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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. The maths is the same. One litre yields 20 litres of activated EM, 5 litres yields 100. In the purchased culture form your brew will have a shelf life of many months, just keep it out of the sun and the lid closed. Mix up as much EMA as you will need over the period of a month. Dilute that and apply as needed. Once you have it activated remember this is a culture of live organisms that need to be fed else it will die off.

    Yes the results are great and there is nothing wrong with the price.

    Mmmm ...sorry, I am a bit confused with your maths. Maybe you, or I, are missing something. Globals advice equates to a yield of 107 litres of activated EM (EMA) from 2 lts of EM base (EM1). Shes telling me to mix 2 lts EM1 + 5 lts mol. + 100 lts of water = a 107 litre brew. Therefore 1 lt EM1 yields approx. 53 lts EMA according to her, 2 1/2 times the norm?? Thanks again.

  2. I renewed mine in Sakon Nakhon two weeks ago. I got my Thai car drivers license last year, first time, by showing my International drivers lic (plus all the other paperwork as above) however both times I was told they would not accept doctors cert from a clinic, only from a hospital. After looking at my passport the lady told me I could only have one year again because I only had a 1 month 'under consideration' stamp. This was because I had only just put in my visa extension renewal (based on marriage) although it was my fourth 1 year extension. However I ended up leaving with a two year lic for some reason?? Does this mean I will never be able to get a 5 year lic because it falls due same time as my visa extension therefore each time I will only have a 1 month "under consideration" when I renew my license? Hope that makes sense.

    There is no 1 year licence now.

    All first temporary licences are now valid for 2 years.

    You can apply to renew your next licence early before you do the extension, thus avoiding the 'under consideration' situation.

    When you get the 5 year licence, the renewal date will be your birthday following the 5 year period, so it shouldn't coincide with your extension again.

    Example: My birthdate is March. I renewed my licence in April 2015. Expiry is March 2021. (5 years 10 months)

    Many thanks Faz, I will renew early next time. Do you know if lic can be renewed at any office or must it be done in Sakon Nakhon? The reason I ask is because there are offices a lot closer. The only reason I first applied in Sakon was because I have to go there for my visa extension renewal and did it while in town. I actually live in a small village in Kalasin province and would save hours by going to Udon, Khon Kaen, etc closer by to renew my DL?

  3. I am not familiar with this brand but have used a few different EM brews. The difference will be in the type of microbes used and the combination. The normal one litre bottles are "inactive" or dormant. It requires molasses and water to activate. 5 litres, who knows? The usual first step is 1,1, 18 as you stated, this is to increase the population of biology and is done anerobically. From there it is a matter of dilution with water to suit the application.

    The orginal EMRO product used to be 80 baht per litre and the "copies" about 50 baht, so I am guessing this is one of the generic brands. Not necessarily a bad thing depending on the bacteria and fungi used.

    Thanks IsaanAussie, yeah it sure looks like a generic and it was 245 baht for the 5 litres. And yes what you say makes sense, it probably depends on the type and concentration of the microbes in it. The 1:1:18 would be applicable to the "original" product. Worse comes to worse I guess I could just trial it with a small batch and see how it comes out but 100 litres sounds an awful lot of water. I am now wondering if she was confused and the 100 litres of water was the dilution after activation?

    How did you find the results after using the EM, was it worth the effort?

  4. I ALWAYS find that the ex-smokers are the biggest whingers, not the never have smoked crew. Once a smoker always a smoker I say, they whinge and whine because they still crave. I believe in quality not quantity. If have tried to give up many times and I can tell you that live is miserable craving all the time and its miserable for everyone around me....if they stick around!!

    You say that because you are weak and cannot quit. There are plenty of people who have given up the disgusting habit and don't "crave".

    Weak eh? Thanks inbangkok, you have just done a great job of proving me correct.

    Nothing has been proved. You made a very stupid statement claiming "once a smoker, always a smoker" and claim that they "whine" because they "crave". It's simply not true. It would be like me trying to "prove" they sky is not purple. I don't need to prove it...... Just look and see! Plenty of people quit smoking and never look back. It is an absurdly stupid habit to partake in....... Smells like shit, causes cancer, unhealthy for the people around you......

