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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. I did my third "marriage" extension at Sakon Nakhon last week,your wife must go with you to sign a declaration but you don't need a witness.

    2 copies of everything as well as the original documents where possible:

    Form TM7

    Passport id page


    Departure card

    Previous extension stamp

    Marriage cert. and registration sheet ( this shows the signatures of you and wife,witness and registrar)

    Bank letter dated the day that you are applying

    Bank passbook updated to the date that you are applying

    Wife blue book

    Wife id card

    Letter from village head + id card

    Map of village with your house marked

    4 Photo's of you/wife around the house ( 1 showing the address) you need 2 sets of these

    2 passport type photo's of yourself ( obviously!)

    The marriage certificate and signature sheet are double sided so make sure the copies are the same i.e on a single sheet of paper.

    It helps if you fill in both TM 7 forms and seperate the documents into 2 sets

    The outcome: Thanks Jim, I followed your much appreciated list and everything went smoothly. The only thing I did differently was to include copies of every page of my passport. The only ones they tossed out were the stamps immigration transferred to my new book when I renewed my passport quite some time back. They requested nothing more bar the hint that I buy him lunch plus a jacket like the one I was wearing.....yeah right!! Thanks again Jim.

  2. Just a question for my own interest.

    Why is a letter from the village head required and what does it say in the letter.

    Is this something for small villages as i live in Phuket and i never heard of it.

    Seems the village head is a "credible" witness to confirm you are known or seen as a couple in the village. The letter simply states the head knows you as a couple living together and for how long. Guess it counters those who are only seen together at visa renewal timewhistling.gif

  3. I did my third "marriage" extension at Sakon Nakhon last week,your wife must go with you to sign a declaration but you don't need a witness.

    2 copies of everything as well as the original documents where possible:

    Form TM7

    Passport id page


    Departure card

    Previous extension stamp

    Marriage cert. and registration sheet ( this shows the signatures of you and wife,witness and registrar)

    Bank letter dated the day that you are applying

    Bank passbook updated to the date that you are applying

    Wife blue book

    Wife id card

    Letter from village head + id card

    Map of village with your house marked

    4 Photo's of you/wife around the house ( 1 showing the address) you need 2 sets of these

    2 passport type photo's of yourself ( obviously!)

    The marriage certificate and signature sheet are double sided so make sure the copies are the same i.e on a single sheet of paper.

    It helps if you fill in both TM 7 forms and seperate the documents into 2 sets

    Thanks a lot Jim for your very detailed response. I imagine they gave you an "under consideration" stamp and you have to go back in a month?

  4. My 12 month Non O extension based on Thai wife is due end of this month and as I live in Kalasin I have to go to Sakhon Nakhon. This will be my second extension at Sakhon and I am wondering what documentation etc will be required...ie different to last year. Last year I had to take a witness, his documentation, plus a letter and ID documentation from the village head here. As I live 3 hours from the SN office I am therefore trying to avoid any extra trips due to inadequate paperwork etc so any recent experiences would be greatly appreciated.

  5. if you buy the paint don't give it all to them at once cos they will steal some tins of paint and say we make 2 coats already. good luck with these people.

    im sick off the thais trying to rip me off, I try to tackle as many jobs myself as I can with the help of a girlfriend

    I am the same as you, getting so sick and tired of the continual attempts at rip offs. I would do it myself but a: a hopeless handyman and b. suffering sever back problems. c. two storey house..

    Have been out pricing paint this morning and have just got a call from one painter who will do it for 120bht sq.mt. I have roughly calculated 220sq.mts. (I take out glass sliding doors x4 and some more for windows). Still comes in about 26k.bht for labour.

    Just working on the paint costs at the moment.

    Dont worry about taking the windows and doors out of the equation as unless you have them fully masked up they will get painted as welltongue.png I just had some walls built up here in Isaan and when they had almost finished painting I noticed some cement spatters that had been thrown up by having the cement mixer too close to an existing wall. I asked if they wouldnt mind throwing a bit of paint on the splashes and I think that is exactly what they did. There was paint all over some ornamental rocks nearby and so much paint on some nearby plants they had stuck to the wall. I have learnt that when you have some small job rectified it is a lot easier to do it yourself. I am not knocking Thai builders but after dealing with four different building teams over the last year I have come to realise that while they try they just dont know what a good job is.

