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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. 1 hour ago, Thaidream said:


    the American military doesn't determine policy- that is done by the Department Of Defense; the National Security Council; and the President and his advisors.  The American military follow orders.

    It would be great if America could simply withdraw its forces from SKorea and all its weaponry but it would not be the responsible action at the moment. However, most people agree that Donald Trump needs to tone down his rhetoric and put the onus of response on NKorea.


    Those on this board who support NKorea are supporting a dictatorship run by a ruthless leader who keeps his population in poverty so he and his family can rule.In addition, the NK leader rules a regime that kills his opponents to include some in his own family. This regime counterfeits foreign currencies; sells drugs around the World; and is known to supply terrorist regimes with weapons. There is no doubt that his next step will be to provide nuclear technology to a terrorist organization and that is why he must be stopped- not by war but through sanctions and ultimately negotiation.

    The US could also fit with most of what is in your last paragraph.

  2. 22 minutes ago, Fore Man said:

    Untrue.  There are countless reports made by nK citizens who escaped the regime and its continual atrocities, making their way somewhat dangerously through China and eventually on to their new adopted homelands in far better conditions. Because NK is a closed society, we don’t learn enough about how strong of a rebellious spirit might be affecting the abused segment of the population.  Makes me wonder though. You’d think there’d be widespread discontent, ripe for fomenting revolution. 

    Yes there have been those who escaped to tell their tales but I dont think very many?  I could be wrong but I have heard of only a few.


    Very interesting thought re the apparent lack of internal opposition to Mr Kim.  Some could argue its due to fear of their brutal ruler/s.  I dont buy that.  The brutality of the French and the South Vietnamese Govt didnt lessen the drive and determination of the Viet Minh or Viet Cong,  it tended more to fuel it.   However if there was in fact any internal opposition and discontent, you would think the CIA would already be there stirring the pot.   Yes, very interesting question.

  3. 3 hours ago, baboon said:

    An understandable perspective. However ask yourself what the DPRK would have to gain from preemptively attacking the US and committing national suicide in the process. 

    Mind you it is all academic anyway. There will be no nuclear war between the two states. A good deal of the fuss is a sensationalist media stirring things up to generate revenue.

    Agreed.  Although the USA feels it needs to appear strong in front of the rest of the world just as Kim needs to do the same in front of his people which results in a lot of sabre rattling.  The only problem is if Kim or Donald are as mentally unsound as many believe.  And the military industrial complex??...I dont think they would be lobbying for a nuclear war....money could be made through reconstruction but there is much more profit to be made in a traditional war.

  4. 1 hour ago, farcanell said:

    Was it really? The post WW2 Asian version, had an arguable outcome, with further incidents perhaps discouraged by the massive worldwide response to the North Vietnamese efforts.... who’s to really say what would have happened, if there was no resistance in South Vietnam.


    in support... see;

    the malayan emergency

    the hukbalahab rebellion

    sukarnos indonesia


    the domino effect, by any other name, is a sound premise and is very apparent thruout history, where an aggressor expands his territory, one country at a time, until the aggressor is stopped


    think germanys expansion in two world wars

    think napoleon (the conquerer of the world) and the napoleonic wars

    hell... for more s**** and giggles, think of the Roman Empire...etc etc


    one by One, countries fell... a domino effect. Just because the term was coined in the 1950’s, it doesn’t make the reality wrong, or the theory incorrect.



    Yes I agree,  I am not trying to disprove the reality of the domino effect...history speaks for itself as you have clearly pointed out.  My reference was in regard to the Vietnam war where the US maintained that if the communists were not stopped in Vietnam they would proceed to take over all of Asia, through New Guinea, Australia and eventually the rest of the world including the USA.  I think that believing communism would take over in a developed country such as the USA and Australia etc is stretching the imagination a bit much.


    What would have happened if there was no resistance in South Vietnam is an interesting question indeed but I still stand by the above with regards to developed countries.

  5. 57 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

    The characterization that the 'Domino Theory' has anything to do with the Korean War; The current Korean situation or anything that has happened in Cuba; the Middle East or Libya is way off the mark.  Each situation has its own set of circumstances and World actors. Please read your History. Start with 'The Ten Thousand Day War' by Mr. Maclaren and then read 'How We Won The War' by North Vietnamese General Vo Nguyen Giap.  

    If you reread my post you will find my reference to Castro, Gaddafi and Saddam was in regard to propaganda not North Korea nor the domino theory...maybe I didnt make that clear enough. 


