could find yourself in a similar situation, you wouldnt be making nasty comments then.

    And I doubt anyone else would so heartless to make such sick nasty comments.....unbelievable!


    • Thanks 2
  5. 14 hours ago, Thaifish said:

    Bit of a panic with application. Told expect up to 22 days for processing. I put application in a week ago and really need Visa for partner confirmed before 7/10/18. They have been given a total 19 days to process before we plan to fly out. Is there a way of fast tracking application even though it has been lodged. I have no issue that my  partner will be granted her 4th Tourist Visa given documentation supplied. I just need it in a hurry. Is there some sort of contact you can make to hurry the process up.


    With questions about biometrics all I know it is part of the application. My partner had to provide it with last application and also with this application.

    Cant say for sure but in my experience, albeit a few years ago, they are quite rigid with their rules and they do point out in several of their articles online that you are not to book airfares before visas are granted.......but I always have.


    ps was your application online, post, or in person?

    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, Minko said:

    You don't need certified copies for a tourist visa.  


    If she doesnt have an account just explain it succinctly in her application letter.  


    Im sure there are more correct ways of doing things but I like to wing it ????  so if you really dont want to translate the marriage cert I think it will be fine just submit the thai version and based on all your other factors I dont see why they would deny it.  Just make sure you dont do the minimum, you both should be explaining your relationship, funds, previous short stays in Aus.  Provide evidence to back all this up - flights, visa's etc etc etc. 


    You should be golden, I just got a girl I met this year a 12 month multi entry TV first try.     

    Thank you very much Minko.  One more question if I may re the bio data.  We live way out in Isaan so a long way from either office ie Chiang Mai or Bangkok.  Is the bio data required before visa granted or before travel.  Im wondering if its before she can travel can we get it in Bangkok a day or so before we fly out.  It would save us doing 2 trips to Bangkok as I am hoping to do the application online or by post.

  7. I have read about half of the most recent posts but admit I havnt read all because things have changed.  I may have to go back to Australia in the next couple of months but only for a couple of weeks.  I want to bring my wife with me.  She has been successful in getting tourist visas in the past but a few years ago now.  Three things I am concerned about that didnt arise before:


    1.  Certified copies.  What documents need to be certified?  and by whom? 


    2.  I support my wife but she doesnt have a bank account recently.  I usually just give her cash every month.  I have sufficient funds in the bank both here and in Australia plus I have two rental properties ...one that I can prove through agents rent reports and the other through years of monthly deposits on bank statements.  Is her having a bank account all that necessary?


    3.  Do I really need to get our Thai marrige certificate translated to English.  I can show 5 years of visa extensions based on Thai wife?


    As a bit of background we have been living together for approx 14 years and have been legally married for 6 years.


    Any recent experience would be appreciated.

  8. I could be wrong but looks like initial indicator of herpes complex settling in. 


    Joking aside I think it looks like a mosquto bite Ive had before.  Some bite with no consequences at all and then sometimes I get one that comes up just like that....think it depends on the kind of water they come from.

    • Thanks 1
  9. Eyebrows and eyelashes sounds like scabies.  Either way try kerosene.  years ago I camped in a really nice protected area among bushes in sand dunes on a fishing trip.  Unbeknownst to me the kangaroos must have thought it was a comfy place too because once it got dark, my mates and I discovered we were covered in kangaroo ticks.  A stop at a pharmacy on the way home we acquired some kerosene based shampoo which worked wonders.  You need to only wet yourself under the shower then cover yourself completely with the shampoo from head to foot and wait 10-15 minutes before rinsing.  The trick is that kerosene is a light oil and as such it suffocates the ticks who breath through their bodies.  It will also cause them to remove their barbed proboscis? from your skin which they use for sucking your blood.  Do not try to pull them out as you will nearly always find the barbed point will break off and remain in your skin causing an infection.  Ive heard of some bushies using vaseline with success but unless you are covering your entire body, hair etc you need to be sure you detect every tick and treat it.  I believe its a punishable offense in the Australian army to remove them yourself because of the threat of infection.  A particular green tick in Australia can even paralyse its victims....be careful!! 


    If you cant get any Kerosene based shampoo anywhere then try straight  kerosene.  You will need to repeat the treatment after a few days to rid yourself of any new hatch-lings. 


    see also Monty Python's "After the Great Kerosine Flood".


    Oh and make sure you fumigate all your bedding etc where they will hide when full of blood.

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