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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. I spent years "on the road" and when finances got short I would look for work or move to a country where work was allowed.  They are actually some of my best experiences looking back.  I would never dream of begging or even trying to borrow from friends/family.


    I do however realise that sometimes all your best plans sometimes go pear shaped and you need to ask for help.  Problem is sometimes some people take advantage and then make it hard on those who really do need help.  Example is a guy I know who has lived off borrowed money from month to month for years.  But it hasnt been just to survive.  Its so he can be seen on Facebook staying in 5 star hotels in popular tourist spots on weekends and holidays.  All about show.  Not long ago his Thai wife got sick and needed an operation.  Even though he already owed money to most of his friends he went around crying to borrow more so his wife could get better.  At the same time his family back home set up a GoFundMe supported by the same sad story.  However what most didnt realise is he was still driving around in his new "sports" car that he refuses to sell!!

  2. The "baddies" ie Russia, China and Cuba are calling for more dialogue to resolve the issue.  The "goodies" ie the USA and the EU are talking uprisings and military action??  Doesnt that strike you as odd?


    In addition, in every news article, great lengths are gone to in explaining what countries support what side but rarely a mention of who the people actually support.

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, PatOngo said:

    Every American should have the right to defend themselves against...…...other Americans! How sad is that! 

    As time goes by and considering the historical actions of the US govts I am beginning to wonder if Americans feel the need to be heavily armed in order to protect themselves against their own government.

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  4. 13 minutes ago, webfact said:

    President Donald Trump's national security adviser, John Bolton, said on Friday he would deliver a speech in Miami to Cuban exiles on Wednesday about actions the White House is taking on Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua, countries he has called a "troika of tyranny."

      John Bolton is a neo-conservative whose philosophy includes spreading myths designed to spread fear in order to strengthen the states power and control.


    Maybe they could launch another Bay of Pigs type invasion of Venezuela where the people then rise up to overthrow their supposed unpopular leader......oh no thats right, the US got that wrong as well and then had to invade defenseless Grenada to try to hide their humiliation...again.

    • Haha 1
  5. The 70's was the greatest time ever.  It was an exciting period that will never be seen again.  The future however looks very dark to me and I fear for my children and grandchildren.  Truth, justice, freedom, and democracy are just lies and catch phrases today with Governments becoming more and more fascist. The people are controlled and kept silent through debt.  Some states and their puppets seem to only be able to cope economically by continually waging war and spreading racist myths to support them.  Beware the military industrial complex!!

  6. On 3/28/2019 at 10:59 AM, usviphotography said:

    No one is tunneling under Isreal's Gaza Wall. Even Hungary's joke of a "wall" has produced a near 100% success rate. Wall + Will to Enforce solves all problems. But the latter is really the key. Trump needs to replace his DHS Chief yesterday. She's an Open Borders, Never-Trumper who frankly never should have been hired in the first place but is a HUGE liability now. 

    Cant comment on Hungarys wall....dont know anything about it.  However the Palestinians were tunneling under the Gaza wall until Israel banned cement in Gaza. 

    • Confused 1
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