    Some suggestions if I may.. My experience is that Isaan builders dont like using roller trays. They like to dip the rollers into the buckets which I have found consumes way too much paint. More paint on the walls is good but not when you have to drive two hours to buy more Dulux because they have run out early. Not using trays also means they decanter the paint into smaller containers and dont put the leftovers back in the original containers. The result at the end of the day is half a dozen containers of paint in buckets with various labels and no-one knows what is what...especially in my case where I had nearly all white eg flat white ceiling paint and semi-gloss white external wall paint. Also recommend a primer of a different shade or a tint as someone suggested so it is easy for them to see where they have been...again especially if you are painting white.

  6. I made a decision to buy a lottery ticket and I didn't win. Can the government compensate me for my bad financial decision.

    That was my first thought too. Its all a gamble and sometimes you lose. I do feel sorry for some of the farmers as its there only source of income but you win some you lose some. At the same time it seems crazy for the Govt to contract to sell to the Chinese at 60 baht which can only drive the price down.

    How can a contract to sell at 60 baht per kilo drive the price down - it is currenlty at about 35 baht per kilo. Please enlighten me as I fail to understand your logic.

    Sorry, my bad. I am guilty of that which I often complain where someone comments before reading or understanding the whole post. I misunderstood the current farm price as 60. Apologies for the confusion.

  7. I made a decision to buy a lottery ticket and I didn't win. Can the government compensate me for my bad financial decision.

    That was my first thought too. Its all a gamble and sometimes you lose. I do feel sorry for some of the farmers as its there only source of income but you win some you lose some. At the same time it seems crazy for the Govt to contract to sell to the Chinese at 60 baht which can only drive the price down.

  8. Is this visible anywhere else?

    Yes, anywhere in the northern hemisphere.

    In Thailand look a little bit North of East

    Gemini rises about 20:30 and will be almost overhead at 01:00 in the morning.

    But I'm a Pisces?

    What time should I get up to see it?

    I doubt from your comments that you are capable of telling the time....when the big hand is.........oh never mind, have another drink.

  9. Reminds me of the good ole days in Oz. We were group punished by being made to sit on the sun-hot tar of the playground... if you tried to lift a buttock off for relief, you were ordered to sit straight. And then there was the time at Sydney Boys High when the teacher caned the whole class for misbehaving while he had stepped out because he couldn't be bothered trying to separate the good from the bad. His nickname among us was 'Black George' for how he left your hands after a sixer (a six-times caning). That was in the dark ages of the 1970s though....

    Me too but it was a religious school in the States and the brothers were returned GI's from WWII with psychological disorders.

    Me as well, in the 60"s, they were Christian Brothers (they dont really deserve capitals but there you go). They werent veterans from WW2 that I know of but think they were selected purely because of their cruel, twisted, psychological disorders because there weren't any at all that were sane!

  10. I used to work as a teacher for a large bilingual chain that starts with an "S" and daily saw the heads (always old spinsters with "S": vinegar tits) line the late students up to shame them in front of the whole school. I used to feel so sorry for them because 90% of these students were driven to school by their parents!! They were late because of their parents!!. Did the school ever say a word to the parents??? Not on your Nelly, we dont want to upset the customers! In the same way I would have parents complain about their child's test results but mentioning the fact that their child missed the first period every day was irrelevant!!

  11. Note to terrorists and would be terrorists.. no body promise you a rose garden, you knew

    very well what are the risks associated with those terrorist actives, we see you on Al-Jazeera

    looking so smug and macho walking around with the ninja outfits and tone of emmo and guns,

    now take it like the piece of crap that you're,

    just say thanks to your Allah the Israelis didn't interrogate you...

    Your post reflects badly on you and maybe attitudes like yours are the reason USA is targeted in the first place.

    Why do you constantly make excuses and justifications for terrorists and try to demonize anyone trying to stop them? bah.gif

    The problem is the USA has found their techniques come back to haunt them. The orange jump suits and public torture have taken on a new dimension in the ISIS terrorists using similar tactics but with the added horror of beheading American and other captives.

    Let us not forget Bush ,Rumsfeld and Cheney started all this and have unleashed a massive hornets nest.

