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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. 15 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

    The rape of minors is incredible, while villagers seem to be afraid to treat HIV/AIDS victims. I've seen uncles and grandfathers I wouldn't trust one minute. 


    I know a woman who never washed her HIV/Aids infected daughter because she thought that she'd get infected. The poor girl died in circumstances I don't want to talk about.


      Another woman, who's married to a Japanese guy was brought back to the village to die. I always visited her and tried to give her the feeling that she's not alone, but Thais don't seem to understand that. 


       But all villages have the same rules, not talking about something where anybody could lose face. A girl losing her virginity through her uncle, dad, granddad, etc.. is mostly unreported and they give birth to a child that shouldn't be there first place. 


    I'm not kidding now. 

    Not disputing your post(every village is different Im sure, just like people) but we have two women with AIDS in our village and they are both treated normally.  In fact one was a neighbour of ours who has an unaffected husband and not long had a baby.  She has even quite openly and in company on the street mentioned how she was on her way to pick up her AIDS drugs.  I feel sometimes they are a bit too relaxed about it...especially when this ladies mother tries to encourage the youngest sister to go work bar for more money!


    No ours is a reasonably quiet village but we do have a resident thief/burglar who the police catch periodically.   Everyone knows who it is and they just keep an eye on his movements and each others properties.  No-one dares to call the police because there is no money in it (the thief and his family are broke).  So if the police are involved they need money to pay for their time, so they turn on you and next thing they are wanting tea money because your number plate is obscured, tail light blown, or you are painting your own house without a work permit etc (hasnt happened here yet but I have read about it before).


    Only violence I have seen here has been from the jealous lashing tongue of some other farangs Thai wife lol!

  2. 5 minutes ago, Loaded said:

    I Googled "In my experience and you can GOOGLE this, most people who are serious about killing themselves don't announce it, they do it." and found this:


    "Myth: People who talk about suicide aren’t serious and won’t go through with it.

    Fact: People who kill themselves have often told someone that they do not feel life is worth living or that they have no future. Some may have actually said they want to die. While it’s possible that someone might talk about suicide as a way of getting the attention they need, it’s vitally important to take anybody who talks about feeling suicidal seriously."







    We heard you the first time lol!


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  3. 7 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Highly unlikely it was accidental. You are either willfully ignoring the sordid history of Thai fishing fleets or are genuinely ignorant.  Thai fishing fleets have had a lengthy history of violating  international rules and  of  engaging in environmentally irresponsible acts. It goes beyond the dumping of raw waste and bilge water.

    Not to mention their sordid history as part time pirates responsible for countless murders, kidnappings, rapes, tortures, and human trafficking particularly against Vietnamese refugees.  I remember being here in the late 80's and the news was full of the discovery of a group of dead Vietnamese women and girls found drowned and naked washed up on the beach here.  They had been kidnapped by Thai fisherman, taken on to the Thai trawlers while the refugee men and boys were murdered and their boats sunk.  The older refugee women had their vaginas slit open because there was a rumour that they carried a lot of gold and thats where it was kept.  The women and girls were used as sex toys and raped for days until the Thai fisherman had had their fill.  Then for a bit of fun the women were tied together in a long string and the first one pushed over board while they motored along watching each girl struggled to not get dragged overboard.  Just do a google, its full of it.


    Yes I am sure these Thai fisherman have a lot of respect for the sea and its poor defensive sea creatures!!

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