    I have read Maclaren's book...twice in fact it was so good.  I will look out for General Giap's.

  6. 27 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    Domino Theory?  What's that got to do with this topic?  You were wrong with the last post and off topic on this one.

    We are talking about where it all started.  It started with the US paranoia of communists taking over the world...the Domino theory.  The US interfered (again) in another country where the populace's majority wanted communism and it became the Korean War.  The US was defeated in its efforts, as they were in Vietnam, Cuba etc etc, and in response the US persecuted all these countries for years with embargoes, boycotts etc. until, in Vietnam's case, they realised they could profit from easing the persecution.  They are doing the same with Cuba today by forgetting the malice over being defeated by the Cuban communists in return for profit. 


    Now with North Korea the story is a little different.  The small weak kid stands up to the huge school yard bully by picking up a big stick to increase the odds in his favour.  The big bully counters this by making up stories about the little kid to try to get some support for its dominating behaviour.  Also dont forget the big bully also controls and manipulates the school's newsletter who in turn are cajoled or forced to disseminate the propaganda giving the little kid a really bad name (see also Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein, Castro and more).


    I hope that makes it a little easier for you.  Its all there in the history books but read widely and do keep away from any US publications/media because it seems you have read too much of that already.

  7. 54 minutes ago, digger70 said:

    Well  every one keeps stirring  up NK ....What would you do if they keep stirring you? I would do same as NK, Getting ready  to kick ass.Leave them alone. Don't stir shit ,They won't Nuke the US  unless the US starts First.

    Yeah but what about the threat of the Domino theory??  oh thats right, it was proven to be a load of rubbish (same as the Tonkin gulf incident) :cheesy::cheesy:

  8. Whenever I hear someone vociferously go out of their way to rant and rave about something I am always reminded of FBI founder J. Edgar Hoover.    Hoover was always voicing his strong opinions against gays and negros and yet it was found that as well as having negroid ancestors he was in a homosexual relationship with Clyde Tolson and like to wear bras, wigs, and fishnet stockings in private!!?? 

  9. Its called apathy.  Add to that the fact they are moslems and immediately their plight is totally ignored thanks to the USA propaganda machine.


    And the Montagnards....such a shame.  Stateless people persecuted in Vietnam because of their helping the USA during the Vietnam war....not recognised for their efforts and this is their reward.  All straight out of the CIA's bag of dirty tricks.....again!

  10. 48 minutes ago, amjamj said:

    They won't unlock it whatever is the reason.



    That is not correct.  Although it may be a different story to mine when not using your real name.


    Somebody didnt like an anti USA policy comment I made on FB and rather than confront me with an argument they reported me as using a false name which was rubbish.  I use my real name however I will not give facebook my personal info such as hometown, telephone number, age, occupation etc because FB is far to intrusive.  They locked my account and demanded my govt ID with photo to unlock.  Their excuse was it was important that my friends knew for sure it was me they were connecting with.  I replied saying I would not give my ID etc for reasons of security and privacy and therefore they have two choices:


    1. That if they  are so worried about my friends they should contact them to verify I was who I said I was. All my FB friends have met me face to face or are family etc.


    2.  That they delete my account immediately, completely, and permanently full stop!


    Over the next few days they tried several times to talk me into providing my govt ID by saying I could block out some of my personal details but I just stood firm and repeated the two choices.


    Within a week they emailed me saying my account was unlocked and I was free to log in again!!???


    You need to stand firm. 



  11. Dear members,

    Since the time that the new owners took over this site I have been increasingly dissatisfied with Thaivisa.com.  The recent addition of the adblocker detector forcing members to either twiddle their thumbs for 30 seconds or disable adblocker and put up with an unacceptable mount of rubbish adverts is the straw that broke the camels back.  I have had enough of this bullsh#t.  Less than 5 minutes of research online will show you easy ways to get around Thaivisas manipulative attempts at controlling what we view but thats missing the point.  I could  follow the smart arse comments advising not to log in, post or comment...and I will certainly do that.  However I also wish to unsubscribe from the newsletter mailing list as I no longer wish to put up with this nonsense.  There are afterall other expat sites.


    In short the purpose of this post is to ask how to unsubscribe from the mailing list but more so to voice my opinion as a form of protest which I believe all dissatisfied members should do rather than just walking away quietly.  Thank you for your time.

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