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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. 21 hours ago, JackThompson said:

    The check for funds-origin is done when doing a "conversion" from a Tourist-type visa to a Non-Imm Visa in-country. 

    Get your initial Non-O at a Consulate before applying for the extension-of-stay, and this is not an issue.

    If you can't get an initial Non-O in your home-country, and don't want to go to a nearby consulate for one, then you are stuck with doing a "Conversion," which requires proving the origin of the funds (among other headaches).

    It was different in my case??  I had a Non-Im B and work permit but when I finished working here I got a tourist visa In Laos and then had it converted in Bangkok to a Non-O.  My 400,000 came from savings accumulated while working here.  I was never questioned re its origin.

  2. On 12/4/2017 at 5:25 PM, victory015 said:

    They don't care whether you close account or not


    Oh they do in my experience......I have threatened this a couple of times in the past and had them jumping.


    I was in a bank just last week wanting to open a new a/c with a largish sum.  I wanted a joint a/c, one atm card, and internet banking.  The girl looked up her book of rules and said no cannot....only one name on a/c if a thai/farang marriage.  I asked if she wanted to check with her manager first because otherwise I would just go to another bank.  As leverage I had taken a copy of an online bank statement showing the balance I wanted to transfer to this new a/c.   Moments later it was all sorted out the way I wanted it.


    I have had a lot of problems with banks here over the years and theproblems could all be classified as 'being given the run around'.  A friend explained it to me that it all depends on the manager of each branch.  If he feels he has the staff to communicate with farang (ie speaking English) he will accommodate them with opening a/cs or internet banking etc.  If not, they will often just give you the run around rather than tell you the real reason.  This explains to me why one branch will do it while another branch of same bank wont.



  3. 3 hours ago, DD13 said:

    I've seen this type of vehicle loaded with youngsters, 4 standing on the tail step, music blaring from oversized speakers, traveling at speed on the 7 motorway.  Unbelievable, 

    Also more than once seen terrible driving of minivans from the allegedly top school in the area

    If you want your kids to have a chance of longevity......transport them yourself


    They are even on the roof where I am.....and they drive right past the police station without waking a soul!

  4. 11 hours ago, Thunder26 said:

    Thais are very quiet about this unfortunate accident. I was asking locals in Pathum Thani about this incident and they knew nothing. The driving norms lately are getting out of hand. Way too many inconsiderate drivers on the road and way too many aggressive, ready to kill drivers. Police must do something about it and stop this madness.

    What police??  Oh you mean those "tax" collectors in brown you see on the side of the road before midday lol!


    Up here in Isaan there is an intersection a few miles out of town where the "police" put up a road block very nearly every day, in the exact spot, at 9.00am and always disappear at midday on the dot.  Its a common joke up here that if anyone wants to hit the road drunk, unlicensed or with an illegal load etc, then you dont leave until 12.05.


    The day I got my Thai license we were on our way home and got stopped at this checkpoint.  I proudly presented my new card only to be told I had to pay 400 baht (farang price) because it expired that day.  There was a roar of laughter from the other cops when my wife explained he was looking at the issue not expiry date!!?? 


    When I got my Thai drivers license I couldnt believe you had to go to a major centre to renew it.  I told my wife that at home you can renew at your local post office or by post.  I then asked her "Are you telling me that everyone in our village has to go all the way to Udon to renew?"  "oh no" she says, "most dont have licenses, they just pay 100 baht or so to the police if they get caught.  There are no police in our village and if you need to travel you dont leave or return home until lunch time...so never a problem"!!


    I asked my brother in law one night what the solid line up the middle of the road means?...I dont know he says.  What about the broken line?.....I dont know he replies.  Where did you get your license?  Oh you just go talk to the guy that greets you at the entrance to the local traffic office car park...he can get you anything in there for 2,000 baht, and you only have to go in to have your photo taken....20 minutes and its all over lol!


    Does that answer that common question on the road as to how that maniac Thai driver in front managed to pass his driving test!

  5. 14 minutes ago, moojar said:

    When I worked in KL we used to go to a sort of outdoor restaurant for lunch we called "fried rice" - that was all they did, and it was bloody good.  


    Then one Friday there's this big rat in a spring box trap out in the sun - I guess they left it there to die in the heat.  


    I had to wonder after that what they did with the carcasses, and what was the secret taste-so-good ingredient in the fried rice?

    Our local service station does the same.  I have seen 6 or so box traps with rats in them stacked together out in the hot sun and I am sure that is not where they were set.

  6. I had a lot of experience with eliminating rats back home as I had a tackle shop with lots of things that attract rats (pollard, burley pellets etc).  Not had experience with them here (yet).  I always had better luck with poison.  Now I dont know whether it was warfarin or not but sounds like it.  It was explained to me that we all bleed internally from time to time from small scratches just as we do on the outside.  Whatever is in the poison causes a vitamin deficiency (K?), the deficiency causes the blood to stop coagulating and the rat in turn bleeds to death internally.  It can take days to work and show results.  I was led to believe it is a painless process.  The rat just gets weaker and weaker till it finds a safe place to hide where it dies.  I have found them dead inside my letterbox, gum boots, etc.  If they get into cavity walls you have a problem because you cant get the dead rat out and the stink will last a long time.


    If you do use this type of poison make sure you do not leave any dry cat or dog food around.  The dry pet food, if ingested by a poisoned rat, counteracts the poison by providing the vitamin made deficient.  I learnt the hard way...I was going through boxes of poison with no results until I discovered this and removed all dog food except at my dogs meal times.  In fact you really need to make sure all sources of food a rat can eat be removed or sealed.