    You speak as if you are so proud of engaging in something so primitive at this point..... It's 2016! You actually think I dislike smoking so much because I am secretly "craving" it? Lol..... Are you smoking anything else besides tobacco?

    You said I was weak...that sounds to me like an ex smokers comment. A never has smoked wouldnt really know how hard it is to quit so probably couldnt or wouldnt comment. I said I "always find" meaning in my experience, and thats true. In my experience I havnt come across never have's that complain about it greatly. In my experience I have found ex smokers very vociferous when you light up around them. As I stated earlier I have tried to give up on many occasions, twice for a year apiece but still went back. During those periods I was the "whiner" because the first thing I noticed was the foul stench......couldnt stand it So much so that I couldnt understand how I could ever have smoked and later why I ended up back on the things. And no I am certainly not proud of it. I do still enjoy it most of the time believe it or not, I do worry about my health, and I feel ostrasized from society as a smoker.

    I didnt attack anybody in my initial post, I merely stated my experiences. You attacked me by saying I was weak....how would you know? I think every smokers addiction is different, I believe there are many different psychological reasons why some people smoke. Some say there exists an addictive gene in some of us. I have family that are addictied to different things, things that dont even get to first base with me. I dont understand how they can because those things dont do anything for me. Thats my experience. I dont understand gamblers because they always lose. I dont tell them they are weak, I feel sorry for them. I have a daughter who has a meth habit. Been on and off it for years, in and out of rehab. The most beautiful and intelligent person you could ever meet. I have never said she is weak because she certainly isnt. There is something missing obviously........who knows?

    I dont smoke anything else, no. Not now. I used to smoke a lot of the whacky backy but gave it up a long time ago.........and quite easily.

  5. Hoping someone can please help me here. I went chasing some EM-1 today and my first stop was Thai Watsadu. Only thing on the shelf was labled EM-A at 65? baht per litre. This confused me at first as I didnt think the activated product would be available off the shelf due to its short shelf life. In addition, the staff there could not tell me whether it was in fact the finished product or the base EM-1 mislabled. Having seen reference on here to EM being available at Global House I then ventured there.

    At Global House they had a product labled EM (only) but the mixing formula related to me by the sales lady was totally different to what my research from the internet had led me to believe. She stated a ratio of 2 parts EM, 5 parts molasses, and 100 parts water. A few sites I had looked at online had said 1 EM, 1 mol. and 18 litres of water to make up a 20 litre brew??

    I have attached a photo of the product I purchased from Global and am hoping someone out there has had some experience with it and can advise me. I would like to use it in my new fish pond to condition the water before adding fish plus use some in the new vege garden. Many thanks in advance.


  6. I ALWAYS find that the ex-smokers are the biggest whingers, not the never have smoked crew. Once a smoker always a smoker I say, they whinge and whine because they still crave. I believe in quality not quantity. If have tried to give up many times and I can tell you that live is miserable craving all the time and its miserable for everyone around me....if they stick around!!

    You say that because you are weak and cannot quit. There are plenty of people who have given up the disgusting habit and don't "crave".

    Weak eh? Thanks inbangkok, you have just done a great job of proving me correct.

  7. I renewed mine in Sakon Nakhon two weeks ago. I got my Thai car drivers license last year, first time, by showing my International drivers lic (plus all the other paperwork as above) however both times I was told they would not accept doctors cert from a clinic, only from a hospital. After looking at my passport the lady told me I could only have one year again because I only had a 1 month 'under consideration' stamp. This was because I had only just put in my visa extension renewal (based on marriage) although it was my fourth 1 year extension. However I ended up leaving with a two year lic for some reason?? Does this mean I will never be able to get a 5 year lic because it falls due same time as my visa extension therefore each time I will only have a 1 month "under consideration" when I renew my license? Hope that makes sense.

  8. but a substantially higher proportion of Muslims are involved in and/or support terror compared with practitioners from the great religions of the world (or none).

    Its not true. Statistically speaking Muslims are under represented in the world of terrorism.

    Could you please post a link to substantiate your statement?

