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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. 1 hour ago, Stan7444 said:

    Thank God the b***ard is finally dead. I grew up with him as the Commie off the shores of the US and with his missiles from the <deleted> Soviets 90 miles off our coast digging bomb shelters in case they were ever launched. Batista was not a good guy but far better than Castro for the people. The US was the primary source of Cuban income from sugar to cigars to rum and doing a good business, including the money from casinos, even through run by the Mob. People profited from all of this commerce and under Castro the imbargo imposed by Ike and reinforced by JFK killed their economy. Screw with the US and you will pay the price. Period!!!


    Look at all the people Castro murdered for their independent beliefs and all of the 1000s of Cubans exiled or running (boat people) in the 60s to Florida to escape his terror and murder, many who died at sea. Under Castro this Communist regime put the people down, shut down the press, killed any form of democratic discussion, and put down the Catholic religion. They exported, compliments of Che Guevara, Communism to other countries in So. America and tried but failed to do the same in Africa. They were the outcasts of the world along with So. Korea due to Castro so I spit on his grave and piss there as well. Good ridden to Fidel and soon Raul and hope they give full democracy back to the people. Trump should cut off relations that the other ba***ad Obama reestablished with Cuba until they come into the international community of nations.

    Ooouuuucchh!!  Sounds like a sore loser.

  2. 1 hour ago, hdkane said:

    Yesterday, I was approached by a university student to take a survey about Thailand. A class project. One question was, "What don't you like about Thailand?" I'm sure she expected me to say something about spicy food, but I replied that the police were too corrupt and the same as a mafia.  The girl actually looked surprised at my answer. Real question--do Thais really not know this? Or was my answer embarrassing to her, because she knows all too well the character of Thai police?

    Oh no they know the scene alright....she was probably deciding on whether to put the true response in her survey or not.  Of late my village has been suffering from a lot of burglaries but when I have asked those affected if they have contacted the police they all gave the same answer "Why?  I dont want any more problems"!!

  3. 4 hours ago, Enoon said:

    According to another source the VOA fee was raised from 1000 to 2000baht, for those 19 countries in the scheme, on 27th September 2016, and is now being reduced back to 1000baht. 


    It is the 1000baht that they would have ordinarily paid for a Tourist Visa in an Embassy/Consulate that is being waived.


    Which puts a rather different angle on their "promotion".  If it is correct.


    So it sounds more like they put the fee up but then realised their mistake so turned it all around and called it a "promotion" to save face.  Just like my old school, make a decision first and then consider the consequences later.

  4. 28 minutes ago, hyku1147 said:

    Use of marijuana can cause dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, dry or red eyes, heart and blood pressure problems, lung problems, impaired mental functioning, headache, dizziness, numbness, panic reactions, hallucinations, flashbacks, depression, and sexual problems.




    You missed the worst side affect of all................The dreaded munchies!!

  5. Could be a red flag, may not be.  Plus you cant work by one flag alone.  In my experience, my wife never says "Oh my darling" when looking at some Thai male star on TV but will do with some  farang actors eg. Harrison Ford, Liam Neeson etc.  And yes she has had a really bad relationship with a Thai man (ex husband).  At the same time I would very very rarely drool over a farang woman but Asian woman I have always been attracted to.  That is certainly not a red flag for my wife!  Its all about personal choice and not necessarily about ulterior motives.  Good luck!

  6. 48 minutes ago, 14Stevie said:

    I share the outrage of all.

    Outrage at the big, hard lad that knocked the kid to the ground.

    I share the urge to give this animal (well, he may have the biological ingredients of a human but he's not a real man hitting kids is he?) the kicking he deserves.

    I admire how quick people were on the scene and take care and protect the little lad from further violence. Whether the little lad would learn that violence is not the answer by those intervening showing such restraint is a different issue and none that anyone here could say for certain.

    However, if this happened back where I am from the bloke would have been attacked by both men and women acting purely on the viciousness of the assault. I accept maybe not a great lesson for the kid but the extreme violence would have initiated an extreme reaction.

    So were the locals here in the Land of Smiles right to show restraint?

    There will be sound and just arguments both ways - especially as such summary justice may see the little lad subject to more of the same or, heaven forbid, worse at home.

    I hope the police deal with him to the extent that he watches his ways with the kid in the future.

    I also hope (as would happen back where I am from) he is a marked man and decked at every opportunity when he dares show his face in the locality.

    Sorry if that upsets some - but you hit a defenceless kid like that you have to pay...........


    Best post Ive seen for quite a while, esp on ThiaVisa (and your first post...welcome!).  Some fine words of wisdom there...congrats.  The most response you will probably get here is complaints that you cant spell defenseless :wink:

  7. 2 minutes ago, fruitman said:


    Then it's easy to fool most of the Thai. It makes a huge difference how they treat you, try it yourself! Buy the most expensive blouse you can find (or lookalike, they can't see the price only how it looks on you), wear nice pants/shoes and they'll even open the doors for you while waiing..serious.


    You can even buy some (fake) big golden jewelry or (copy) watches to top it off...and a nice haircut of course. Keep your cellphone in the hand (put a cover around it if it's a cheapo). Some fake medals from the market on the blouse also help.


    I have one black blouse which looks very expensive but isn't and it always amazes me how the treat me when i wear it. ALL the Thai, they won't even come close to me.



    And that is how you would be sure to get a teachers job at my old school....and  how that pedophile arrested last week got teaching jobs here so easily. 

  8. 5 hours ago, webfact said:

    Facebook reiterates firm stand on users’ privacy


    1 hour ago, Honthy said:

    is this a joke?  Privacy in any social media ?:shock1:

    User's privacy excludes the NSA of course.  Weren't they caught before?  And how about those 4 or 5 Thais who were charged with lese majeste a few months ago for comments on FB but it was through private messages only?  I could be wrong and I am sure someone here will point it out if I am :wink:


    FB is far too intrusive... just think about it,they want to know everything about us, ie. real name , DOB, location, where we have been, who our friends are, what we read, our interests etc etc even what we are thinking ie "Whats on your mind".  I we volunteer it all.   J. Edgar Hoover would be rolling in his grave wishing he had access to all this information back when he was in charge..

  9. Last time my wife took one of these vans to Isaan they sat her in the first row of the back of the van.  I refused to let them take her until they moved her to the back because they put a motorbike (not tied down) in front of her knees.  I tried to explain to the driver the serious safety consequences if he had an accident or even braked suddenly.  He just shrugged his shoulders.  My wife told me best not to cause any problems because most of these vans are owned by police!!  After that I refused to let her go in one of these vans again.

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