    Everywhere the USA goes with their crazy foreign policy they leave a mess in their wake.

    Iraq,Afghanistan and fomenting the overthrow of Libya plus the huge drug industry in Latin America.

    Can someone please show me a US foreign policy success in the last forty years?

    "Can someone please show me a US foreign policy success in the last forty years?"

    Yes easy, US foreign policy was successful in making an awful lot of money for the Bush/Cheney gang.

    • Like 1
  12. If it smells like a terrorist, acts like a terrorist, looks like a terrorist, torture it as a terrorist. You can always say your sorry later. If one life was saved by doing this I am all for it. Screw the Democratic liberals.

    Apparently not even one life was saved. But at least one prisoner was tortured to death.


    "Regular beatings, slamming detainees against walls, soaking them in cold water, ice baths, extended periods of sleep deprivation – lasting for one month in one case – confining them to small spaces and even threatening them repeatedly with death while in custody, were among the methods used to try to make detainees talk. At least three detainees were told their families would be killed if they didn’t co-operate."
    ...more disturbing account in the link. The hypocrisy of the home of the brave and land of the free is astounding.

    Makes you wonder who the terrorists really are.

    "Makes you wonder who the terrorists really are." ??? The report clearly shows who the real terrorists are.......the good ol USA 'protecting' the world again (and making a few bucks on the side for a mere few).

  13. < Deleted>

    Haha, nanny state, I feel sorry for those who live in australia, it seems that after everything I've read about the country that they have almost no personal freedom there, authorities own you there.

    Or to put it another way, you've never read anything about Australia.

    This morning i left from the Marina and headed about 7 nautical miles to sea North East of Palm Beach- we spotted a Pod of Dolphins , just before sunrise .

    Headed back through Pittwater…… the water sparkled and i took this Photo at about 1030am.

    Went for a swim at Whale beach , and ate lunch and went home for an afternoon sleep with my wife.

    As usual on my day off i picked up daughter from school and we later watched a big storm roll in from the west.

    Australia is a very beautiful large country.

    Its incredible to be so free and blessed as all Australians know.

    The Government here do make you wear helmets , you do need a boat license, and maybe there isn't those freedoms.

    But it is a good country , and thats not hype

    Nice one Fred Flinstone, you have just given too much away there, next thing you know it will be contaminated by some of these TV whingers, the whinging poms were bad enough.

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  14. Well I am surprised about all the negativity directed here towards Prayut, I for one think the man is doing an excellent job and has a very difficult task ahead of him. A job that should have been done by a multitude of leaders before him. Most of the problems in this country are either due to the lack of action by previous leaders or that they were too active in stuffing theirs and their cronies pockets. Still what else but negativity could you expect from most on this site.

  15. They all live next door......I'm currently having 2 meter plus walls built all around....builders laughed when I said I wanted broken glass cemented on the tops of the walls.

    Actually they are not so bad, makes my wife happy they are close and they basically leave me alone apart from the need to borrow a grand or two now and again but always pay me back.

  16. I had the same problem many years ago. Good sperm count but 75% dead or deformed. Went to many specialists and had many varied treatments....no success. Years later was recommended to a specialist whose first request was for me to drop my trousers. Realised then that he was the first to actually have a look at me physically....odd I thought, is he unsure that I actually have a shooter? "You are carrying too much fluid in your scrotum". The short story is many men suffer physical strain in different ways. One is a hernia, but another, according to him 1 in ten men suffer from it, is the strain causes the blood vessels in your ball bag to get bigger and therefore more blood. More blood = more heat = sperm killed or deformed. Also more weight so more strain and so on. Had a very simple operation called a "varicoseal" not sure on that spelling but its basically related to varicose (but they dont go black and blue kind in old ladies legs haha) It entails them cutting and tying off a vein in your "mound of venus). Your balls will swell like a cricket ball, you will have three balls for a while but after a few weeks the blood in the expanded vein (like an elastic band around your thumb) will go down and you are back in action. I no sooner recovered from the op and my wife fell pregnant.

    Looking back I recall that my balls never rode up in the cold weather, they never got cold. You may also notice some discomfort down there, I ended up not wearing jocks for a while. My suggestion to you is that if they havent checked them out yet, get a doctor to physically check you out

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