    Hey hang on, looking at the above one would think I made that ridiculous statement, I didnt, I was quoting a preposterous statement made previously, hence the bold...see post #67 to clarify....please!

  9. its only a matter of time. been thinking this for years now.

    Yesterday about 30 muslim men travelled over the border into Laos. No women, No children. Not a family trip then. Why? Stag do maybe? Or are they mobilising their troops? Sadly it is so easy for them to buy the weapons they rely on here and get travel documents.I wonder how quick the police and army will respond when it kicks off.

    Just because 30 muslim men go on holiday does not make then terrorists. The whole comment is racist and childish, so I hope it was intended as a joke.

    Muslims are not a 'race' therefore the comment cannot be racist, Of course the whole world is alert to Islamic terror in the wake of the constant Islamic terror attacks of recent years. Not all Muslims are terrorists of course, but a substantially higher proportion of Muslims are involved in and/or support terror compared with practitioners from the great religions of the world (or none).

    a substantially higher proportion of Muslims are involved in and/or support terror ???? This is a joke right? You are being sarcastic? You couldnt be serious, surely?? I mean you can type, you can spell, so surely...... Yeah ok, you sucked me in, but only for a minute haha!

  10. Individual situations involving barking or growling dogs usually is a territorial issue and not as threatening as it may seem. Calmly walking on without any major reaction will usually suffice. The stick in hand may make you feel more secure but raising it will only aggravate. Do avoid looking directly at the dogs eyes but look past it as if looking at something directly behind it. That way you can still observe its movements. If you have fear the dog will know (smell) it anyway and may become more aggressive in noise but not necessarily in action. Some dogs simply have a regular habit of demonstrating but not much more.

    But do avoid dogfights or dog packs in your path.Totally unpredictable scenario.

    If unfortunate enough to actually get bitten the norm is a series of precautionary rabies vaccine shots. If possible you should make all best attempts to identify the "owner" and demand compensation.

    Recent laws introduced in Thailand related to the general issues around dogs have yet to be brought home to the minds of many dog "owners".

    In some areas it has already decreased the number of roaming dogs and from my observation increased their overall health condition. Sadly the concept of taking genuine responsibility for bad behaviour of dogs and male children is almost equally denied or ignored too often.

    My wife was bitten a couple of months ago riding a motorbike past a house in our village, right opposite the markets. The owner couldnt deny the fact as the dog has a bad reputation having bitten several people previously...he just keeps paying the medical bills!! I'd like to wring his neck.... the owner that is! (There is no such thing as a bad dog,,,only bad owners IMHO)

  11. Should not have had access to guns...

    No saying they would not have found another way to end it.


    But there's something kind of messed up that 15 year old's have easy access to guns.

    Sounds pretty heavy to me....better go out and buy some more guns....and some for the kids while I am at itwhistling.gif

    But seriously, this is really sad. We have all done regrettable things when we were younger...these girls sadly wont have the chance to regret...RIP

  12. Carry a pocket knife

    Absurd. A stick is the best defensive weapon there is. Especially for dogs. Why would you want to get close enough to the animal to cut it? Even against a knife a stick is a far better defense than another knife. Of course, the recommended defense against a knife is your feet -- run as fast as you can.

    I think you are getting carried away here, I mean how many dogs carry knives??wink.png

  13. This is my experience. Been around dogs most of my life so I dont fear them, I like them and I respect them. As I dont fear them I dont really notice them and they leave me alone. Been here 13 years and never had a problem. Dogs sense fear and in the wild a frightened animal can react both ways...run away or strike out of fear. I knew a wimp yank who lived in same building as me who wouldnt leave the building if dogs were outside. He would wait for hours for them to leave or for someone to escort him, before going to work. They would growl and bark at him everytime.......because he was shit scared of all dogs. These same dogs I would walked by and they wouldnt even raise their heads from licking their dicks I have found that 99% of the time dogs ignore me but on private property thats a different matter. Be careful as they are protecting their masters property.

    Carrying a stick or rock?....mmm be careful. Sometimes it works but sometimes it provokes them to attack because you are acting aggressively. I know its an easy thing to say but try to handle your fear of them. Good luck.

