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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. 19 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    I've never 'not had my deposit returned' when renting in Thailand - that's over 20 years. 


    There are so many stories of people not having their deposit returned I reckon I've been extremely lucky.

    That said, I have had money deducted from my deposit which was accounted for with receipts for cost of repair (dented fridge door & scratches on the Glass Hob) - perfectly fair IMO. 


    In this case I'll be surprised if the Op gets his deposit back, the landlord has lost time which could have been spent securing potential tenants, or may have even rejected tenants based on his property being occupied. 



    Maybe you were very lucky.  I know many stories where deposit not returned.  I learned the hard way the first time I rented.  After that I never gave them a chance.  I would give a months notice and then use up the bond/rent in advance before I moved out.

  2. 13 minutes ago, owenm said:

    Parasitic infections are extremely common in tropical environments, Thailand and all over SE Asia. When you purchase chicken, pork and vegetables from markets or supermarkets, they should all be washed in a salt water solution to kill any bacteria and bugs prior to storage in the fridge or cooking.. This is easy for your own home cooking, but eating out from food stalls or restaurants most likely not the case.


    Poor sanitation, dirty glasses or cutlery, meat stored at ambient temps for too long, all cause breeding grounds for parasites.. Tinidazole 500mg treats many different parasites, and OTC for about 95bht for one course of 4 tabs, children over 4yrs 2 tabs. Some strains require only one dose, others up to 4 doses over 4 days to kill off larvae and particularly resistant parasites. 


    Myself and my GF generally pickup one of these infections every 3-4 months, most likely due to eating out somewhere. Symptoms, chronic diarrhoea, stomach cramps, lethargy, headaches and extreme fatigue.. We also keep 2 packs of Tinidazole in the fridge and carry with us when we visit close SE Asian countries on a holiday. 


    Any competent doctor taking blood and stool tests, knowing the symptoms and the fact that the patients have visited an Asian country should be able to give a very fast diagnosis within a few days. But not all doctors, even in Oz are 100% on the ball all of the time.. 

    Very good post.  I totally agree.


    One factor people may be overlooking is that in most places you get a plate/basket of fresh salad (mint, basil, banana flower, cabbage etc) with Pad Thai.  While the Pad Thai is treated with heat, the salads are barely washed and therefore a greater risk.  (But I am certainly not supporting their claim to pin pointing the source to one meal).


    I had a nasty parasite some years back called a larvae migrans that travels around your body and can eat your eyeball from the inside.  Quite common here but detected within a couple of hours at the local hospital through a blood test and treated over a 3 day course of tabs.  Doctor advised me that most common source is raw salads/vegetables and probably spread by dog or pig fecal material.


    I also believe these things are also spread greatly by your hands.  Have you ever seen test results from the keys of an ATM machine, public telephone or even money. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Lupatria said:

    ...and let's all blame the Chinese:

    As part of his nationalist campaign, Plaek Phibunsongkhram, who had been promoted to Thai Prime Minister by a coup d'état, ordered the creation of a new national court: Pad Thai.

    However, the most intriguing thing about Pad Thai is, that it's probably not even Thai. Pasta, stir-fried and especially noodle stir-fries are typically Chinese. In fact, virtually every ingredient in Pad Thai does not come from the people the dish is named after. The only truly Thai ingredient is the crushed dried chili peppers.

    No the chilies were introduced by the early Portuguese and French I believe.

  4. On 6/27/2019 at 9:16 AM, Morch said:


    "Secondly US troops dont really know how to fight.  They just send these poor immature kids out stumbling around chewing gum and smoking dope until they draw enemy fire.  Then they just run and hide and wait for air support to fight their battle by turning the place into rubble.  Victory is then declared because of some ridiculous indicator like "body count"."


    You're either in full-auto bash mode. Misinformed. Or living in the past.

    Wouldn't know that the above was even applicable then, really doubt it relates to the present.




    Who's misinformed?  Been living under a rock  have we, or are you Rip Van Winkle?

  5. 9 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    I think you're having a vietnam flashback in regards to American soldiers' fighting skills. It's a volunteer military now and America has scarily good soldiers. 

    Ok youre right I am a Vietnam war freak and somewhat influenced by it.  However I havnt seen any real change in the wars since.  Admittedly Vietnam had conscripts which affects determination.  However from my followings of the wars since, there seems a hell of a lot of guys who soon questioned why they are there.

  6. 10 hours ago, meand said:

    What is our "record"? Do people really think we are "winning" wars such as Afghanistan and Syria? The only winners are war production companies. Taxpayers are losers. The inhabitants of the countries we invade are losers. 


    Not to mention Vietnam. 


    I do not know why on earth the US thinks they are so tough. They are not. Dropping a-bombs onto defenseless nations certainly does not make you tough. 


    Wars are more complicated than dropping bombs and technology. Little five foot tall, untrained men beat up on the USA on the ground in Vietnam. That is where wars are won.


    Do people really think with all the money to be made by the military industrial complex that we would not be in Iran already if it was such an "easy" winnable war? We would be in there already.


    The fact is, we would suffer great loss. If we overplayed our hand and used atomic weapons then international attitudes would quickly turn. 


    I would not write Iran off in a war for a second. I could not only see them winning, but I could also imagine the more probable scenarios of them outlasting and outmanuevering the USA like in Vietnam. That is why we aren't in there already. 

    Very good post thanks and I agree the US would have a major headache starting a war with Iran. 


    Firstly the US has never fully grasped the affect determination can have in fighting a war.  Thats why they have a poor record in actually fighting a war.  US troops are not driven by determination but by propaganda and it is not long before they see through the propaganda, question why they are there and lose the desire to fight.  As in Vietnam and Afghanistan etc they merely fight to stay alive until they are allowed to go home.  On the other side their enemy is fighting for the long haul determined to fight to the death to protect their own country.


    Secondly US troops dont really know how to fight.  They just send these poor immature kids out stumbling around chewing gum and smoking dope until they draw enemy fire.  Then they just run and hide and wait for air support to fight their battle by turning the place into rubble.  Victory is then declared because of some ridiculous indicator like "body count" lol!


    I wonder how long it will be before they come up with a "rubble count" as an indicator of triumph. 






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