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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. 1 hour ago, allan michaud said:

    Shame it didn't take his arm off.


    I am still confused by the Kao Yai story, where did that happen? I am one of only a handful of wildlife photographers to have ever photographed these animals in the wild and am the first to have filmed them, so I am assuming this was some sort of tourist attraction, not a wild croc near a waterfall as reported. In the wild these animals will avoid us like the plague and we are not on their menu, they are incredibly shy creatures.

    You must surely be referring only to the Siamese crocodile??

  2. 1 hour ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

    You guys were late to the party again. If the UK had folded in 1940 the Yanks would be talking German now, and don't forget you made us pay back every dollar for the "help".

    Ha ha, we, and the whole world should be thankful you turned up though...

    They arrived after the Japs and Nazis were almost exhausted and only because they didnt want to miss out on their slice of the cake.

  3. The US govt wanted to enter the war but the US people didnt.  Pearl Harbour was exactly what the govt needed in order to turn the public's opinion.  They had a pretty good idea it was going to happen:  they had earlier depth charged a mini sub near the harbour entrance and the main Jap fleet had not long disappeared but last seen heading  that way.  Whatever, its so sad that so many innocent lives were lost thinking they were there to defend their country.

  4. 1 minute ago, lungnorm said:

    Passport fees are comparable with other countries but Notarial Fees do nor exist. You just find a Notary Public and they do it for free. They are getting harder to find so a J.P. can notarise papers etc. still no fee, and yes they are getting harder to find too. Most local courthouses have one on duty and some public libraries have also along with some chemists at your local Pharmacy. 

    In Thailand?


  5. 9 minutes ago, Jim walker said:

    Sounds like the proper loving compassionate school to educate your kids as long as you understand the schools goals are not educating your child to a high standard but not losing face for the school the school is always the number one priority and importance not the child.    

    More to the point, money, and the potential to make money, is the number one priority.  I am talking private schools, I have no experience with govt schools.

  6. 2 hours ago, giddyup said:

    Nothing compared to what they do to each other. Rampant child molestation, spousal abuse, alcoholism, drug abuse etc.

    Yes youre correct, but its a symptom of the severe oppression and hopelessness they are forced to live with.  I am Australian, proudly Australian, but I am at the same time ashamed to say it is the most racist country I have ever witnessed...and I might add I lived in apartheid South Africa for nearly a year!

  7. 2 hours ago, eggers said:

    If the incident occurred as reported, hopefully the parents will follow up by contacting Police & Education dept for actions against those involved. 



    Unfortunately this will probably not happen.  The school I used to teach caught a pedophile a while back, or more correctly the parents complained after reports from their children.  Something like a dozen parents confronted the school and demanded he be sacked.  Two of the parents wanted the police brought in.  The school, along with the rest of the parents, talked these two out of reporting the guy.  Seems these parents preferred to keep fooling their friends and neighbours into believing their kids went to a very good hi-so school and the school agreed in order to not lose face.  No one seemed to care that this guy would most probably re-offend at the next school he worked because they didnt report him???

  8. Not sure related or not, but our village head showed up this morning with a form for my wife to complete.  Apparently he was visiting every residence where a foreigner resides.  The form wanted name of foreign resident, how long he/she had been living there, and whether working or not.  I asked about the forms origin, ie police, army, immigration? and was told government ie the local ampur.  I live in Isaan.

  9. 8 minutes ago, rijb said:

    Be sure to check the door frames for wood-eating pest infestation.

    All wood in and around my house I personally treated with 2 to 3 coats of Chaindrite....good stuff, doesnt kill existing bugs but prevents chewing insects attacking it.

  10. We didnt have many problems with the builders fitting our wooden doors.  They did it as mentioned previously....they built the walls around the door frame and then hung the doors.  Of course every door had to be cut/planed to size.  I think you will have this "custom" fit with any wooden doors.  I always plane off a bit more than required (especially in the dry season) because all wooden doors/windows etc will swell and jam in the wet no matter how much you seal them.


    Our problem was with the pvc/plastic? bathroom door.  Wooden doors are not a good idea for wet areas such as a Thai bathroom.  The pvc door frame had moved during the wall construction resulting in the door being too big.  You cant plane plastic doors off course but the builders assured me they could disassemble the side of the door, trim some off and put it back together with some "special" glue.  I found out too late that their "special" glue was just standard super glue!!  Needless to say the door sagged after a month or so and now needs to be lifted to close.  I cant buy a standard door to fit that size and a new one cant be modified to fit because I have found it impossible to get hold of a glue to suit.  I may have to go back to a wooden door and be vigilant about any swelling or warping.


    I strongly suggest if you are having your house built by an Isaan farmer-builder type team you need to employ yourself, or somebody else you trust, to be a full time QC checking and double checking everything.  I did and even then I still found things afterwards that were not up to scratch too late.  Good luck.

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