  14. I ALWAYS find that the ex-smokers are the biggest whingers, not the never have smoked crew. Once a smoker always a smoker I say, they whinge and whine because they still crave. I believe in quality not quantity. If have tried to give up many times and I can tell you that live is miserable craving all the time and its miserable for everyone around me....if they stick around!!

  15. Reminds me of a situation some years ago when I was teaching English for a large school chain in Bangkok. We had some showy function on for the parents, I forget now, Open day, Christmas, Sports day?? I forget. Anyhow my coordinator (Thai) came to me and asked me to be English MC for the occasion and handed me a speech I was to read which had been written by the principal/school director (Thai) and asked me to check it. It was atrocious so I edited it on my laptop and handed it back. On the day, just before I was to stand at the podium, my coordinator again handed me the speech and I was dumb-founded on checking it, to see it had been changed back. My coordinator, noticing the look on my face, shrugged her shoulders shyly and informed me that the principal had changed it back again because the English wasnt correct!! In 10 years at that school I had never heard that principal utter a word of English apart from good morning.....even in the afternoon!!

  16. Maybe KingPower and security had something going for Valentines Day but I can tell you I tried to buy whiskey in Kings last year and the shop attendant actually asked me where I was going. When I said Australia I was told I couldn't take it on the plane because of Australian regulations.

    If you do take photos just make sure everybody is pointing in the same direction or they are considered invalidwink.png

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  17. Hi everyone! I had a devil of a time finding the Ocean Fish Shop in Udon Thani so thought I might post some location information here to help others. Most of the info on this site is dated and I could only find their old address. The shop sells a wide range of aquarium and pond fish, tanks, pumps, and accessories etc and the woman running the shop is very helpful and speaks passable english. They are on Sri Chomchuen road almost directly opposite the front gates of the PEA (Provincial Electricity Authority) Office. It is a pink shop with loads of aquariums in the windows but is difficult to see driving by. Their telephone number is 0422 46890. I have attached a scan of their business card for your assistance (Thai only).

    I have no association with this shop apart from being a satisfied customer and one who experienced a lot of stress trying to locate them.


  18. They are delicious!! I have been trying to get someone to post me some seeds from Australia.. As a kid most old houses in my area always had a loquat and a mulberry tree (and I knew where they all were hahaha). I think this is a very good fruit to develop as they did with the kiwi fruit. The seeds are big and plentiful as Rice555 states above. The skin can be a bit leathery and marks easily(not a perfect appearance) but the flesh is worth it. The trees as a kid grew almost wild/untended but the quantity of fruit per tree was impressive (I could jump a fence and be back with an armfull in two minutes!!). I read somewhere that the seeds must not dry out in transit or they will fail to germinate, so some care/speed may be needed when posting. Good luck.

  19. Hi everyone. I am a newby with PlaDuk and need some help. Concrete tank 3 mt x 2 1/2 mt, water level 40 cm. About 350 fingerlings (about 125mm.) Although we had some initial problems losing about 10 fish a day thru some bacterial disease, after a salt treatment suggested by Udon Fisheries office we have not lost any. Fish look healthy, eat like they havnt been fed for weeks but after feeding there is always a dozen or so that float lethargically with the heads up and whiskers just on the surface?? First we thought it was bloating from the small commercial floating pellets and it was suggested that I soak the food first (about 10 mins). Still having the same results. Saw something on here yesterday about "head float" but it didnt give any details and today I cant find that same post. By the way I do a 50% water change twice a week. The water comes from the next moobarn and I am told it is untreated and comes from a 90 meter bore. This water appears very clean but does have a lot of minerals judging from the salts that build up on the bathroom fittings, tiles etc. Anybody have any ideas??

    Thanks in anticipation.

  20. Yep bondcrete gets painted on the old surface.

    Yes it does, but you can add to mortar to make stronger and help it stick when applying bagging to brickwork

    You can mix it in with the concrete when constructing a water tank or fish pond to make it waterproof. You can also finish same by brushing on two coats of a paint comprised of bondcrete, fine sand and cement (cant remember if you add water or not??). Did a fish pond, as above, a while back and10 years later still no leaks or cracks

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