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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. 2 hours ago, stropper said:

    thailand is now the same as most countries, if you read what happens if you do not pay the fine sent in the mail, you will be unable to pay the tax, registration and third party insurance  when renewing, and your licence may be cancelled , resulting in more fines, and they are checking, most road blocks are checking this, soon they will have computers at the road blocks, they are catching up fast!

    The last time I was stopped at a road  block the cop couldnt even get my Thai license expiry date right....wanted to fine me for expired license saying it expired that day....wife had to explain we just picked it up.....it was the issue date he was looking at!!!  


    Now how is a meat-head like that going to check my unpaid fines on a computer??

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    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Proboscis said:

    Many of the fruits in Thailand are full of fructose. Mango, for instance, is a really bad example.

    That might explain why my wife's doctor told her to avoid fruit but a google search for best food for diabetes all said fruit was good....results all from the west of course so Thai fruits are different.

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  3. 27 minutes ago, ttrd said:

    RE - Would like to know what attracted her to choose him.


    Maybe of the same reason he chose her:





    If she is representative for the average woman in UK then its understandable that their ex try their luck in Thailand.....:wai:

    Oh wow, shes lovely.  Do you have her phone number, she would be perfect for my brother in law....hes always wanted a farang wife ?

    • Haha 1
  4. Its a load of bulls##t.  If the country cared so much it would ban tobacco altogether.  I went back a few years ago, after quite some years, and realised on the plane, when filling the customs form, that I was well over the limit.  I declared them and when checked at the airport I asked the customs officer if there was a fine.  "No" she says, "we dont care how many you bring in so long as you pay the taxes"!!

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