    As mentioned earlier rats are very smart.  They can smell you on the poison bait or traps...always wear clean gloves.  If you are using traps lay them out for a week or so before baiting and setting them.  I was using spring traps initially but found I was only catching young rats.  Strange thing was they had been gutted??  An old experienced rat is suspicious of anything new around and will sit back and watch while a young rat goes in and is caught...he/she will then eat the stomach contents of the trapped rat.  Thats why the quick acting poison with strychnine etc doesnt work after a while, they learn!!  On the other hand, with the slow bleeding type poison as above, the older rats will see the young or very old and too weak to hunt rats come and eat the bait several times without problems.  He will then consider it safe and eat the poison himself.


    Always put your poison bait where other animals/birds etc cant get to it.  Your pet dog or cat should be ok if it does so long as it normally eats dry pet food pellets/biscuits etc (see above) but its always best to play it safe,  its a bigger threat to native animals/birds etc if they can get to it.


    Hope this helps...good luck!



  7. Firstly, I would  not buy from the USA because the shipping is always far too expensive.  Secondly, I would not buy from the USA or Amazon for reasons that are off topic here always   ; )  .  But, I do use Ebay.  Unfortunately you cannot filter out "USA" in your search on Ebay for some reason and you also have to put up with long forgotten, useless, confusing, antiquated units of measurement such as "pounds", "feet",  and "gallons"??? that 90% of the world doesnt understands anymore.  You also have to put up with a lot of misspelled English as well for some reason??


    But if you go on Ebay and find a supplier who is outside the USA, and they advertise that they will 'not ship to Thailand" , I email them direct and I usually dont have a problem getting stuff sent to Thailand.  Maybe its because I have a farang name...I really dont know.  Thats my experience.

  8. 10 hours ago, Trouble said:

    Unfortunately we have no information as to the types of problems these 100 people have had with law enforcement and the SEARAC paints a rosy picture of people with past problems. Considering the number of Cambodians who immigrated to the USA since the Vietnam War, it does not appear that the Immigration Service has specifically gone after Cambodians as such.  Seems odd to me that since SEARAC is painting a picture of long term residents many of whom came as children, why have they not applied for citizenship?  There is obviously more to the story that Huffington Post seems willing or able to investigate.  It's an article short on input from Immigration Service sources and heavy on information from SEARAC.  Each one of these people currently detained will have an immigration hearing and if Huffington Post was interested it could pursue the real truth behind why these 100 or so are deemed worthy of deportation.  The problem with most news stories today is that someone sits at a desk, googles information and does a quick interview and writes a story.  No investigative journalism these days so we are left with next to no information on which we can rely.

    Yeah but at least they repeat that "no information" so often that before long be are able to believe it:wink:

  9. 4 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

    It's a sad commentary when posters wish that a nuclear test is done over America or that America  gets a Government that is dysfunctional.  Since when does the average American deserve to be so hated?  In all my years of travel to almost 50 countries- I have never disliked a single person solely because of their Nationality. Some posters are truly bigots.

    Such posters and name callers deserve only to be ignored otherwise you lower yourself to their level.

  10. 1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

    BS.  The US population is in poverty so Trump can rule?  Seriously?  The US is counterfeiting foreign currencies?  Selling illegal drugs around the world?


    You've lost the plot.

    No benefit at all in personal attacks.  I did say "most" not all.  Usa manipulates foreign exchange (murders Gaddafi because he wanted gold for oil not US$), sells drugs to own people (not others..youre correct there...not the same...see Oliver North/Contra deal) murders own presidents, sells centrifugal parts to Iran, uranium to Russia etc etc reportedly suppling arms to ISIS etc etc etc

  11. 1 hour ago, Thaidream said:


    the American military doesn't determine policy- that is done by the Department Of Defense; the National Security Council; and the President and his advisors.  The American military follow orders.

    It would be great if America could simply withdraw its forces from SKorea and all its weaponry but it would not be the responsible action at the moment. However, most people agree that Donald Trump needs to tone down his rhetoric and put the onus of response on NKorea.


    Those on this board who support NKorea are supporting a dictatorship run by a ruthless leader who keeps his population in poverty so he and his family can rule.In addition, the NK leader rules a regime that kills his opponents to include some in his own family. This regime counterfeits foreign currencies; sells drugs around the World; and is known to supply terrorist regimes with weapons. There is no doubt that his next step will be to provide nuclear technology to a terrorist organization and that is why he must be stopped- not by war but through sanctions and ultimately negotiation.

    The US could also fit with most of what is in your last paragraph.

  12. 22 minutes ago, Fore Man said:

    Untrue.  There are countless reports made by nK citizens who escaped the regime and its continual atrocities, making their way somewhat dangerously through China and eventually on to their new adopted homelands in far better conditions. Because NK is a closed society, we don’t learn enough about how strong of a rebellious spirit might be affecting the abused segment of the population.  Makes me wonder though. You’d think there’d be widespread discontent, ripe for fomenting revolution. 

    Yes there have been those who escaped to tell their tales but I dont think very many?  I could be wrong but I have heard of only a few.


    Very interesting thought re the apparent lack of internal opposition to Mr Kim.  Some could argue its due to fear of their brutal ruler/s.  I dont buy that.  The brutality of the French and the South Vietnamese Govt didnt lessen the drive and determination of the Viet Minh or Viet Cong,  it tended more to fuel it.   However if there was in fact any internal opposition and discontent, you would think the CIA would already be there stirring the pot.   Yes, very interesting question.

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