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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. 4 hours ago, 473geo said:

    Poll is misleading - as of now 38 voted - 25 for 1st option is not the 23% as showing -more like 65%

    I dont do polls on here because it usually comes back to bite you.....most often in the form of another advertisement.  A similar poll on FB, which nobody on here knew about, and if read by Thai Immigration, would have them believe an overwhelming majority of over 50's wanted compulsory health insurance which is totally wrong.  Somebody starting a poll usually means somebody is wanting to make money from you.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 5 hours ago, webfact said:

    American security experts believe Iran gave its "blessing" to tanker attacks,


    5 hours ago, webfact said:

    United States believes Iran's role was one of actively encouraging militants

    Believe/s??  Many people also believe in the Tooth Fairy, but there exists no evidence.


    5 hours ago, webfact said:

    U.S. intelligence showed Iran-backed Shi'ite militias positioning rockets near bases housing U.S. forces, according to two Iraqi security sources.

    What no WMD's this time or troops massing on the border with Saudi Arabia ready to strike at any moment (even though the CIA said there was no evidence at all, even from spy satelites etc and no one to this day has found the WMD's.


    Bolton and his "crazies" (the neo-cons) would be better suited to writing fairy tales or Marvel comics (apologies Marvel, I know your stories are slightly believable)!


    In those famous words that have rung through the century "Yankee go home"!

    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  3. 4 hours ago, webfact said:

    The U.S. military said on Tuesday that B-52 bombers would be part of additional forces being sent to the Middle East to counter what the Trump administration says are "clear indications" of threats from Iran to U.S. forces there.

    Well maybe the US should get out of the Middle East.  They have no business being there.  I am sure that if the Iranians decided to build up forces in Mexico there would be "clear indications" of threats from the US too.

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Benmart said:

    Contraband and drought are unrelated in this video it seems, except to those with a noticible resentment.

    I mentioned drought in regard to the farmers recent plight which was ignored by the govt.  In the video the news reporter clearly states at the 14 sec mark "risking Australia's 60 billion dollar agricultural industry".  (agriculture and farmers go together...get it?)  You did watch the video first didnt you?

  5. I am having similar problems with Kaspersky.  Whenever I connect to ThaiVisa I get a message from Kaspersky saying they have blocked the page due to "Threat of Data Loss"  It only happens on TV.  My provider is 3BB (fibre) and I am running windows 7 ultimate.  Anybody else having problems?

  6. 2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    Not as black and white as you insinuate. There was a democratically elected parliament, that challenged and held Maduro accountable. He didn't like that so he formed a new separate "Assembly" of members appointed by him and said this was now over parliament. In effect he made himself a dictator, with support form the judiciary, military and a sham Presidential election in which rivals were arrested, imprisoned or intimidated.


    The "baddies" as you out it, support this dictator.

    Interesting.  Can you point me to a source?  (I am interested, not being a "clever bottom").

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