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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. 6 hours ago, Happyman58 said:

    2 days i was down at shopping plaza looking at something in shop Next minute i hear this horrible voice talking It was one of the shop assistants Now bear with me i will describe this creature  It was half man half woman wore glasses had this crazy hair set up wore lipstick and had make-up on I burst out laughing and the girl serving me said to me sssh show some respect Honestly something like that belongs in a circus as a clown I am a very liberal man and nothing that i see fazes me much but i think to myself what are these guys trying to prove?

    So she refused to give you her phone number eh??:cheesy:

  2. I remember reading an interesting article some time back (maybe on here) about a sociologist who was researching the high number of foreign, mainly western, suicides that occur in this country, mainly in Pattaya and Phuket.  He/she ascertains that a lot of guys come here, often after having 1, 2, or more failed marriages back home.  They build a resentment towards western women for reasons of having to hand over 50 or more percent of their life's work, or having to put up with the wife's "headaches" etc for years etc and see Thailand, or more to the point, submissive Thai women, as an answer to all their prayers.  However, after being here a while and getting freedom, sex whenever they want, as much to drink as their heart desires whenever they want etc etc, they realise they really arent that happier than they were at home.  This in turn often leads to more broken relationships here.  So they end up 'pulling the pin' so to speak.


    Maybe that explains why there are so many miserable bastards on here trying to raise themselves by putting others down via the "keyboard warrior" syndrome.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Lupatria said:

    Would he take the same affords if she was abusing a child, which is not uncommon here?

    Yes, the school I used to work had a load of parents come in complaining a teacher had been kiddy fiddling their children.  The director sacked the teacher but talked the parents out of involving the police.  Must protect the schools reputation....so they set him free to go and work at another school so he could continue his sexual abuse there!!

    • Sad 2
    • Thanks 2
  4. "The United States is an important source of assistance to Guatemala and Honduras, and Trump had threatened to cut off financial aid to countries that supported the U.N. resolution."


    "Morales, a former television comedian"  (as is Trump)


    "a U.N.-backed anti-corruption body in Guatemala tried to impeach him."


    A little bit of content analysis explains it all!!  Reminds me of the days of the "Coalition of the Willing" !!:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::clap2:

  5. 5 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Frankly, they have no interest in having that kind of conversation, and even if they did, would be unlikely to do anything about anything that would come from it.

    Correct, they have no interest and seem to think they know better.  An example for you is that as a teacher here for many years I was often called upon by my school to be the English MC for a show we were putting on for the parents.  One time my coordinator presented me with a typed narration of what they wanted me to present one occasion for checking.  The English was very poor so I told my coordinator I would need to edit it first, which I did on the spot, and returned it to her for retyping.  Two days later she brought it back to me looking very sheepish.  After looking at it I told her she had given me the wrong one because it look like a copy of what she had given me before my editing.  No she said to me shyly, the director had seen it and said my English was incorrect and the director had edited it herself!  This director was a Thai lady whose English abilities went little further than struggling to say "good morning"!!


    It also made me wonder why a director, who thinks my English skills so poor. would keep me employed as an English teacher for so many years?? 


  6. 38 minutes ago, Ossy said:

    'Held back' . . . how? Are you suggesting that school directors are on a different agenda to the rest of the world of education? It's hard to believe that, as you suggest, there is energy and ability literally champing at the bit to help produce brighter kids. How can school bosses and ed. depts. be putting the brakes on such teacher resources?

    I was an English KG teacher here for 10 years at a large private bilingual school.  I cant comment about govt schools.  It was very apparent to all that the directors were selected for their ability to make money and their loyalty to not swindle that money.  Education was certainly no where near the top of the school's list of priorities.  Enormous amounts of valuable learning time was wasted on the students putting on shows to impress the parents.  The main actors in these shows were always children of farang/Thai parents where the child actually learned English at home, not school.  With so much time wasted on these shows the teachers were always well behind with the books so they had to be rushed through to complete before end of semester. 


    Another waste of time "show" for the parents was colouring.  All text books and worksheets had to be coloured perfectly.  I estimate one third of teaching time was wasted on colouring.  Sure colouring is essential for hand eye coordination with the little ones but this was to the point of ridiculous.  The kids soon hated it or just scrawled to get it finished.  Eventually when test/exam time came many would fail due to this rushing and loss of learning time.  We were instructed that all shall pass so all the children who failed would have to be retested and retested until they passed.  This meant the kids had to be dragged out of other classes for the retesting thus losing valuable learning time and getting behind in other subjects.  Eventually the teachers would have no choice but to basically give the students the answers in order to pass and get back to the classroom.


    The parents are as much to blame for what went on at that school.  Because it was a private school the parents were all "hi-so".  While some parents pulled their children out after a few years many didnt and I couldnt understand it because it was so obvious the parents were not getting what they were paying for.  The Thai teachers would often explain it to me that these parents had money, their children would have jobs in the family business when they left school so they didnt care.  The one thing they did care about however was that their kids would be seen going to and fro from a hi-so school wearing a high-so uniform.





  7. 4 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

    The Isuzu caused the trouble after it had left the pub. The driver was drunk, but it was the Isuzu's fault.

    A spokesman for Isuzu Motors Ltd. apologized and said they are investigating why the pick-up left the pub. A committee has been set up.


    Incorrect.  The committee you speak of is only being set up to decide who will be on the Investigative Committee. 

  8. 8 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    As per the original post, 56,000 butts in 43 days, 1,300 butts per day.

    It is odd, I walk along that beach  couple of times a week and have never seen more than a few cig butts on the beach or footpath, Have never seen anyone counting cig butts, picking up cig butts.



    I have said 100 million times, dont exagerate.

    Get with the programme please!  This has got nothing to do with the truth, its about justifying the ridiculous penalty!!

  9. 6 hours ago, robblok said:

    I seen them clean properly on many of the islands its easier to teach someone to work properly then to invest in this Robot. Not to mention they are now talking about labor suplus problems so why give more low jobs to machines. 

    I agree but would also like to see the authorities forget about trying to impress with fancy gadgets and go back to square 1......supply some bloody rubbish bins!!  Step 2 would be put put some public awareness programs on TV.  They only need to be short commercials like we have always had in Australia with great success such as "Keep Australia Beautiful...Put it in a Bin".  They could also do the same for safety on the roads.  Thais, and particularly kids, love TV.  They are glued to it all day.  Make it a positive kind of brain washing.  But at least provide some bloody bins first <deleted>!

  10. 1 hour ago, greenchair said:

    In another thread it said a high up official made an offer to takeover the mine. Apparently he was turned down and suddenly the villagers were protesting. 

    Not sure if the same person but a Mr Chatchai Yenbamroong made a share offer, extremely low valued. He's a millionaire involved in oil. A Google search reveals some very interesting reading indeed.....it all smells a bit fishy but maybe its just me??

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